Kunos Marco Massarutto Responds to Assetto Corsa Console Criticism

Paul Jeffrey

Assetto Corsa Console Response.jpg

Kunos Simulazioni's Marco Massarutto has offered a lengthy response to criticism from some sections of the sim racing community, regarding the perceived asumptions that Kunos plan to "water down" Assetto Corsa to appeal to a more broader console audience.

Although a move to consoles for Assetto Corsa is widely considered a good thing for the sim racing genre, allowing the hobby we all enjoy to spread to a wider audience and perhaps inspire players who wouldn’t normally consider serious driving sims, Massarutto has felt the need quash several common assumptions and worries of a section of the Assetto Corsa fanbase.

Massarutto took to Facebook with a lengthy retort explaining how Assetto Corsa for PC will not be diluted in any way by the move to console, and perhaps more interestingly he stated that the console version of the game will be every bit as simulation as its PC relative. Kunos are looking at the console market to see how popular a thoroughbred racing simulation can be, and personally I think that can only be a good thing for the sim racing genre as a whole.

One other interesting item came from the post by Massarutto, a sneak preview cockpit shot of the Porsche 911 RSR 3.0, due to join as part of one of three Porsche DLC packages in the coming weeks.

AC Porsche Preview.jpg

See the full Marco Massarutto quote below:

"Some thoughs and answers to assumptions and theories I read on forums about the launch of Assetto Corsa on console, the future of AC, the neverending question “will Kunos turn it in an simcadish on PS4/X1 to sell more?”, or -even better- “will Kunos turn the PC version in a simcadish to please a wider audience?"

Usually I don’t get bored to read hundreds (thousands?) of times the same questions people ask me, since I understand that everyday lot of people hear about Assetto Corsa for the first time. But when the same people ask the same questions or they underline the same points, sometime can be boring. Even because, no one needs to believe us. Just see and evaluate by yourself what there is out there.

Assetto Corsa console -> will be a simplified/simcade version of AC?
Since last January, on the internet there are a lot of “hands on” and previews of the console version, always played using a steering wheel. We showed it during the European tour, during the Vallelunga event last May, and the conclusions of the players/journalists have been always “it feels like the pc version”.

Another clue: what is the most known and appreciated characteristic of Assetto Corsa? Its car handling, and driving feeling. Which is the best reason why console gamers may decide to play Assetto Corsa, rather than Forza, or Gran Turismo? The number of cars? The graphics? I would say the fidelity of the simulation, the unique handling, the laserscanned tracks, the depth that a PC simulation can perform. If we subtract these factors, Assetto Corsa can’t compete with these titles, because it couldn’t offer nothing more these titles (created by talented people) feature at their best since years.

The most annoying question: now that AC console is ready for release, is going Kunos to make the PC version of AC more arcadish?

The console version of Assetto Corsa has been announced in mid 2015, the team started to work on it in late 2014. Since then, the PC version has been constantly improved, updated, expanded, with 7 major builds, several new tyre models (now we are at version 10 – TEN) adding features asked from SIMracers, and now we are going to release the 1.8 version on August 26th. The popularity of AC on PC is at the maximum level, it’s often in the Top chartz on Steam, people love it and enjoy it everyday, and they support us each time we release new features and content. Please give me a logical reason why we should change this, after 18 months of HUGE development brought ahead on PC after the 1.0 release. Simply, there is no reason why we should do this. So, ask yourself: in the last 18 months, on PC, did we converted AC 1.0 in a simcade, or we gave it even more depth?
We decided to bring AC on console to give ourselves THE answer to the question: “there is any potential on console market for a simulation like AC?”. As company that runs in this business, we have to know it. And we’ll know it soon. And the only way to answer this question is to bring on console the same experience people appreciate so much on PC, at the best we can. Period.

So, keep calm, don’t worry. The only way we can change the soul of our most successful creation is to make it even stronger."

Assetto Corsa will be available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on 26th August (EU) and August 30th (NA). Check out the recent console trailer here.
Check out the Assetto Corsa forum here at RaceDepartment for the latest news and discussion items regarding the simulation. Have a look at our new Modding Discussion forum, a place for modding teams and those interested in the world of content creation for AC to come together and discuss the process. Looking to download? Check out the Assetto Corsa mods section, a vast archive of top quality Assetto Corsa cars, tracks, apps and skins!

If all that isn’t enough, come visit us at the Assetto Corsa Racing Club. We have loads of informal racing events and serious top quality leagues for you to enjoy.

Does the latest statement from Kunos give you confidence in the ability of the team to still deliver a top quality PC product despite the move to console? Let us know in the comments section below!
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I don't know what that means. My computer is quite old and I can play AC with lots of the pretty turned up. It seems like AC's optimizations make it a poor candidate for contrasting the cost of needed PC hardware versus relatively cheap console hardware. I figure you could buy a PC brand new for the price of a new console and it would run AC very very nicely, and better than the equivalent console.

Just seems like people still think if you want a powerful PC you need to drop over a grand, which isn't true, at least not when you don't do triples or VR.

Maybe if you want you'll be able to run triples or VR after 1.8.
If some of my friends who just race console like AC I might buy a console too.:)
But are we to assume that people will buy AC on the console JUST for handling model? Even though the content is limited and the tuning minimal?

I have been on the xbox exclusively since 2010, after racing in my youth. Club Stuff. But when you say "the tuning is limited" you have to compare that to other console games, not PC. pCARS is the only viable tuning model on the console, IMO. And what's not broken or bugged, we will generally see in Assetto, which hopefully will not be.

As to your "just for the handling model" you got it right earlier in your post. PC users have no business buying Assetto obviously, but Marco makes a very very good point when he says that the handling model *alone* on console systems will be like getting a new game with every car. In fact, this is not even speculation. Since DiRT Rally came to console in the same form (for the most part) as PC, those who have a wheel and have played it are completely stunned. That's what I believe Assetto will do for pavement racing.

As to your point about console racers and their "investment" in real SIM racing...that's the real issue, just like Marco said. He could not have said it better when he admitted that Assetto will ferret this out. (The reviews of the console version by PC players confirms how good it is). I don't begrudge anyone their opinion, but I personally can't see why the hundreds of GT3 league racers (pCARS/Console) who stick to the same or similar car for years can make a viable point about car content. Their actions argue against their words. Interestingly, this is not an uncommon position. What scares me is that essentially gamers have come to think of Forza as SIMcade.
I won't answer your ad homimen content obviously.
I ony have the PC game as reference so I'll keep to that.
Weight transfer and cars unique handling is a big plus for me.
You say AC doesn't have content and you're entitled to your opinion.
Setup is editable so I'm not sure what you're looking for? NFS? nitro?
It seems to me controllers have been largely catered for.

AC is probably the only proper sim to come to console, wanna kill it it in its egg? let people make their own opinion.

Well in the interest of full disclosure I have a very high end gaming PC with a choice of 3 full wheel/pedal/H-gate shifters and a racing chair and a DK2 just for PC sim racing. Have the T500RS, Fanatec GT2 and T300RS setups.

The PC has AC, pCars, rF1, rF2, GTLegends, GTR2 and all the appropriate complete mods like Historix and P&G3 etc.

I know and play LOTS of PC sims.

I also have a PS3 and PS4 just for the various GT versions and pCars with appropriate wheel and H-gate shifter and pedal sets. Sadly by the time the latest GT version hits the PS4 it will be almost ancient hardware.

I also have Xbox360 and XBone just for the Forza franchise versions (and pCars for good measure).

I have played all the games on all the formats on a large 70" TV (with Track-IR or VR where applicable) for the best experience possible - I will end up buying AC for PS4 and XBone just so that I can participate in these debates from a position of experience and knowledge.

I will also be able to fairly judge if Kunos have kept their word or not.

See, I don't speculate I deal in facts and real world experience.

So actually ALL my questions are valid and I will answer them for myself it the end.

I just figured others may enjoy the real unbiased feedback I provide since I do have access to all the toys needed to evaluate these games :)
You will answer yourself, good for you.
Until then you WILL speculate.
Well whatever.
You seem upset to find out that I have all the experiences you thought I did not. You seem a little caught off guard that the questions where coming from a valid position of curiosity - and that I am actually a supporter of ALL formats and all platforms and all driving/racing game types AND I have real world track experience to boot :)

Its not speculation per se, but rather just wondering out loud based on lots of hands on experience.

Life is full of surprises isn't it? :)
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Well..there will be the ONLY Porsche that had the honor to be in a SIM...if that doesnt worth the buy...then i dont know what does for you :p
Also the ""other" console racing games has more content because you get bored fast from one car...in AC you dont have this feeling therefore no need to huge list of cars...pick one and drive it till you love it...then tell me you dont have enough content hehe
I don't care for Porsche, they're overrated. Its $50 USD for 12 locations. They boast about all these tracks when in reality they only have 12 locations. I could be perfectly content with the Lambo GT3 but there isn't enough "Content" locations to even run a proper World racing Series. If you want to buy the game for me, I'll play it. But I'm not dropping my hard earned money on something I don't deem worthy. Please be respectful and except my opinion as is and don't mock me.
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Its $50 USD for 12 locations. They boast about all these tracks when in reality they only have 12 locations.

Nice to see you make that valuation based on what other games offer while neglecting to mention that the vast bulk of the tracks in AC are laser scanned which cost a hell of a lot more to produce than ones without.

On that point, the logic in your comparison of value is also flawed since you are comparing apples to oranges. Compare AC to games that have laser scanned tracks and are full sims and you will see that that isnt a bad price. Since iRacing is the only real competitor there, and they charge $15.... per track. Yikes.
No, I just have contempt because you think of yourself a bit too much above others. I heard your opinion anyway.
I don't agree with you. I'm so impressed I'll hide in shame I think.

Nice - you judgmental much? LOL ;)

I suppose no harm no foul as long as you don't start stalking me across Racedepartment like certain other posters have and rate ALL my posts "Angry". LOL
Yes probably a bit :) - let's leave it to the disagreement, shan't we?
Nothing personnal anyway.

And no I didn't rate any angry posts :)
It is all in fun anyway.
Hell, the reason I play AC is so that I don't have to travel all the way to a real race track just to blow off steam and have a good time.

It should all be for the fun of it anyway, and what we end up with is what we will end up with and still enjoy it just the same - as long as they don't kill Oculus support on the PC LOL :)
I am well aware of that. which is why, and I quote myself here said the following:

Meaning I enjoy the F40 (which has an F40 GTE mod BTW) and the Cobra AND a few mods cars.

BTW I see you also attended the 'Kunos school of public relations' as indicated by the "dude" comment :)

Let's at least try keep the discussion classy yeah?
If you use "other " in the second part of the sentence, this automatically implies as referrence to the subjects of the first part of that sentence. That is called grammar.
And the dude interpretation is to be taken lightly, but you are so full of it right now you take everything badly. Take a break man and let it go. Enough is enough. Love.
Seeing the trailer, I was thinking myself "name another title for consoles that offers what AC does" : as much as realistic cars in as much as real places as possible.
Well, none.
About content. Cars are more than many.
Tracks are indeed not many but we have to deal with this because laser scanning.
About pc vs console: pc all the way.
This is not about me. It's about console users or future buyers.
There are people ( my brother comes in my head) , that they can't even find the power button not mention to deal with ini files or mods or resolutions or settings etc
Just connect the damn thing and play.
I really hope that there are enough of them to buy it. AC success in consoles means more things for us.
About Marco: I really feel sorry for them that they have to repeat the same things all over again to the 0.0001% of people that can't understand the obvious.
To the 0.0001% : please stop. The rest percentage of satisfied people are bored/ tired of you.
I was indicating why someone might NOT buy AC on the console and trying to determine WHY someone WOULD buy AC on the console.

Please indicate where I provided false information.

AC does not have the content or tuning or editing of the other console titles. So why should some buy it? Just for the handling model?
Are they going to enjoy that handling model with a controller or wheel?
These are valid questions.

@Sunny Sky Speed <-- assumptions left out of questions. still doesn't change them though :)

i would assume it is to release to a broader market? i doubt Kunos are counting on current PC users buying the game on console. surely it is for those that dont have a gaming PC? i dont understand your concern. you have a PC so can reap the benefits of the PC version. those on console only have the likes of GT, Forza and PCars at the moment so they get AC (just without the mods and stuff.)

they get officially licensed cars with much more feel and variety between cars than the likes of GT and laserscanned tracks (i agree we need more tracks) surely these are reason enough to get AC over the likes of Forza or GT... depending on what your looking for. if you want 1000+ generic cars there are games that will provide that. if you want something that focuses a little more on each individual car on your console there is AC.
The pc version i think will always be king for kunos from a dev point of view as the console will be limited spec wise to what kunos can do with it especially in mp also the mods are a massive drawcard for me to AC on pc. and console users won't get to experience this best part sadly. But kunos like any other business need to make profit and looking for that cash injection they require in the console market to further the title is the perfect platform for them to get that. At the same time introduce their formula of sim racing to the people that don't know there is this great experience that is AC available for the people that are used to the usual GT/Forza/NFS type titles. i just hope they do tremendously well with the console release. As us devoted pc users can only gain from it in the long run. its a win win situation i say:thumbsup:
They don't need to downgrade much with the next patch for PC to bring things more inline with the console version, the graphics already had several downgrades over the last few patches under euphemistically labelled "optimisation" changes.
But thanks for thinking we were too stupid to notice (although I guess many didn't notice or care).
? graphics seem to only be getting better from my point of view with the optimisation's allowing users to apply higher settings using the same specs which is set to only improve if what kunos have been testing comes with 1.8 .what pc specs do you have? my two 680's on my dated i5 3570 still manage to make AC look stunning

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