Issue with TRANSFAGARASAN Traffic mod

Hey Yall,

I posted this in the Mod threads, but thought I might get better luck here.

I just downloaded this mod and I love it. However, I also got the traffic mod and I can't seem to get it to work.

Each time I've tried, it loads up and plunges me into a black hole with a broken car. I noticed that the in the instructions, it says to choose up to 46 AI cars at 100%, then you get the opportunity to choose whether they abide by the speed limit (slow AI) or not (fast AI). I'm not seeing those options at all.

What am I doing wrong? I extracted the zip file into my main Assetto folder. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks very much.
Traffic mods always require you to start a race. Anything else like practice or weekend will fail. The way these work is by placing grids at "random" spots along the track thus giving the impression that the track is fully populated.
Selecting race should work. Good luck!

Edit: I just re-read your post and it seems like you might have copied the files to the wrong place. Not sure. Basically what you're copying are different layouts of an existing track so they need to be put in the tracks folder. If everything is good you should be able to select the "traffic layout" for the given track. Then start a race on that layout.
Yup, I got it figured out. Thanks very much for the reply.

I'm probably dense, but I didn't understand from the instructions that I was supposed to dump the content folder into the root AC folder. It's not terribly clear for a doofus like me.

Thanks for looking out.