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Apps Kissmyrank - Local Assetto Corsa Server Plugin 1.6f

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yeaps changed all those but still getting kicked. If we could eliminate any kicking at all this app would be the perfect thing for our league, we have gone all the settings and tried heaps of stuff and still getting kicked. Does anyone know if we leave the money/points system on would we be able to avoid kicks?
Hello Brioche,

thanks for this very useful plugin software.
I've got a question regarding the track capture. I always follow the steps in your tutorial video on youtube. After setting the track boudaries it comes to the pit entry speed limit line. After creating it, I give it a test, works. After doing the pit boundaries sometimes the pit entry speed limit line does not work properly anymore, it doesn't give a penalty when entering too fast.
Any ideas on this?
Thanks in advance

I got this problem too, resolved editiing the junction of the acessory boundary and the size of pit extension to inside the pit auto speed lower (just a bit). Resolved for me.
Hi thx Brioche this great app. Anyway, anybody knows how to get(activate) DT for speeding in pitlane?


Just set "pratice" or "qualify" or "race" between the keys and the type of penalty you want ("DT", "K", etc...)
Is there any known reason that the Virtual Safety Car announcements don't show for everybody? Also, the Virtual Safety Car timing messages can be laggy, so some people see GO GO GO! before others, sometimes with a difference of multiple seconds.
Anybody else is suffering from this stuck between sessions?
Tried nearly everything.
Short before the stuck I can read out this message
Drivername: laptime invalidated because it does not match the server's (clock delta: numbers).
Not sure if this is the cause or the consequence.
If anybody has found a workaround for these session stuck, it's very appreciated.
I tried so far making the acserver_config.ini as compact as possible.
I pushed the hz to 22, threads is set to 8 (server is a athom 2750 8 core with 8GB ram on a 1Gbits network), nice is set to -15
Hello Brioche,
Do you or anyone else have track definitions set for Virginia full course? Tried setting them my self and it resulted in tracks.json being corrupted. Love all your work on this!
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Hi, no sorry I don't have it. You can try to ask Joshua VGOS on the AC forum (I don't remember if he also has an account here). I know he "captured" more tracks but it was a while ago ;).
Hey, this is awesome, but I'm not sure to understand the penalty action map. Do the following mean that for those infractions, the penalty is a kick? A single pit line exit line crossing = kick? Or do they need to be more?

I have the money/points systems disabled, and need to change the K to DT1 or whatever, but I want to understand when are those triggered.

"first_blood": {},
"pit_lane_speeding": {},
"pit_exit_line_crossing": {},
"cut_line_your_custom_cut_line": {},
"anticheat_max_clock_delta_consecutive_hits": {
"practice": "K",
"qualify": "K",
"race": "K"

Hey, this is awesome, but I'm not sure to understand the penalty action map. Do the following mean that for those infractions, the penalty is a kick? A single pit line exit line crossing = kick? Or do they need to be more?

I have the money/points systems disabled, and need to change the K to DT1 or whatever, but I want to understand when are those triggered.

"first_blood": {},
"pit_lane_speeding": {},
"pit_exit_line_crossing": {},
"cut_line_your_custom_cut_line": {},
"anticheat_max_clock_delta_consecutive_hits": {
"practice": "K",
"qualify": "K",
"race": "K"

I think it would be over the top to explain the whole confi.json in each point here.
I recommend, that you read the first page of the kissmyrank server plugin page here on racedepartment. You will find many answers there.
For example this:

Penalty Cost and Action Map
Config.json allows you to set a session based cost and an action for each infraction.

Supported sessions are:
- practice
- qualify
- race
- other

The available actions are:
- DT0 Drive-Through before the end of the current lap
- DT1 Drive-Through before the end of the next lap
- DT2 Drive-Through within 2 laps
- DT3 etc..
- K for kick
- TB30 Temporary ban for 30 minutes
- TB60 Temporary ban for 60 minutes
- TB61 etc.

Costs should be expressed in the usual format (1=1000€ if you use money).
You can map custom cut lines with "cut_line_your_custom_cut_line_name" (if you used multi line skip the part after and including "$")

In your specific case your cross_pit_exit_line parameter should looking like this
"pit_exit_line_crossing": {
"practice": "DT0",
"qualify": "DT0",
"race": "DT0"
but honestly you have to think if DT0 (DT1/DT2, or whats so ever) makes sense in qualifying or practice.

So you can leave it as
"pit_exit_line_crossing": {
"practice": "",
"qualify": "",
"race": "DT0"
"pit_exit_line_crossing": {
"race": "DT0"

Go through the config.json file line per line, try things, if it fits it's ok, if not, tweak it.
That's the best way to learn and understand which point has which effect.
As you can see, every single parameter is well explained what it does, specially the parameters under which circumstances which penalty will be executed.
You have in reality 2 different groups.
Group A: Parameters, which define the limits,
Group B: Parameters which apply penalties to these limits in group A.

I hope this helped you a little
That's the best way to learn and understand which point has which effect.
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Hello, the server gives me error code (2)

15:54:51> ------------------------------------------------------------
15:54:51> Kissmyrank Assetto Corsa Server Plugin
15:54:51> Robo-admin for Public Servers
15:54:51> Version: 1.6c
15:54:51> Author: Brioche
15:54:51> No warranty of any kind.
15:54:51> ------------------------------------------------------------
15:54:51> Loading localizations.
15:54:51> Loaded cz from cz.json.
15:54:51> Loaded de from de.json.
15:54:51> Loaded en from en.json.
15:54:51> Loaded es from es.json.
15:54:51> Loaded fr from fr.json.
15:54:51> Loaded it from it.json.
15:54:51> Loading configuration.
15:54:51> Detecting the server public IP Address.
15:54:52> web_stats_public_address:
15:54:52> max_players: 18
15:54:52> max_ping: 450ms
15:54:52> max_ping_deviation: 100ms
15:54:52> ping_check_interval: 15s
15:54:52> currency_symbol: €
15:54:52> thousand_separator: ,
15:54:52> custom_chat_driver_welcome_messages: not set
15:54:52> chat_driver_welcome_message_show_race_control_link: enabled
15:54:52> jlp_money_kill_switch: use money/points
15:54:52> no_money: use money
15:54:52> sort_rank: money based
15:54:52> start_money: 30,000€
15:54:52> min_money: 0€
15:54:52> race_min_players: 2
15:54:52> race_driver_entry_fee: 300€
15:54:52> race_sponsor_entry_fee: 1,500€
15:54:52> race_sponsor_reward_base_length: 40km
15:54:52> race_sponsor_reward_base_time: 15minutes
15:54:52> race_sponsor_clean_gain_reward: 1,000€
15:54:52> race_sponsor_clean_gain_overtakes: 5
15:54:52> qualify_top_three_prize_min_players: 9
15:54:52> qualify_top_three_base_prize: 500€
15:54:52> race_fastest_lap_prize: 300€
15:54:52> laptime_challenge_base_prize: 10€
15:54:52> laptime_challenge_base_average_speed: 110km/h
15:54:52> laptime_challenge_level_average_speed_gap: 1km/h
15:54:52> alltime_fastest_lap_prize: 1,500€
15:54:52> damage_cost_between_cars: 3,000€
15:54:52> damage_cost_between_cars_base_speed: 100km/h
15:54:52> damage_cost_with_environment: 3,000€
15:54:52> damage_cost_with_environment_base_speed: 100km/h
15:54:52> collision_minimum_damage_between_cars: 1€
15:54:52> collision_minimum_damage_with_environment: 1€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_hotlap_protection_practice: 100€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_hotlap_protection_qualify: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_hotlapping_car_collision_practice: 100€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_hotlapping_car_collision_qualify: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_lapping_car_collision_race: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_reverse_gear_practice: 100€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_reverse_gear_qualify: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_reverse_gear_race: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_track_boundary_cut_qualify: 100€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_track_boundary_cut_race: 50€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_track_rejoin_max_speed_qualify: 100€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_track_rejoin_max_speed_race: 100€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_max_infractions_qualify: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_max_collisions_practice: 300€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_max_collisions_qualify: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_max_collisions_race: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_first_blood_race: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_pit_lane_speeding_qualify: 300€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_pit_lane_speeding_race: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_pit_exit_line_crossing_practice: 300€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_pit_exit_line_crossing_qualify: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_pit_exit_line_crossing_race: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_parking_near_track_practice: 300€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_parking_near_track_qualify: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_cost_map_parking_near_track_race: 600€
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_lapping_protection_race: DT1
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_max_infractions_race: DT1
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_max_collisions_practice: K
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_max_collisions_qualify: K
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_max_collisions_race: K
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_anticheat_max_clock_delta_consecutive_hits_practice: K
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_anticheat_max_clock_delta_consecutive_hits_qualify: K
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_anticheat_max_clock_delta_consecutive_hits_race: K
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_speeding_under_vsc_race: K
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_slowing_under_vsc_race: K
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_overtaking_under_vsc_race: K
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_parking_near_track_practice: K
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_parking_near_track_qualify: K
15:54:52> penalty_action_map_parking_near_track_race: K
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_track_boundary_cut_practice: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_track_boundary_cut_qualify: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_track_boundary_cut_race: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_track_rejoin_max_speed_practice: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_track_rejoin_max_speed_qualify: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_track_rejoin_max_speed_race: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_pit_lane_speeding_practice: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_pit_lane_speeding_qualify: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_pit_lane_speeding_race: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_pit_exit_line_crossing_practice: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_pit_exit_line_crossing_qualify: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_pit_exit_line_crossing_race: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_cut_line_your_custom_cut_line_practice: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_cut_line_your_custom_cut_line_qualify: 1
15:54:52> penalty_infraction_map_cut_line_your_custom_cut_line_race: 1
15:54:52> car_towing_cost: 50€
15:54:52> hotlap_protection: 45m
15:54:52> lapping_protection: 40m
15:54:52> relative_hotlap_protection: 0.008
15:54:52> relative_lapping_protection: 0.007
15:54:52> warned_car_grace: 210s
15:54:52> reverse_gear_max_distance: 30m
15:54:52> max_collisions: 6
15:54:52> max_collisions_per_100km: 30
15:54:52> max_collisions_per_100km_min_distance: 100km
15:54:52> max_collisions_per_100km_recharge_hours: 6hours
15:54:52> max_infractions: 6
15:54:52> minimum_driving_standard: 110% of the best lap time
15:54:52> minimum_driving_standard_laps: 12
15:54:52> minimum_driving_standard_recharge_period: 86400s
15:54:52> minimum_driving_standard_min_players: 12
15:54:52> cut_lines_enabled: yes
15:54:52> track_boundary_cut_max_speed: 30km/h
15:54:52> track_boundary_same_lap_cut_max_speed: 80km/h
15:54:52> max_infractions: 6
15:54:52> track_boundary_sample_length: 3m
15:54:52> track_rejoin_max_speed: 120km/h
15:54:52> track_boundary_cut_max_time: 9s
15:54:52> track_boundary_cut_gain_filter: enabled
15:54:52> track_boundary_cut_gain_filter_min_loss_percent: 6%
15:54:52> track_boundary_cut_gain_filter_min_average_speed: 45km/h
15:54:52> driving_line_penalty_repeat_grace: 3s
15:54:52> improving_qualify_laptime_with_infractions_cutoff_percent: 107%
15:54:52> anticheat_laptime_invalidate_max_clock_delta: 1000ms
15:54:52> anticheat_penalize_driver_max_clock_delta_consecutive_hits: 3
15:54:52> pit_speed_limit: 80km/h
15:54:52> parked_car_max_grace: 4
15:54:52> parked_car_seconds: 6s
15:54:52> parked_car_distance: 24m
15:54:52> rolling_start: disabled
15:54:52> race_mass_accident_crashed_players_percentage: 45%
15:54:52> race_mass_accident_crash_time: 30s
15:54:52> race_mass_accident_min_crashed_players: 4
15:54:52> race_mass_accident_response_first_lap: VSC60
15:54:52> race_mass_accident_response_other_laps: VSC60
15:54:52> vsc_speeding_max_grace: 3s
15:54:52> vsc_slowing_max_grace: 9s
15:54:52> vsc_default_speed_limit: 120km/h
15:54:52> vsc_overtaking_max_grace: 12s
15:54:52> vsc_formation_lap_speed_limit: 150km/h
15:54:52> vsc_formation_lap_min_speed: 30km/h
15:54:52> vsc_default_leader_slow_allow_overtake_speed: 30km/h
15:54:52> vsc_default_slow_and_far_allow_overtake_speed: 40km/h
15:54:52> vsc_default_slow_and_far_allow_overtake_distance: 75m
15:54:52> vsc_formation_lap_far_allow_overtake_distance: 100m
15:54:52> clean_lap_reward: 50€
15:54:52> time_based_race_extra_lap: enabled
15:54:52> race_podium_announcement: enabled
15:54:52> web_stats_results_show_lap_log: disabled
15:54:52> web_stats_interface: enabled
15:54:52> race_control: enabled
15:54:52> race_control_max_events: 180
15:54:52> race_control_collision_space: 2.2m
15:54:52> race_control_collision_time: 9seconds
15:54:52> race_control_log_overtakes: disabled
15:54:52> race_control_collision_replay_time: 6seconds
15:54:52> race_control_cut_replay_time: 6seconds
15:54:52> race_control_overtake_replay_time: 6seconds
15:54:52> race_control_include_players_nearer_than: 100m
15:54:52> live_track_view: enabled
15:54:52> session_history_length: 30
15:54:52> right_to_be_forgotten_chat_command: not allowed
15:54:52> database_sharing_unique_name: not set
15:54:52> database_sharing_local_group_port: disabled
15:54:52> database_sharing_remote_listen_port: disabled
15:54:52> database_sharing_remote_listen_address: disabled
15:54:52> database_sharing_remote_connect_to_addresses: disabled
15:54:52> memory_monitor_enabled: no
15:54:52> update_interval: 100ms
15:54:52> web_stats_server_address:
15:54:52> web_stats_server_port: 83
15:54:52> web_stats_cache_time: 60
15:54:52> web_stats_drivers_per_page: 600
15:54:52> web_stats_override_public_address: auto detect
15:54:52> web_stats_override_public_port: use default
15:54:52> web_admin_console_password: not set
15:54:52> web_admin_console_guest_password: not set
15:54:52> web_auth_server_address:
15:54:52> web_auth_server_port: 12001
15:54:52> web_auth_cache_time: 60
15:54:52> ac_server_ip:
15:54:52> ac_server_http_port: 82
15:54:52> ac_server_plugin_local_port: 8004
15:54:52> ac_server_plugin_address_port: 12000
15:54:52> ac_server_cfg_ini_path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server\cfg\server_cfg.ini
15:54:52> ac_server_bin_path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server\acServer.exe
15:54:52> ac_server_log_path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server\logs
15:54:52> ac_server_results_base_path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server
15:54:52> reserved_slots_guid_list: empty
15:54:52> reserved_slots_boot_players_at_race: boot players during race
15:54:52> ac_chat_admin_guid_list: empty
15:54:52> track_list_0: imola_ for 6 races.
15:54:52> track_list_1: monza_ for 6 races.
15:54:52> track_list_2: mugello_ for 6 races.
15:54:52> track_list_3: ks_silverstone_gp for 6 races.
15:54:52> track_list_4: ks_vallelunga_extended_circuit for 6 races.
15:54:52> track_list_5: spa_ for 6 races.
15:54:52> track_list_6: ks_laguna_seca_ for 6 races.
15:54:52> track_list_7: ks_nurburgring_layout_gp_a for 6 races.
15:54:52> track_list_8: ks_barcelona_layout_gp for 6 races.
15:54:52> track_rotation_max_players: 99
15:54:52> track_rotation_vote_min_percent: 60
15:54:52> track_rotation_vote_min_votes: 4
15:54:52> before_ac_server_start_run_path: not set
15:54:52> after_ac_server_start_run_path: not set
15:54:52> ac_server_restart_if_inactive_for_minutes: 90minutes
15:54:52> ac_app_link_udp_port: 12002
15:54:52> ------------------------------------------------------------
15:54:52> Starting the Kissmyrank Plugin v1.6c.
15:54:52> rank.json not found.
15:54:52> leaderboard.json not found.
15:54:52> Backing up config.json.
15:54:52> Backing up tracks.json.
15:54:52> Backing up leaderboard.json.
15:54:52> Warning: cannot backup leaderboard.json.
15:54:52> Backing up rank.json.
15:54:52> Warning: cannot backup rank.json.
15:54:52> Backing up Assetto Corsa server_cfg.ini.
15:54:52> Backing up Assetto Corsa entry_list.ini.
15:54:52> Loaded 0 players from rank.json.
15:54:52> Loaded 21 tracks from tracks.json.
15:54:52> session_history.json not found.
15:54:52> Loading 178 car names from cars.json.
15:54:52> Starting the Assetto Corsa Server.
15:54:52> Initializing the Web Stats Interface.
15:54:52> Initializing the Assetto Corsa App Link.
15:54:52> Starting ping check.
15:54:52> Web Stats Server running on
15:54:52> Web Auth Server running on
15:54:52> Set Assetto Corsa server_cfg.ini AUTH_PLUGIN_ADDRESS to:
15:54:52> The Assetto Corsa Server terminated with an error code (2). Please check your server logs.
15:54:52> Starting the Assetto Corsa Server.
15:54:52> Current Assetto Corsa server log file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server\logs\ac_server_2019-6-5_155452.log
15:54:52> The Assetto Corsa Server terminated with an error code (2). Please check your server logs.
15:54:52> Starting the Assetto Corsa Server.
15:54:53> The Assetto Corsa Server terminated with an error code (2). Please check your server logs.
15:54:53> Starting the Assetto Corsa Server.
15:54:53> The Assetto Corsa Server terminated with an error code (2). Please check your server logs.
15:54:53> Starting the Assetto Corsa Server.
15:54:53> Current Assetto Corsa server log file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server\logs\ac_server_2019-6-5_155453.log
15:54:53> The Assetto Corsa Server terminated with an error code (2). Please check your server logs.
15:54:53> Restarting the Assetto Corsa Server failed 4 times. Disabling track rotation.
15:54:55> Track rotation is DISABLED.
15:54:55> Kissmyrank Console is ready. Use TAB for command autocompletion. Type "help command_name" to get help.
15:55:07> Error: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
15:55:22> Error: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
15:55:37> Error: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
15:55:52> Error: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
15:56:07> Error: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
Have you taken a look at this file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\server\logs\ac_server_2019-6-5_155453.log?
It says this:

Server CFG Path : cfg/server_cfg.ini
Entry List Path : cfg/entry_list.ini
Assetto Corsa Dedicated Server v1.15
Protocol version: 202
2019-06-05 15:54:53.08001 +0200 CEST m=+0.050864000
Num CPU: 4
LOCAL IP 0: fe80::8859:1ffd:8984:d97b%Ethernet
Using cfg path: cfg/server_cfg.ini
Car list:
Client interval HZ: 18
WARNING: pitstop window needs a valid range
Initialising UDP Plugin with target: on the local port 8004
Loading PRACTICE session
SESSION: Practice

Loading QUALIFY session
SESSION: Qualify


DynamicTrack: first session, resetting grip
Trying to load DRS zones from: content/tracks/ks_barcelona/layout_gp/data/drs_zones.ini
open content/tracks/ks_barcelona/layout_gp/data/drs_zones.ini: Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato.
Weather update. Ambient: 18.088217 Road: 23.957188 Graphics: 3_clear
Wind update. Speed: 4 Direction: 41
CHECKSUM: system/data/surfaces.ini=41949b9f7045cad2af3f5eb951d170a9
Initializing checksum for track config layout_gp
WARNING: Cannot open file content/tracks/ks_barcelona/layout_gp/data/surfaces.ini for checksum, the client check will be disabled for this file
Calculating checksum for folder content/cars/ks_alfa_romeo_4c/data
Error calculating checksum: Folder not found
Loading blacklist
Opening entry list: cfg/entry_list.ini
Found car CAR_0
CAR: 0 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (0) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 0 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (0) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_1
CAR: 1 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (1) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 1 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (1) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_2
CAR: 2 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (2) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 2 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (2) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_3
CAR: 3 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (3) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 3 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (3) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_4
CAR: 4 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (4) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 4 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (4) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_5
CAR: 5 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (5) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 5 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (5) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_6
CAR: 6 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (6) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 6 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (6) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_7
CAR: 7 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (7) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 7 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (7) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_8
CAR: 8 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (8) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 8 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (8) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_9
CAR: 9 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (9) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 9 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (9) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_10
CAR: 10 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (10) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 10 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (10) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Warning, Pickup Mode selected and MAX_CLIENTS and entry list size do not match
MAX_CLIENTS is now set to: 11
CreateServer(): ERROR OPENING UDP CONNECTION &{%!e(string=listen) %!e(string=udp) <nil> %!e(*net.UDPAddr=&{[] 9602 }) %!e(*os.SyscallError=&{bind 10048})}
Random seed: 2146115863
Starting TCP listener at port 9602
listen tcp :9602: bind: Di norma è consentito un solo utilizzo di ogni indirizzo di socket (protocollo/indirizzo di rete/porta).
Session has 0 laps, will not save json
SESSION: Practice

DynamicTrack: first session, resetting grip
Weather update. Ambient: 19.260187 Road: 25.327093 Graphics: 3_clear
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Wind update. Speed: 1 Direction: 44
No laptime available, use car index for grids
POS: 1, SessionID:0
POS: 2, SessionID:1
POS: 3, SessionID:2
POS: 4, SessionID:3
POS: 5, SessionID:4
POS: 6, SessionID:5
POS: 7, SessionID:6
POS: 8, SessionID:7
POS: 9, SessionID:8
POS: 10, SessionID:9
POS: 11, SessionID:10
SENDING session name : Practice
SENDING session index : 0
SENDING session type : 1
SENDING session time : 10
Starting HTTP server on port 82
SENDING session laps : 0
Server started
HTTP server running @ :82
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal 0xc0000005 code=0x0 addr=0x0 pc=0x4e42ed]

goroutine 23 [running]:
net.(*UDPConn).ReadFromUDP(0x0, 0x11746000, 0x800, 0x800, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
C:/Go/src/net/udpsock.go:103 +0x1d
ksnet.(*UDPSocket).ReceivePacket(0x116ec720, 0x0)
i:/Manu/Documents/kunosprivate/go/src/ksnet/udp_socket.go:99 +0x6e
i:/Manu/Documents/kunosprivate/go/src/acServer/ac_server.go:319 +0x23
created by main.RunServer
i:/Manu/Documents/kunosprivate/go/src/acServer/ac_server.go:477 +0x7d
Server CFG Path : cfg/server_cfg.ini
Entry List Path : cfg/entry_list.ini
Assetto Corsa Dedicated Server v1.15
Protocol version: 202
2019-06-05 15:54:53.154624 +0200 CEST m=+0.049888700
Num CPU: 4
LOCAL IP 0: fe80::8859:1ffd:8984:d97b%Ethernet
Using cfg path: cfg/server_cfg.ini
Car list:
Client interval HZ: 18
WARNING: pitstop window needs a valid range
Initialising UDP Plugin with target: on the local port 8004
Loading PRACTICE session
SESSION: Practice

Loading QUALIFY session
SESSION: Qualify


DynamicTrack: first session, resetting grip
Trying to load DRS zones from: content/tracks/ks_barcelona/layout_gp/data/drs_zones.ini
open content/tracks/ks_barcelona/layout_gp/data/drs_zones.ini: Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato.
Weather update. Ambient: 18.088217 Road: 23.957188 Graphics: 3_clear
Wind update. Speed: 4 Direction: 41
CHECKSUM: system/data/surfaces.ini=41949b9f7045cad2af3f5eb951d170a9
Initializing checksum for track config layout_gp
WARNING: Cannot open file content/tracks/ks_barcelona/layout_gp/data/surfaces.ini for checksum, the client check will be disabled for this file
Calculating checksum for folder content/cars/ks_alfa_romeo_4c/data
Error calculating checksum: Folder not found
Loading blacklist
Opening entry list: cfg/entry_list.ini
Found car CAR_0
CAR: 0 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (0) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 0 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (0) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_1
CAR: 1 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (1) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 1 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (1) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_2
CAR: 2 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (2) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 2 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (2) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_3
CAR: 3 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (3) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 3 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (3) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_4
CAR: 4 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (4) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 4 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (4) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_5
CAR: 5 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (5) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 5 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (5) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_6
CAR: 6 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (6) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 6 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (6) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_7
CAR: 7 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (7) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 7 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (7) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_8
CAR: 8 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (8) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 8 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (8) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_9
CAR: 9 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (9) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 9 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (9) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Found car CAR_10
CAR: 10 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (10) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 10 ks_alfa_romeo_4c (10) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_alfa_romeo_4c.ini: Impossibile trovare il file specificato.
Warning, Pickup Mode selected and MAX_CLIENTS and entry list size do not match
MAX_CLIENTS is now set to: 11
CreateServer(): ERROR OPENING UDP CONNECTION &{%!e(string=listen) %!e(string=udp) <nil> %!e(*net.UDPAddr=&{[] 9602 }) %!e(*os.SyscallError=&{bind 10048})}
Random seed: 2146115863
Starting TCP listener at port 9602
listen tcp :9602: bind: Di norma è consentito un solo utilizzo di ogni indirizzo di socket (protocollo/indirizzo di rete/porta).
Session has 0 laps, will not save json
SESSION: Practice

DynamicTrack: first session, resetting grip
Weather update. Ambient: 19.260187 Road: 25.327093 Graphics: 3_clear
Wind update. Speed: 1 Direction: 44
No laptime available, use car index for grids
POS: 1, SessionID:0
POS: 2, SessionID:1
POS: 3, SessionID:2
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Starting HTTP server on port 82
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
POS: 4, SessionID:3
POS: 5, SessionID:4
POS: 6, SessionID:5
POS: 7, SessionID:6
POS: 8, SessionID:7
POS: 9, SessionID:8
POS: 10, SessionID:9
POS: 11, SessionID:10
SENDING session name : Practice
SENDING session index : 0
SENDING session type : 1
SENDING session time : 10
SENDING session laps : 0
HTTP server running @ :82
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Server started
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
Error listening %!e(syscall.Errno=536870951)
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal 0xc0000005 code=0x0 addr=0x0 pc=0x4e42ed]

goroutine 10 [running]:
net.(*UDPConn).ReadFromUDP(0x0, 0x11782000, 0x800, 0x800, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
C:/Go/src/net/udpsock.go:103 +0x1d
ksnet.(*UDPSocket).ReceivePacket(0x11746680, 0x0)
i:/Manu/Documents/kunosprivate/go/src/ksnet/udp_socket.go:99 +0x6e
i:/Manu/Documents/kunosprivate/go/src/acServer/ac_server.go:319 +0x23
created by main.RunServer
i:/Manu/Documents/kunosprivate/go/src/acServer/ac_server.go:477 +0x7d

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