Hmm, I rarely run into bugs in rF2. It's been very reliable for me.Emery, can you point out one of ISI releases which don`t have huge number of bugs? It is one thing to release half done content but totally different story to show some craftsmanship and release content when it is proper done.
Please don`t use that fanboy excuse that ISI is a small company so many years of development there must be some other reason.
It runs very reliably for me too. The few bugs I have encountered have not been game breaking, and usually, like Gijs said, the bugs are caused by 3rd party stuff, like plugins, or stuff I have accidentally messed up myself, JSON tweaks etc.
As for the schedule, nothing seems to have changed in the slightest, looking at the list of released builds and content. Builds keep coming out at a regular pace, same with content, all top notch stuff. Older content gets more and more refined, we see brand new content too, builds that bring more and more features, big and small improvements.
So msportdan, what exactly prompted you to start this thread, if I may ask?
Just wondering is there lack of staff or is it coming out of beta, time of year or what?!
Reasons for them to not use the latest build are irrelevant for normal use.Lol, VEC and other serious leagues did not use latest builds in 2014-2015, why ?
Answer: Unstabil builds with loads of bugs.
Reasons for them to not use the latest build are irrelevant for normal use.
May i ask you again. What bugs do you have?
can you point out one of ISI releases which don`t have huge number of bugs?
Don't you have bugs yourself?You don`t have to ask from me about bugs.