keep AI out of my car

I knew how to do this years ago but have forgotten (like many other things).

In most series I have my own car, painted in "my" colors, but often drive a different make car and do not then want to see "my" car in the race (no one wrecks that car but me). So how do I keep the AI out of my car when I'm not driving it?
One way to do it would be to make a new class for your car (by adding a name in .car file, in the bottom where the classes are) and add that class to series .gdb file the way other categories or classes are added so that you will have separate category just for your car. That way you will be able to exclude it from the race. At least that's how I would do it but maybe there is a better way.
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Interesting, but would that not require a manual edit every time I wanted to enable/disable my car? If memory serves me well (no guarantees there) the solution was a simple edit that gave me access to the car any time but prevented the AI from using it.
You could enable or disable the category where your car is before the race with a single click in-game.

Your car would be separate class though so if you play championship, not sure how the game would handle that. Unfortunately I don't know any other way.
Creating a Lazarus thread here. Was told adding "NotAI" (without quotes) to the class line of any car will keep the AI out of it. A quick experiment with a couple of small mods (only a handful of cars each ...I'm insufferably lazy); a couple of practice sessions, 3-5 AI on track with me, exit, add NotAI to the class line of each, restart, couple more practice sessions, I'm alone on the track. Repeat, same result. Apparently works. (Though must reload my setup and reset as favorite each time I edit the class line.)