Is there a way to get the brake lights to work sans PP


Club Staff
I'm running a frugal VR setup. Most tracks are ok to get 75+ fps, but the Sunday 'big grid' races are proving a bit taxing and I ended up turning everything to minimum/off except a tiny sliver of AA at Monza to stop me causing frame skipping carnage into T1

Honestly, I didn't really notice all that much in the actual race. Maybe had to adjust to different brake markers? I actually thought it looked crisper so I'm going to stick with it as the stable fps was pure bliss

The only thing I really miss are the brake lights. Is there a way to get these to work without using PP?
I found this PP filter which helps a bit...

…but think I am on a hiding to nothing trying to get them working without a PP
I found this PP filter which helps a bit...

…but think I am on a hiding to nothing trying to get them working without a PP

Have you looked into 'simplePP off'?
The best solution I found is under "Particle FX" in custom shader patch you will find a setting for brake trail lights. Normally they give those long streak break lights but if you dial down the length slider it is possible to get a very visible small red blob appear on top of the lights when they brake. You have to play with the length to get it just right. Too long and it looks silly, too short and you won't see anything.
Thanks @Flibbberflops ! Whilst I could not quite get the lights to work as you suggested, it made me double check I had turned off all the CSP options and I had missed some. Turning those off and then re-enabling the minimum PP gets the FPS to a reasonable level at T1 with a 36 car field