F1 2012 Just how good are you exactly?

F1 2012 The Game (Codemasters)
Hi everyone,

I making my way through a season and the AI strength varies quite a bit on legend.

I am trying to find out which tracks to play pro and which legend.

If you had to make two groups of strong ai and weak how would they look?

The video means nothing to me. As already stated elsewhere, career mode with full damage on and realistic damage mod is where it's at. All other modes are not realistic. I prefer realism more than beating lap records in arcade racing competitions using quick race modes.

Have a nice day. Oh and merry christmas. ;)


Put a sock in it and wear a real helmet puff. You prefer realism but play a game and with very unrealistic mods. Have you even wore a helmet before, because that is not the view you get out of one.

Oh and who needs 'real damage' when we are clean race drivers that don't ram into others.

Yes and we actually play against real people, not some pre-determined terrible ai. Talk about realism, ha.
1st - the driver does not seat at that place AT ALL! It looks like it's Micheal Jordan in this car.
2nd - obviously you haven't wore any helmets in your life cause the view from inside has nothing to do with the one you have.
3rd - you search realism in F1 2012 by Codemasters? Are you crazy?
4th - because you make me crazy, I'll make a video of a career race in a Williams just to show you the AI is slow.
Put a sock in it and wear a real helmet puff.

For all you know I might be a homosexual and I don't like being called a puff. I should report you for being homophobic though, which I believe is against the law. I regularly do wear a real helmet for real on track action. This is a game and the modders who make it better do so for the sake of the community, so please don't dis their good work.
  • Deleted member 137812

Mike Parkington and Victor Ivanov, that are the most pathetic comments I've seen since im here. You guys just dont understand the whole meaning of gaming some people like. A lot of people like to play alone and don't need other people to play with, they like to play against AI.
And why not make the game and AI more realistic? Every game is not realistic if you ask me, we just like a bit of realism adapted to it.

Williams is the same as a Lotus in this game, so try getting 1st with a HRT.
Listen, I am genuinely not interested in your opinion on this matter. The helmet mods are for immersion only like many other mods and I didn't say they make me better so stop trolling. And as for the "I can beat the AI on Legend with an HRT" comments, well they are just silly. Have a nice day. Carry on ramming. And stop calling me a puff.
  • Deleted member 90535

Reading through this thread is better than comedy movie :) I have the same opinion as Victor and Mike - the AI in carrer is really, really slow. I drive Caterham and there's really no challenge in beating them on Legend. And yes I have all assists disabled and all simulations turned on. And I also think that some admin should look through this thread because some of your comments are just pathetic and childish.
The video means nothing to me. As already stated elsewhere, career mode with full damage on and realistic damage mod is where it's at. All other modes are not realistic. I prefer realism more than beating lap records in arcade racing competitions using quick race modes.

Have a nice day. Oh and merry christmas. ;)


You do realize that this full damage/realistic damage mod wouldn't do anything as he didn't touch anything? You didn't actually know if he uses it or not. He may have used to it in the video... How did you find out he didn't? Please, tell me. I didn't watch the whole video, but the first 6-7 mins - he didn't touch anything.

Second of all " I prefer realism more than beating lap records in arcade racing competitions using quick race modes.". Are you too stupid or you can't read? I'm sorry for going on like this, but you're starting to really get on my nervs now. Your jealousy is making you look even worse.. Quick Race Mode and Career Mode = NO DIFFERENCE except the car upgrades. Well, I bet the car upgrades can make up for the 10 secs you're off the pace.

Third - picture? So? A helmet? Big deal? Does it change anything? Driving skills stay the same, visibility is slightly changed. You might be like 2 tenths off the pace till you get used to the dark spots on your monitor, but it's not a big deal. And by the way, you are aiming realism? Then this helmet shouldn't really work for you. I mean, the helmet is incredible quality. Really nice work from the mod, but this isn't how you see through a helmet. Another thing is, the driver is closer to the wheel. The driver sits lower too. And before you say something stupid - yes I have sat in a real F1 car. This isn't how you see from it. Realism aiming - failed.

Listen, I am genuinely not interested in your opinion on this matter. The helmet mods are for immersion only like many other mods and I didn't say they make me better so stop trolling. And as for the "I can beat the AI on Legend with an HRT" comments, well they are just silly. Have a nice day. Carry on ramming. And stop calling me a puff.

Where and who have said he can beat HRT on Legend. That's possible only on Monaco. On other tracks, it will be hard to go on the podium. That's just the limit of the car.

You continue talking "carry on ramming" and continue to insult us because you're just way too slow, but you want us to stop calling you a puff?

Admit it or not - Legend AI sucks. Admit it or not - you suck even more. And before you change your behavior - we won't change ours. You're calling us cheaters, liers, arcade racers, rammers and etc etc etc... And at the same time you want us to behave good? Really, puff?! Really?! Who's the child?? Think about it. I have absolutely no idea how old are you on theory, but you're definitely not mature. Even a 12 year old is more mature than you.

And if you can put some really good facts that prove me that I'm a cheater,rammer or whatever.. Or a fact that you're incredibly fast and we're just a bunch of morons.. Show 'em.. If you don't, stop repeating "I'm not interested in your childish comments" just because you see that you're wrong but can't admit it.
Admit it or not - Legend AI sucks. Admit it or not - you suck even more. And before you change your behavior - we won't change ours. You're calling us cheaters, liers, arcade racers, rammers and etc etc etc...

We will just have to agree to disagree on this subject. You call me stupid, childish etc, your mate calls me a puff. Lets leave it now. Merry Christmas. :)

Warmest regards. :thumbsup: oh and ps, the career mode AI are tougher than the quick race arcade modes. Fact.

Aged 4 and 3 quarters.
to summarise:

person 1: ai are too tough
person 2 and 3: no they're not, they're slow
person 1: ur lieing
person 2 and 3: we're not, we have evidence
person 1: prove it
person 2 and 3 : here (presents clear evidence)
person 1: i don't believe you so ha!ha! (in ur face)
person 2 and 4: don't be childish
person 1 - i'm not childish i'm 4 years old but merry christmas
person 2? - we'll agree to disagree , merry christmas
person 1 - haha! merry christmas haters!
person , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 etc etc:
what was the original point in this thread again?!:cautious::roflmao:

p.s. may i say that when the going get's tough on the forum, especially around christmas, if ur old enough to drink, a nice bottle of Amarula does the job.:thumbsup:
to summarise:

person 1: ai are too tough
person 2 and 3: no they're not, they're slow
person 1: ur lieing
person 2 and 3: we're not, we have evidence
person 1: prove it
person 2 and 3 : here (presents clear evidence)
person 1: i don't believe you so ha!ha! (in ur face)
person 2 and 4: don't be childish
person 1 - i'm not childish i'm 4 years old but merry christmas
person 2? - we'll agree to disagree , merry christmas
person 1 - haha! merry christmas haters!
person , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 etc etc:
what was the original point in this thread again?!:cautious::roflmao:

p.s. may i say that when the going get's tough on the forum, especially around christmas, if ur old enough to drink, a nice bottle of Amarula does the job.:thumbsup:

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
to summarise:

person 1: ai are too tough
person 2 and 3: no they're not, they're slow
person 1: ur lieing
person 2 and 3: we're not, we have evidence
person 1: prove it
person 2 and 3 : here (presents clear evidence)
person 1: i don't believe you so ha!ha! (in ur face)
person 2 and 4: don't be childish
person 1 - i'm not childish i'm 4 years old but merry christmas
person 2? - we'll agree to disagree , merry christmas
person 1 - haha! merry christmas haters!
person , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 etc etc:
what was the original point in this thread again?!:cautious::roflmao:

p.s. may i say that when the going get's tough on the forum, especially around christmas, if ur old enough to drink, a nice bottle of Amarula does the job.:thumbsup:
Awesome summary! :D

PS: stop talking about who's puff and who sucks. It a racing forum. :D
Wow this is an astonishing thread :laugh:
I did have to check it wasn't April fools day when I read Andy's contributions though :D

Anyway, I agree that the legend AI, while better than last year, are generally not fast enough to compete with the best humans sadly. I think it's mostly because there are too many corners that they just take too slowly - braking too early, accelerating too late etc - it's a shame because at lots of turns they are spot on, it's just thorough tweaking that Codemasters still haven't done well enough.

And the AI are exactly the same in every game mode, it's just the player's car that changes e.g. between career and quick race. Although the speed of each AI team in career can change between seasons too, though that's not really relevant.

I would like to race against the AI too but while they're so inconsistent and slow compared to my times I can't really enjoy it atm - but obviously if you want realism then playing against real humans online is hard to beat lol. I imagine if I joined you Andy in an online race with the many awesome drivers who've already posted in this thread the results would be interesting, to say the least :p

Anyway in answer to the original question posed by the thread (what, there was an original point to all this? :roflmao:)...
I don't have a list, but ignoring the fact that different people do better or worse at each track the AI pace definitely varies. I'd say Monaco has to be the AI's slowest track though (not totally surprising since it's probably not easy to make them fast without having loads of accidents when racing close together).

And Merry Christmas to you all too :p

Ah yes the original point of this thread. The OP wanted a general guide as to how difficult the AI are on certain tracks. I've completed my first season so I'll give this ago. This is based on one blast through and I am better at some tracks more than others so this may skew the results.

(Melbourne) Pretty decent. Quick especially in the final sector
(Kuala Lumpur)Again pretty decent but in Quali they seem to be slow in the first sector. I'm not great at this track
(Shanghai) AI is slow in the first sector. Apart from that they aren't too bad
(Sakhir) Ok. Weak in first sector, stronger in the last 2
(Catalunya)Solid all round I feel
(Monte Carlo)Ah... Yes, very slow around here but at the same time I'm not good either. If I get on a good run then I do destroy Legend AI
(Montréal)I can't say they are the fastest here.
(Valencia)They keep up with me well here despite it being my best track.
(Silverstone)I'd say they are pretty good around here but the first sector isn't as strong as the other 2
(Hockenheim)I'm not the best around here and I do well vs Legend AI, so I'd put it down as a slower track
(Budapest)I think they are pretty good around here but maybe I think I'm better around this track than what is actually true.
(Spa-Francorchamps)The AI is not the best around here but the track is the bigger challenge.
(Monza)To me they seem pretty slow about here.
(Singapore)Comfortably the slowest track I feel for them. Once I got into my stride I was 3 seconds a lap quicker than Legend AI. Actually went into my settings to check I hadn't turned it down
(Suzuka)I'd say they are strong here but this is my weakest track. Even when I was hitting good laps the AI had the advantage over me
(Yeongam)The AI does well here despite this being one of my best tracks with Valencia
(New Delhi)I'm really bad round this track. The AI doesn't however have that much of an advantage over me
(Yas Marina)The AI aren't the best around here. I'm comfortable around here.
(Austin)Again the AI aren't the quickest and I'm comfortable
(São Paulo)Pretty good the AI are around here. I'm happy enough with my pace around here but the AI was still right on me.
From looking at people's opinions and from my experience, the AI seems very capable in fast corners that require aero and minimal braking, but are slow on tracks that have alot of slow corners, maybe because they are not very good a braking and accelerating.

I believe they said that the AI no longer uses assists this year and because of that are perhaps quite conservative when it comes to braking and putting down the throttle. Which is only to the detriment of us racers because they game feels like it has traction control on even when off to make it easier for the AI.
Can we keep it civilized now? Everyone shall play the game their way. Arguing on the internet? I thought you guys knew that doesn't work out.

(That's a code for: play by the rules or face consequences.)
From looking at people's opinions and from my experience, the AI seems very capable in fast corners that require aero and minimal braking, but are slow on tracks that have alot of slow corners, maybe because they are not very good a braking and accelerating.

I believe they said that the AI no longer uses assists this year and because of that are perhaps quite conservative when it comes to braking and putting down the throttle. Which is only to the detriment of us racers because they game feels like it has traction control on even when off to make it easier for the AI.

I'm not sure if they don't use assists to be honest. I use that HUD that shows the throttle and brake and etc. They use ABS for sure. They're full brakes always. They don't know anything different but a full brake. As for the throttle - they seem to not have TC and to be a little bit more cautious on the throttle.

For the other things - you're right. They're good at fast corners. But not always. For example they can't take last corner of Canada fast. No matter what - they crash into the wall of champions or they take it slowly. Another averagely fast corner is first turns from S3 on Melbourne. They take it slowly. So it's more like a corner-to-corner thing.

Jamie Fluke made the best possible review. I haven't tested on all tracks, but all I think differently from him is Sakhir AI. They're weak in all sectors. Other than that, I'm yet to visit most of the tracks (against AI) so I don't know. :D

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