Jaguar X-Type Version 2.0

  • Tiberius


My comment about bumpstops, I think you misunderstood me...I didn't mean to imply that they're just lumps of rubber glued on just for fun by the guy who designed the car, all I was saying was that most road cars (at least all the cars I've owned) the bump stops have been dense blocks of rubber bolted to the underside of the chassis, kinda like a last resort buffer to stop the suspension from hammering on the underside of the chassis when it bottoms don't go anywhere near them in normal driving so they wouldn't affect the handling of the car at all in normal conditions. But what the hell would I know? :frown:

Like I said before, I appreciate anything which helps me make the car better. I just think it would kill you to have to say anything at all positive about my work.. :smile:
Actually, I mentioned some of the positive features that stood out for me in my first post on the matter, guess that makes me sort of an undead now. In any case, I don't ponder around too much on stuff that is obvious you know already and have been doing well for quite some time. I'd rather give feedback on things that could be improved perhaps, no obligations of course.

Yes, I have an ATI card

Thu Nov 26 20:13:53 (INFO): [noqapp/1932] --- application start ---
Thu Nov 26 20:13:53 (INFO): [noqapp/1932] 1 processor(s); setting affinity to 0x1
Thu Nov 26 20:13:53 (INFO): [racer/1932] Racer version: 0.8.6 (Nov 6 2009/11:36:14) - customer: Internet
Thu Nov 26 20:13:54 (INFO): [racer/1932] WorldRenderer: you have an ATI graphics card (ATI Technologies Inc.). Working around some long-term bugs.
Thu Nov 26 20:13:54 (INFO): [racer/1932] Physics engine: NEWTON
Thu Nov 26 20:14:13 (INFO): [racer/1932] Audio: setting speakermode to 2 (stereo, system default is stereo)
Thu Nov 26 20:14:18 (ERR ): [racer/1932] DFBOTexture: multisampled FBO's not supported on your card; setting samples to 0 (renderer.motion_blur.samples)
Thu Nov 26 20:14:18 (INFO): [racer/1932] --- application start ---
Thu Nov 26 20:14:29 (ERR ): [racer/1932] QInfo(data/cars/ford_scorpio_td/car.ini); more '}' brackets than '{' near line 584
Thu Nov 26 20:14:29 (ERR ): [racer/1932] QInfo(data/cars/ford_scorpio_td/car.ini); more '}' brackets than '{' near line 612
Thu Nov 26 20:14:29 (ERR ): [racer/1932] QInfo(data/cars/ford_scorpio_td/car.ini); more '}' brackets than '{' near line 641
Thu Nov 26 20:14:29 (ERR ): [racer/1932] QInfo(data/cars/ford_scorpio_td/car.ini); more '}' brackets than '{' near line 670
Thu Nov 26 20:14:29 (ERR ): [racer/1932] QInfo(data/cars/ford_scorpio_td/car.ini); more '}' brackets than '{' near line 698
Thu Nov 26 20:14:29 (ERR ): [racer/1932] QInfo(data/cars/ford_scorpio_td/car.ini); more '}' brackets than '{' near line 726
Thu Nov 26 20:14:29 (ERR ): [racer/1932] QInfo(data/cars/ford_scorpio_td/car.ini); more '}' brackets than '{' near line 754
Thu Nov 26 20:14:29 (ERR ): [racer/1932] QInfo(data/cars/ford_scorpio_td/car.ini); more '}' brackets than '{' near line 784
Thu Nov 26 20:14:29 (ERR ): [racer/1932] QInfo(data/cars/ford_scorpio_td/car.ini); more '}' brackets than '{' near line 812
Thu Nov 26 20:14:29 (ERR ): [racer/1932] QInfo(data/cars/ford_scorpio_td/car.ini); more '}' brackets than '{' near line 840
Thu Nov 26 20:14:37 (WARN): [racer/1932] DGPUShaderManager:MakeObject( can't create CG fragment shader program
Thu Nov 26 20:14:37 (WARN): [racer/1932] DGPUShaderManager: [data/renderer/shaders_hdr/] CG ERROR : "The compile returned an error."
Thu Nov 26 20:14:37 (WARN): [racer/1932] data/renderer/shaders_hdr/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float3" to "float"
data/renderer/shaders_hdr/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/renderer/shaders_hdr/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/renderer/shaders_hdr/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float3" to "float"
data/renderer/shaders_hdr/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
(0) : error C6003: Arithmetic instruction limit of 64 exceeded; 65 arithmetic instructions needed to compile program
Thu Nov 26 20:14:39 (FATAL): [racer/1932] DGPUShaderManager:MakeObject( can't create CG fragment shader program
I had noted after downloading it that I had to upgrade to version 0.8.8 to get rid of the CG errors. (before I was using 0.8.6)
Ugh. It has 70 "instructions" and I can only accomidate 64.

Thu Feb 18 17:31:19 (INFO): [noqapp/2024] --- application start ---
Thu Feb 18 17:31:19 (INFO): [noqapp/2024] 1 processor(s); setting affinity to 0x1
Thu Feb 18 17:31:19 (INFO): [racer/2024] Racer version: 0.8.8 (Dec 24 2009/13:46:55) - customer: Internet
Thu Feb 18 17:31:19 (INFO): [racer/2024] WorldRenderer: you have an ATI graphics card (ATI Technologies Inc.). Working around some long-term bugs.
Thu Feb 18 17:31:19 (INFO): [racer/2024] Physics engine: NEWTON
Thu Feb 18 17:31:20 (ERR ): [racer/2024] DFBOTexture: multisampled FBO's not supported on your card; setting samples to 0 (renderer.motion_blur.samples)
Thu Feb 18 17:31:20 (INFO): [racer/2024] --- application start ---
Thu Feb 18 17:31:20 (INFO): [racer/2024] Audio: setting speakermode to 2 (stereo, system default is stereo)
Thu Feb 18 17:31:27 (WARN): [racer/2024] DGPUShaderManager:MakeObject(data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ can't create CG fragment shader program
Thu Feb 18 17:31:27 (WARN): [racer/2024] DGPUShaderManager: [data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/] CG ERROR : "The compile returned an error."
Thu Feb 18 17:31:27 (WARN): [racer/2024] data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float3" to "float"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float3" to "float"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
(0) : error C6003: Arithmetic instruction limit of 64 exceeded; 70 arithmetic instructions needed to compile program
Thu Feb 18 17:31:31 (FATAL): [racer/2024] DGPUShaderManager:MakeObject(data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ can't create CG fragment shader program
CG ERROR : "The compile returned an error."
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float3" to "float"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float3" to "float"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
(0) : error C6003: Arithmetic instruction limit of 64 exceeded; 70 arithmetic instructions needed to compile program
Thu Feb 18 17:31:31 (WARN): [racer/2024] QObjMgr: object 'data/images/rain01.tga' still around with 1 reference(s)
Thu Feb 18 17:31:31 (WARN): [racer/2024] QObjMgr: object 'data/images/snow.tga' still around with 1 reference(s)
Thu Feb 18 17:31:31 (WARN): [racer/2024] QObjMgr: object 'data/images/loading.jpg' still around with 1 reference(s)
Thu Feb 18 17:31:31 (WARN): [racer/2024] QObjMgr: object 'data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/' still around with 1 reference(s)

Any way this shader can be simplified?
Hmm, I think last time I tried a more recent Racer version it just.. couldn't handle it.. whatsoever. Shame, I like 083 :/
  • Tiberius

Sorry guys, nothing I can do about the shaders I'm afraid, :frown:. If your hardware doesn't support the functions the only way is to use simpler shaders.

I did try and get a non-cg version working but I'd have to literally rebuild most of the car, too many bugs + errors. If you want advice on getting it working on older hardware I'll help if I can.

Cosmo: No offence intended, sometimes things rub me up the wrong way for no reason. It's just putting that effort in and then having a gazillion things pointed out, I try my best, sometimes it's not enough I suppose.

Dave, anything you can update is welcome, the tyres you did for the Scorpio still feel great to me..the rest of the car is crap but the tyres handle nice :smile:
8500GT 512Mb runs it brilliantly. (although I have developed a different problem..)

£40 new according to google. :thumbsup: Although just go get a 9500GT 1Gb!!
  • Tiberius

8500GT 512Mb runs it brilliantly. (although I have developed a different problem..)

£40 new according to google. :thumbsup: Although just go get a 9500GT 1Gb!!

What's the framerates like on the 8500? That car is wasteful of detail, you don't want to know the poly count, believe me :-X

My old 7800 ran most things CG but ran into problems with the Capri (50k polies, some big textures) and anything else that used a few 2048x2048 textures, I think that card would've run at a crawl on the Jag. My other cars which I'm working on are better optimized, I just chucked detail at this one to make it look better :)

Also, a note to anyone with framerate probs, it might help to downsize some of the textures, especially the bump maps..that might gain you some framerates at the expense of a small loss of sharpness in the textures. I left the textures pretty large but you'll get better loading times+framerates if you cut the size of some of them by half.
God knows what my settings were but you can see how good it looked in the screenshot thread. I was getting no lower than 30FPS, it usually stayed around 50FPS. Not bad surprisingly. I go home today so no CG shaders until I have my parts for the new £250 budget PC I'm building.. which should hopefully be next week.
Sun Feb 21 15:16:46 (WARN): [racer/3344] DGPUShaderManager:MakeObject(data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ can't create CG fragment shader program
Sun Feb 21 15:16:46 (WARN): [racer/3344] DGPUShaderManager: [data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/] CG ERROR : "The compile returned an error."
Sun Feb 21 15:16:46 (WARN): [racer/3344] data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : error C1104: too many parameters in function call
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float3" to "float"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float3" to "float"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
Sun Feb 21 15:16:47 (FATAL): [racer/3344] DGPUShaderManager:MakeObject(data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ can't create CG fragment shader program
CG ERROR : "The compile returned an error."
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : error C1104: too many parameters in function call
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float3" to "float"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float3" to "float"
data/cars/jaguar_x-type_v2/cg/ : warning C7011: implicit cast from "float4" to "float3"

Whats all that mean?

I downloaded the full car, then the small update rar... no joy

Then there is a small rar in the full car rar file.

What do I need to install to get it working?

  • Tiberius

Hi Dave. No, it should work without copying any shaders etc. You're getting the 'too many functions' error, what card are you running? This is Racer 088, right?

Failing that, just replace the cg for the body shader with the normal reflect/bump shader from the Lambo, that should work, all you'll lose is the metallic effect.

I did have to pass an extra texture layer in the body shader for the metallic, added some stuff to some of the functions in the shader..that's the problem some people are having I think.

Also, the car download is complete now, no need to install the patch - I would have deleted the patch but left it there for anyone who did download the car at first :)
I'm running an 8800GTX 768mb...

I'll try update my gfx drivers as it's maybe a year since I did that.

Just taken the download from 1hr ish ago, extracted again, and it's pretty much the same error iirc... lots of things saying float 3/4 and passes :D



Cosmo pointed out that my shader folder was likely the culprit, and reverting it made the Jag work... nice.

However, now have cars that used Stereo's shader not working anymore, because that is a shader that was made somehow to work and now it isn't when I put it back in my shaders_hdr folder.

Can anyone tell me why this doesn't work?

// Standard with reflection cubemap

#include ""
#include ""
#include ""

// Vertex to pixel shader structure
struct v2p
float extinction : COLOR;
float2 tc0 : TEXCOORD0;
float3 Direction : TEXCOORD1;
float4 RayleighColor : TEXCOORD2;
float4 MieColor : TEXCOORD3;
float3 Position : TEXCOORD4; // For fragment shader
float3 normal : TEXCOORD5;
// Fresnel in pixel shader
float3 I : TEXCOORD6;
//float fresnel : TEXCOORD6;
float3 R : TEXCOORD7; // Reflection vector

void main(
// In
in v2p IN,

// Out
out float4 outColor : COLOR,

// Constants
uniform sampler2D baseMap : TEXUNIT0,
uniform samplerCUBE envMap : TEXUNIT1,
uniform float3 lightDirection,
uniform float3 lightColor,
uniform float3 lightAmbient,
uniform float3 eyePosW,
uniform float atmosRayleigh,
uniform float atmosMie,
uniform float3 Ke,
uniform float3 Ka,
uniform float3 Kd,
uniform float3 Ks,
uniform float Kr,
uniform float3 shininess,
uniform float exposure
float3 skyColor;

float3 N=normalize(IN.normal);

// Get sky gradient color

// Get base texture color
float4 baseCol=tex2D(baseMap,IN.tc0);

// Reflection
//const float Kr=0.5f;
float4 envColor=texCUBE(envMap,IN.R);

// Lighting
float3 ambient,diffuse,specular;

// Add reflection with fresnel
float fresnel=Fresnel(0.15,0.85,2.0,normalize(IN.I),normalize(N));

// HDR toning of sky

// Mix sky with texture color based on atmospheric influence

// Blending

I think it's really important that 'simple' shaders like that, which are essentially basics that just work, are added to the default shader folders in Racer releases. A great deal of cars can simply have this added and work fine with their alpha control for reflection strength (as we used to use on most old cars)
Hopefully we/Ruud can get all these cleaned up and standardised, since 95%+ of my time these days is just chasing bugs/problems when developing my content, rather than actually making it in a nice consistent environment.

A final can't come soon enough. I'm getting tired of Racer these days, it's just such a waste of time which is sad, but I just can't see why it is so difficult. We have some fantastic programmers and artists here (the shaders on this Jag are a perfect example!), but it's all wrapped in junk from a user/content creator POV.
I know Racer is a WIP, cripes, I've been here 8 years+ I think, but it's never been so hard to just make a bloody car shiny and not crash everything!

I think we should really start a thread for shaders and get a load of ones that should be defaults (as discussed on RSC), and then bin the rest. Those renderer folders are full of so much junk... while one of the most flexible (the one posted above and posted on RSC maybe 12 months ago now), isn't even in there yet!

Grrr :biggrin:

Worked it out...

// Get sky gradient color
skyColor.rgb=GetSkyColor(lightDirection,IN.Directi on,IN.RayleighColor,IN.MieColor,atmosRayleigh,atmo sMie,lightColor);

Is now...

// Get sky gradient color

Not sure what the bit at the end does, but it doesn't break now haha!
Now shirley it would be best if that definition was in some other shader, rather than in each specific shader, as skyColor doesn't sound to me like something that changes much from material to material?!


Generally really nicely done car by the way...

Dampers and tyres need some work but I think my pacejka wasn't so hot really on the Mz, so I can take a look at those for you and see what you think.

As for the shaders, I really like the metallic. I'll have to try apply to my latest car projects... it would be nice to see a silver one though, the car feels very dark to me but it is a dark colour sooooo. I think the biggest problem is the reflection strength seems to be set to 0.5, despite fresnel going to 1 at the glancing angles... so imho it looks more 'right' with that set to 1, but then you need some control over strength (so panel gaps don't reflect etc)...
At 0.5 it feels almost dirty on most tracks, while on Carlswood with the superbright sun and sky it kinda works ok... (bad to setup cars to look good on there though imo because it's un-natural looking)

Would be nice to see alpha control reflection strength too if possible on your paint shader :biggrin:

All great work though, fantastic infact... just my 2p on the reflection strength.


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