There's an issue with v1109 so your skin will look silver and won't look like it should. V1108 will look fine. You can do this in the mean time until s397 fixes the issue. "Invert" your alpha channel, meaning do a negative on it make it dark or even totally black. This will allow your car to be seen as it should or I mean as you painted it, with the exception of the shinny buffed coating appearance which I'm told is a shader forced on the car from a locked mas file. I'm told s397 is considering releasing a template that will not use the shader, but his makes no sense as the shader that causes this glossy effect comes from a locked mas file, so I'm told, I could be wrong, I searched the .PSD template file and could not find the shader mentioned. Doesn't matter anyway, they'll make it so we won't have this issue anymore and we can paint the car as we see fit without the shader "effect".
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.