PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
Hmmm, not sure what to say, as I've been going from pcars b316 to GTR 2005, and I'm quite shocked, shocked at how precise GTR is.
Pcars has definitely improved, but the cars need all sorts of refinement{for sim status}.

Depending on the car, you can still slam on the brakes, and when I went back to GTR, I was locking the brakes all over the shop.
And I dunno, some cars seem to drive well at Bathurst, yet poorly at Imola, which seems to defy reason, as Bathurst has some tricky sections for a car to contend with.

They've increased the FFB weighting of simulated braking FFB, but it's way too coarse, as are some of the steering inputs.

Pcars WIP makes a mockery of the F1 2012 demo, and F1 2011 the game, certainly with my G27, so it's still on track to be a good racing game, but more work is needed on the driving model and FFB.

These comments you sometimes here about so-called sim racers who used to drive this or that sim till they discovered pcars doesn't make any sense to me.

It needs to be emphasized that there's a HUGE difference between sim and simcade, so that's why my comments can seem rather harsh, but the best sims are precise weapons, they never let up, they almost always feel connected.

Consider GTR 2005, I went in too hot at the Donington chicane, induced a huge transfer of weight and spun, but it only happened once, as the game informed me that it won't tolerate imprecise driving thru there, same with the hairpin at the bottom, you need to be mindful of when you get on the gas, make sure your wheels are mainly pointing straight and you can flatten it, but try and "race" thru it and you'll do a 180.
The latest build runs very smooth and no lightning flashes.
Forget about the FFB and physics, if there is any.

I had my fridays 5 min. Waiting for next friday.
They need to do something with the car textures, I just let the junior build update and the car was flickering that much, I thought I was going to have an epileptic fit.

Its like one step forward and two steps back.

I keep trying this every now and then, in hope that they will produce something worth praising, but I think they are pushing things too much or expecting too much from the engine.
(not going to mention anything about the physics, because as we all know its WIP) :sneaky:
I you don't mention the physics, than don't mention the graphics because they are also WIP.
For me the physics are the most importent in a sim.
And I think it's taking to long for some decent physics and FFB.
I you don't mention the physics, than don't mention the graphics because they are also WIP.
For me the physics are the most importent in a sim.
And I think it's taking to long for some decent physics and FFB.

I agree with you whole heartedly Peter about the physics and FFB, but everytime I try and say something about them, I get accussed of trolling or I just get sarcastic comments.

Personaly I think they need to scrap the singular turning dynamics and write a floating turning motion (like a gyroscope) that carries weight and velocity calculations.
Then they would get a much better immersion when adding the physics software.

To me if feels like they are running a circle in a box.
Pcars WIP makes a mockery of the F1 2012 demo, and F1 2011 the game, certainly with my G27, so it's still on track to be a good racing game, but more work is needed on the driving model and FFB.

Beautiful graphics, absolutely photo-realistic graphics are fantastic. If graphics stayed at the level of Race07 (AFTER correcting bugs in shaders or simply add better ones), I'd be delighted, though, as we could invest a lot more cpu time into the physics. But that is obviously my preference, as I'm more in favour of physical realism than graphical realism.

I also don't care much about FFB, so I've learnt to separate it from physics (a lot of people haven't and mix the two).

That said, pCARS tire physics (chassis physics and aeros seem to have settled, my friends tell me) is not exactly a WIP. They're developing the STM, which will replace at some point the current tire model by Eero (for the PC, that is). In the meantime, some tweaks here and there may happen in the current tire model - AJ himself acknowledged Eero did a very good job given the constraints (hardware but also mathematical).

I see little point in discussing something you know will be replaced soon - in the PC arena, that is.

These comments you sometimes here about so-called sim racers who used to drive this or that sim till they discovered pcars doesn't make any sense to me.

Fanboys are fanboys: iRacing fanboys, pCARS fanboys, rF2 fanboys, AC fanboys.

I have read quite a few saying they couldn't go back to other sims, but most explain it due to things other than physics. From the perspective of an hardcore simracer (me, for one) it doesn't make sense, but hey, that's their opinion.

As I have had no direct experience of pCARS in more than 6 months and have none of rF2 or AC, I can only say nothing beats GSC or Race07/GTR2/rFactor when properly modded - not even iRacing.

It needs to be emphasized that there's a HUGE difference between sim and simcade, so that's why my comments can seem rather harsh, but the best sims are precise weapons, they never let up, they almost always feel connected.

As I dislike that name (it's mostly used to decry this or that sim), I won't comment on the "HUGE difference".

All that matters is this: whether we like it or not, a big part of the physics engine will be replaced at some point. It's not even a matter of being WIP as you and others are not given the opportunity to test the STM while it's being developed. But it is a matter of correct perspective: what you see now, for whatever reason, did not produce the results they wanted or the community expected, and as such will be replaced, so why keep pointing out the flaws?

Consider GTR 2005, I went in too hot at the Donington chicane, induced a huge transfer of weight and spun, but it only happened once, as the game informed me that it won't tolerate imprecise driving thru there, same with the hairpin at the bottom, you need to be mindful of when you get on the gas, make sure your wheels are mainly pointing straight and you can flatten it, but try and "race" thru it and you'll do a 180.

From GTR to GTR2 many (MANY) things changed. The whole physics suffered a big improvement, most notably in the area of numerical instability and grip assessment past the limit. Still not perfect, but much much better than GTR.

Plus, the devs themselves acknowledged the problems and the solutions implemented thereafter.

Some of the things introduced by GTR were, imo, ground breaking, but as you mention above "HUGE" differences between something and something, you might as well keep in mind the (big) differences between GTR, GTR2 and GTR Evo.

I agree with you whole heartedly Peter about the physics and FFB, but everytime I try and say something about them, I get accussed of trolling or I just get sarcastic comments.

Why do you care about those accusations or comments, Adrian? For some reason, they're allowed, and for some reason these people can't do any better than mockery/insults. Your opinion is no less important than theirs.

Personaly I think they need to scrap the singular turning dynamics and write a floating turning motion (like a gyroscope) that carries weight and velocity calculations.
Then they would get a much better immersion when adding the physics software.

If you are referring to the "center pivot physics" issue, this was already exposed as non-issue and a matter of POV/FOV. A serious mistake at any rate in my opinion, because it induces the wrong impression in people, but not the actual issue in itself.

The last racing game I remember which had the center pivot physics was TOCA RACE Driver 3, and even that one suffered a big improvement over TRD 2 (center pivot physics wise).

Maybe you can elaborate a bit?
Maybe you can elaborate a bit?

To cut a long explanation short...
when you turn it feels like the back wheels turn the same amount of angle as the front wheels, its like your driving a car with four wheel turning.

When it should be that when you turn a car, the front wheels do the turning and the back wheels are dragged round the corner.

As it stands it make me feel sick when I am trying to drive a sharp corner or turning on a hairpin. It just feels unnatural to me and spoils the whole immersion of the game and destroys all the hard work people are putting in to the graphics.

Hense! why I say its like driving a bumper car.
did not produce the results they wanted or the community expected
- I do remember they mentioned a few times they are happy and it's just about tweaking.

- That's true, part of their community wasn't happy with what they created. I don't know what their expectation were and why. I agree though that it makes little sense to look back to (unmodified) GTR(2) except for its features (full race weekend and so on :thumbsup: )
Still not perfect, but much much better than GTR.

Maybe so, but pcars is still not in GTR's ballpark, yet I bet you many at WMD and across www will scoff at that, IOW, they'll claim it's already at a very high sim standard, but if they can't remove the centre spring feel which leads to the most grotesque feeling oversteer, and weight transfer.

I remind you that I've said here and at WMD that I consider pcars to be a better racing game than Dirt3, F1 2010/11/12, Shift1/2, but it's not at sim status yet, it's damn close, but even GTR is a precise weapon compared to it, and if I compare it to GTR EVO C6R or Corvette GT2, It's miles away.
I don't know but I hope not on PC.

I seriously hope not too mate.
Because its that singular bit of programing which will define if it is a sim or a just a glorified game.

If they leave it as it is when they release, there will be an explosion of people just saying its Shift 2 with better graphics and publicly chosen content.

Which will be really sad news for there community.

Oh well, I guess only time will tell.
Maybe so, but pcars is still not in GTR's ballpark, yet I bet you many at WMD and across www will scoff at that, IOW, they'll claim it's already at a very high sim standard, but if they can't remove the centre spring feel which leads to the most grotesque feeling oversteer, and weight transfer.

You may be right, but try as I might, I cannot recall anything similar to TOCA RACE Driver 2/3 in pCARS. It's been more than 6 months, now, so one would expect all sorts of improvements to the physics engine. Really, I dunno.

I remind you that I've said here and at WMD that I consider pcars to be a better racing game than Dirt3, F1 2010/11/12, Shift1/2, but it's not at sim status yet, it's damn close, but even GTR is a precise weapon compared to it, and if I compare it to GTR EVO C6R or Corvette GT2, It's miles away.

I understand.

It is a pity I cannot release the work I did for all GT and GT2 cars in GTR EVO, you'd be blown away. Hence why I say, even considering the complexities of these physical models (iRacing, rF2, pCARS, AC), nothing beats Race07/GTR Evo - except rFactor properly modded and GSC. Obviously, that is now. In the future, more powerful hardware will allow even better physical and semi-empirical models, who knows what'll happen then.

The potential (in pCARS) is there, though.
If anyone expects future sims to have similar physics to GTR then I'm sure they are going to be disappointed. GTRs physics are certainly demanding in terms of driving skill but they are not realistic. Even Henrik Roos - Simbin CEO and FIA GT driver said he used to drive GTR with abs and traction control on because he felt it was more realistic.
There is some confusion about that.

GTR physics are still based on the ISI platform. Problem was the customization coded by SIMBIN made the transient grip problem even more obvious. It's not a clear matter of GTR = unrealistic physics and GTR2/rFactor=realistic physics, but rather a mistake (or maybe a serious of) that led to the low speed correction and transient grip speed problems all the more evident.

Moreover, it takes a deep revamping of the physics files in GTR2 to almost fully eliminate the transient grip problem (more commonly known as ISIMotor2 sims being to "unforgiving"), most notably in regards to tires.

Some modders tried to overcome this problem by stepping up on the grip coefficient, which is not a solution at all - just making things worse in other areas.

But yeah, GTR physics are long gone. Everything made after 2007 (including the updates to rFactor) is much better, more stable, more realistic.
If anyone expects future sims to have similar physics to GTR then I'm sure they are going to be disappointed. GTRs physics are certainly demanding in terms of driving skill but they are not realistic. Even Henrik Roos - Simbin CEO and FIA GT driver said he used to drive GTR with abs and traction control on because he felt it was more realistic.

I was worried that GTR would be like rf2's F3.5 pre b85, but in reality, if you can drive GTR EVO, you'll have no problem adapting to GTR.
But that's not what I was referring to specifically, as I'm suggesting that when push comes to shove, "even" GTR feels detailed and connected to the road, whereas pcars not only has center spring issues, it's FFB is inconsistent depending on the track/car/corner/speed etc.
It is a pity I cannot release the work I did for all GT and GT2 cars in GTR EVO, you'd be blown away. .

Hearing that only makes me wonder what Assetto Corsa will be like, ie, will it equal or surpass what you did.
Speaking of modding, what's your view on Porsche's, cause it seems like most of them have a distinct pendulum dynamic, I appreciate why Simbin/modders choose this type of physics for porsches, but would you mod this way?
Hearing that only makes me wonder what Assetto Corsa will be like, ie, will it equal or surpass what you did.
Speaking of modding, what's your view on Porsche's, cause it seems like most of them have a distinct pendulum dynamic, I appreciate why Simbin/modders choose this type of physics for porsches, but would you mod this way?

As you probably have guessed by now ( :) ) I am observing these developments (AC, pCARS and rF2) with the same caution I had (still have) in regards to iRacing. When Dave Kaemmer lifted the hood a bit about the NTM, things were a bit crazy for quite a while, "wow", "u-huu", "wow" all over the forums. Death to Pacejka based sims and long live the new king, physical tire modelling. Well, yawn-yawn. A buzz word and people give hooray's all over.

We will see soon enough. Semi-empirical models can be as complex as needed or as you want them to be, just as physical models - but everything has a price.


Well, it seems popular belief is that Porsches have that behaviour. I read engineers acknowledge this as well.

As far as I know or read or was told, it depends. Older models had that effect, markedly so - pilots knew they had to avoid sudden lift offs when approaching a corner, and all that. Wider tires, better weight distribution and proper aero configs managed to attenuate it quite a bit. Suspension (most importantly, rear rollbar strength) dealt with the rest.

But newer models seemingly have much less pendulum effect - it at all. I'm thinking about the 997 GT3 RS and the more recent 991.

But on dry tracks, with no stability control systems but a full race trim, I'm certain that what most pilots experience is a tendency to oversteer (which they use for advantage). On the wet: pendulum is back.

I don't know if all pilots and team engineers agree with this, but that is what a few of them have shown me.

Answering your question: older models, noticeable pendulum effect, dry or wet (worse in the wet). Newer models, depending on the weight distribution, from a slight pendulum to a tendency to oversteer. In the wet, this changes a bit.

On newer models it may well hinge on CoPs of the body and wings (and diffuser if existing), as well as weight distribution (with its implications on body inertia).

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