Jules Bianchi

He was waving the green flag after the corner where Sutil's car was. Double yellow flag before and green flag after... It seems right to me...
Since someone is called for second opinion, not necessarily but very possibly is because, the first one is not good. I just hope i am very wrong.
nothing to do with that at all, it's just they would like some clarity, and at a difficult time like this i am sure they have had meetings and what the possibility could be due to this injury, hence the second opinion to make sure all are on the same page and that is what it's most likely going to be or happen, it's pretty much a standard thing when relatives are going through this you always ask for a second opinion.
There is a video on youtube filmed from grandstands. Don't watch if you are sensitive. A multi-ton truck was punched into the air by a meter by Marussia, which was also stopped from about 180 kph to nearly zero in milliseconds. It is incredible he is alive after that.
Scary. Assuming a 700 kg car, a delta-T (time to full stop) of 200 ms (0.2s), and the speed you refer (180kph = 50m/s), we're talking about a 25.492g impact.

If "crush time" takes anywhere from 80ms to 280ms, we're talking about impact in the range of 25g to 63g. Which makes it a miracle that he survived this.

As a reference point, Alonso was taken to then hospital at Abu Dhabi after his 25g-impact accident in November last year.

Well, i gotta say, i don't know how the hell he managed to survive. 92G? It's a miracle. I assume it wouldn't be possible to survive such impact. 50G was extreme but 92G is just stupid... Who confirmed that value?
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Well, i gotta say, i don't how the **** he managed to survive. 92G? That's a ****in' miracle. I assume it wouldn't be possible to survive such impact. 50G was extreme but 92G is just stupid... Who confirmed that value?
Its from the FIA accident log.


Kenny Bräck survived 214g in 2003. (World record in survuvung with this many G).
It depends on how long Bianch had the 92g.
Bräck had the 214 for 0.002 seconds.
Nice info @Benutzername

Went to do a lil' reasearch on Brack and saw the crash. He suffered 214g for 2 milliseconds however the car kept going after the main hit. In Jules case the car just stopped, period. In Brack case the force kept dissipating.

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