PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
Off to bed now Bruno, got important work in the morning, got to save the world and all that. Try not to get personal and start with the insults whilst I am a way. Tally ho chap. ;) :thumbsup:
Off to bed now Bruno, got important work in the morning, got to save the world and all that. Try not to get personal and start with the insults whilst I am a way. Tally ho chap. ;) :thumbsup:

Oh sorry about it Andy, completly forgot about you after watching PS4 event.

Aww common you know i never insulted you, just gave my honest opinion, i thought i had mentioned it back then. ;)

So seems theres no one wanting to discuss about the past Friday build?


Storm coming, gotta turn the PC off just avoid any issues, hope you dont miss me Andy.
Hey Graham sorry to answer you back so late but i had the PC due to the storm.

Well since its Friday already theres no point on discussing about the old 407 and the new one has a CTD issue which doesnt allow a proper testing soi would say for now theres not much we could talk about it. Hopefully after the fix it will be possible.

EDIT: Build 413 is out in order to solve the CTD issues, below you can see the changes that were made.

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed non-PC compile errors
Command Line:
* Added -skipcrowds command line to allow people with lower performance machines to handle the tracks which have lots of crowds
* Modified -skipcrowds option to prevent it also skipping other animations
* Additional change to go with -skipcrowds switch, to fix assert when running second race
* Added filtering for distance and experimental reverb settings
* Changes to pitch behaviour at low RPM speeds
* Fix for bodywork not reflecting when rain support enabled and no rain is falling, also includes a change to improve raindrop fade (making it the same as windscreen)
* Fix for DX11 black/grey/white dots on all car bodywork types (normal and carbon)
* Sharpen FXAA a little more
* Fix SLI/Crossfire convergence (dark cockputs/strobing bugs)
* Fix for horrible flickering in Crossfire/SLI due to partial envmap rendering
* Fix for DX11 green/yellow corruption screen bug when down-sampling is enabled
* Various shadow-map lookup bugs fixed, included the infamous mother-ship shadow bug
* Fix for phase3 envmap shared target, missing clear.
* Fix for Rear View Mirror flickering bug (affected modes without MSAAA and also DS2X/DS4X)
* Avoiding BONNETCAM_ENVMAP specialisation param to be used when ShaderSpecModFlags::SkipBonnetCamEnvmap() is true
* ShaderSpecModFlags implemented, added into CShaderSpec - used for bonnetcam envmap / std. envmap switching
* Fix for another shadow-map issue that caused motherships on steep hills in the far cascade
* Fixed scrambled rendering when ghost was used in time trial
* Fix DEFAULT_MEMORY_POOLS compiler warning
* Fix for DX11 black dots on glass bug
* Adding camera lists for internal and external
* Adding 'center' cam
* Fixes erroneus telemetry display on one of the cinematic camera views
* Remove extra dialogue helper (fixes assign control bug)
* Changes to support multiple in-race camera states
* Overcast fog fixed back to how it was previously
* Improved screenshot handling - filenames now have 0 instead of spaces, main menu accepts control key to get jpeg image. Screenshots now work for DX11 as well as DX9
* New screenshot support - creates DX11 or DX9 screenshot interface dependiong on active renderer
* Converted vehicles_basic_translucent.fx shader to use pre-multiplied alpha (thereby allowing better combination of diffuse light and reflections on translucent parts such as light covers) and implemented dynamic opacity to better handle the visual effects necessary when light levels vary
* Fix for tyres/wheel shader causing frame-buffer NaNs (yet more black dots)
* Added assignable key for 'change in-race camera set'
* Kart A/B/C test set: a study in tread resolution
* BMW M1 Procar and Ford Capri: switched over to RBA-G tire carcass. Revised slick_purple to keep similar grip level
* Connecticut Hill: Added wet settings, materials
* Heusden: Deleted some cones around pitstart and pitexit area
* Azure circuit: Tweaked maps, added details
* Eifelwald: Further loft changes at Brunnchen entry and exit -sawtooth kerb added -end of kerb concrete added - "drop addd at brunnchen entry - drop added at brunnchen exit -raised kerb at entry and narrowed fixed loft curve at entry
* Heusden: Fixed whitelines, remove barriers around pitexit, remove cones around pit entrance and exit
* Bologna, Heusden, Lakeville: Cut track tweaking per WMD forum feed back
* Azure Circuit: Created new missing sec road "avenue de la Costa", added sidewalk, terracing wall,added missing public garage, new textures created, added ao, added dedicated trees/bushes, merged in latest reworked assets from Janp, deleted some old stuff around my new reworked part, there are some big gaps that will be fixed when we will have new buildings in place
* Azure Circuit: New textures for sainte devote garage, wip first revision
* Azure circuit: New texture map
* Azure Circuit: Tweaked outline edges, updated sidewalk around new JanP resized assets, fixed gaps, fixed issues with duplicate texturemaps, merged in latest JanP assets, marine centre.rar, updated sel sets
* Azure Circuit: New rascasse restaurant textures
* Azure Circuit: Reworked building 17 maps
* Azure Circuit: Moved blue17 maps to common
* Azure Circuit: Added lights near Rascasse
* Sakitto GP: Fine tuned the cut tracks futher in Spoon and 130R. Mostly made running wide in both corners more punishing
* Bathurst: Replacement/update for foliage
* Bathurst: New 3D trees/bushes with selfshadowing for leaves, trunk, branches, volumetric shaded leavesclusters, transmissive effect added, new meshes, updated leaves texturemap, replaced bug-shader of billboard version, new LODB baked
* Ford Focus RS: Fixed tyre setup
* Common tread specular texture updated to latest specs
* BMW M3 E30: Light fixes
* BMW M3 E30: Fixed tyre rotation, new taillights
* Ford Focus RS: fixed ID
* BMW M3 GT: Added 9 of the 10 remaining liveries + added black rims
* BMW M3 E30: Fixed clipping interior element
* BMW M3 GT: Changed tire textures to fictional ones + minor UV fixes
I understand the project fully (though not their maths) and am sick and tired of the same old excuses from this game, I know "ITS ONLY A BETA", I have been told that crud for years, but to sign in, go into two different types of car and have the same sound from a radical, Ariel and Palmer is disastrous.

It has now been a year and a half and to be honest CARS And RF2 have left a lot to be desired.

Both have their good points, but in these troubled times there are better alternatives that offer better racing, better online help, and a more sim based feel.

Sadly, both these games have a long way to go and I fear might be a complete waste of time for anyone but fanboys of each.

Sad to say it but for me and a few it's true.
Sadly, both these games have a long way to go

They do indeed Rob, but we will have to wait and see as both are unfinished. I am sure Pcars will get better than it is right now. Have you tried the latest build Rob? For me nothing has changed Physics wise. The graphics keep getting better and my computer keeps on getting slower. But let's hope it comes good once optimized.
ps, ignore Bruno, he's just trying to cause a ruckus.
They do indeed Rob, but we will have to wait and see as both are unfinished. I am sure Pcars will get better than it is right now. Have you tried the latest build Rob? For me nothing has changed Physics wise. The graphics keep getting better and my computer keeps on getting slower. But let's hope it comes good once optimized.
ps, ignore Bruno, he's just trying to cause a ruckus.

What? Common Andy, i was just trying to keep your thread clean Andy as it was more offtopic/bad attempt to derail your thread, than related to the latest build as you can see below. :)

I understand the project fully (though not their maths) and am sick and tired of the same old excuses from this game, I know "ITS ONLY A BETA", I have been told that crud for years, but to sign in, go into two different types of car and have the same sound from a radical, Ariel and Palmer is disastrous.

It has now been a year and a half and to be honest CARS And RF2 have left a lot to be desired.

Both have their good points, but in these troubled times there are better alternatives that offer better racing, better online help, and a more sim based feel.

Sadly, both these games have a long way to go and I fear might be a complete waste of time for anyone but fanboys of each.

Sad to say it but for me and a few it's true.
I think what we have here is a lack of communication. Andy, I know you mean well, and I'm not trying to criticise you when I say this - I know that you were given an account by Ian Bell for this thread's specific purpose, and you certainly have a right to express your opinions about the current builds.

However, I can't help but notice that many of your postings, while they do contain good and honest feedback, also have a slight sarcastic/snarky tinge to them. I don't know if this is intentional or not on your part (and please forgive me if it isn't), but many people, particularly due to the language barrier encountered on these forums, will let that tone get to them very easily, hence the arguments and attacks.

I'm not calling for censorship or anything like that - I've been on RD since 2008, and I fully support this site's stance on freedom of speech, and I am sure that your feedback is honest and applicable. I just think that maybe if the seeds aren't sown, then the weeds will not grow, so to speak. :)

On-topic: I myself haven't touched Project CARS in months, as the SMS vs. RD debacle soured things for me and the game itself was underwhelming me. Though in light of this thread, I might update and give the current build a go if the mood takes me. I will post my thoughts when I feel the need to.
Regarding the latest build, I think that the driving characteristics of most cars have come a long way in recent builds. The overall car handling is becoming much more believable IMO. I like how you can really feel the FFB of the front brakes locking up into the turns. The AI have improved significantly and it's good to finally see some progress in the sound department but, they have a long way to go - especially for the sounds in replays. The sounds are what makes playing Pcars for very long hard for me at this point - not believable at all - yet.
I'm not calling for censorship or anything like that - I've been on RD since 2008, and I fully support this site's stance on freedom of speech, and I am sure that your feedback is honest and applicable. I just think that maybe if the seeds aren't sown, then the weeds will not grow, so to speak. :)

Thank you for your honest post Rhys. I will assure you that my feedback is honest too and not sarky or sarcastic in any way and I forgive you for getting that wrong;) . I just tell it how it is for me. If that upsets "certain easily upset" people/investors then they should look at themselves and get a grip. It's a game. No need to cry whenever someone says something that you disagree with. Just get on with life.

At this present time I feel that the game is lacking somewhat compared to their previous Shift releases (which I like a lot now with the community mods) but I am as always just waiting for when it hits that certain sim like feel. It ain't there yet in my opinion. Yes the graphics are good but I would rather have a sim that looked like Race 07 but had all the sim like feel that I crave. Raceroom Racing Experience is so far much better both in looks and feel for me.

And as Racenut above states, the sound is below par too at this present time. Yes I know it's in pre-alpha or whatever but it never seems to improve enough for me. Things can only get better though. Can't they? :)
Right I am resetting my stance a little on Pcars. After some more testing of my latest build at the Nordschliefe in the Asano touring car I said to myself that "hey, this is much better" but then I decided to do 3 lap in the BMW M3 GT and boy oh boy, is that thing just right. It was fantastic. It felt fantastic(FFB) and it looked fantastic. The replay has also been sorted for this track with none of that silly fancy fly by tracking cam and artistic stuff. A proper TV style replay from proper angles (although some cameras need placing for better views). And finally the sound. Unlike other tracks I have tested this car at, the replay sound from external drive by views is sublime. So much better than say at Imola or Laguna Seca. Please WMD/SMS, more of that please. You have this one car and this one track almost perfect.

Apart from all that, I still need a new PC to see and get the best of Pcars, so get optimizing WMD. And some of the other cars still don't feel good and the sound on some replay's is still bad.

We are getting there.:thumbsup:
Right I am resetting my stance a little on Pcars. After some more testing of my latest build at the Nordschliefe in the Asano touring car I said to myself that "hey, this is much better" but then I decided to do 3 lap in the BMW M3 GT and boy oh boy, is that thing just right. It was fantastic. It felt fantastic(FFB) and it looked fantastic. The replay has also been sorted for this track with none of that silly fancy fly by tracking cam and artistic stuff. A proper TV style replay from proper angles (although some cameras need placing for better views). And finally the sound. Unlike other tracks I have tested this car at, the replay sound from external drive by views is sublime. So much better than say at Imola or Laguna Seca. Please WMD/SMS, more of that please. You have this one car and this one track almost perfect.

Apart from all that, I still need a new PC to see and get the best of Pcars, so get optimizing WMD. And some of the other cars still don't feel good and the sound on some replay's is still bad.

We are getting there.:thumbsup:

You can try the command line -skipcrowds in your launcher shortcut to see if it improves the fps a bit more.

Thanks for the feedback guys.
There aren't many crowds or stuff at the Nord anyway. Plus I was racing with just me.

I see you now gave me a like Bruno. If I say something bad about the next test I do, are you going to jump on me again?
You guys are so funny :D You made me giggle. I'm glad I'm seeing some love in this thread though :inlove:

Andy, I've tried the BMW M3 GT from the last build last Friday but I did not see any difference from previous builds. And it still did not feel that great till now...

Did you use the default FFB files? Any other settings you used which might have made a difference?


PS: Keep the love flowing guys ;)
Just tried the latest team build with BMW M1, M3 GT and Capri.

Not much change for me although I like the new tyres on the M1 and Capri they slide quite nicely, didn't like the M3 the FFB was notchy, clunky and unnatural. The M1 and capri felt better as the FFB was much smoother, but still struggle to feel rear grip and there is still a dead area around the centre, couldn't feel understeer either. Physics wise I still find a lack of weight transfer and mass when braking and cornering and it feels somewhat floaty, I hope they can bring the chassis and suspension dynamics up to the level of the tyres then the cars will respond in a more realistic way.
Don't get the idea that it's all lovey dovey with Pcars. The sound quality of replays on other tracks and other cars for me is dire and worse than Test Drive or Outrun. Also the physics on most of the cars needs a hell of a lot of work yet. But that M3 around the Nord was sublime. They have that real good so far.
You guys are so funny :D You made me giggle. I'm glad I'm seeing some love in this thread though :inlove:

Andy, I've tried the BMW M3 GT from the last build last Friday but I did not see any difference from previous builds. And it still did not feel that great till now...

Did you use the default FFB files? Any other settings you used which might have made a difference?


PS: Keep the love flowing guys ;)

Default FFB but I did some changes to my logitech properties. Worked for me.

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