PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
Andy, have you even read the devs' post regarding AI? Hell, ONT posted it above. I'll post again for the sake of it:

"About AI - the test scenario we're using at the moment is the AM Vantage GT3 at Silverstone GP, identical AI (you can use same class as well but it could confuse the pure AI test results a bit).

Many cars and tracks have not been finished or optimized for AI yet, so please don't pick random combinations and expect it to work.

The two main issues we've identified (pit behavior aside) are a relative lack of awareness of the player car (compared to how they treat each other), and the inability for the player car to move them aside or spin them out with contact (they act rather "heavy" in this scenario compared to the player car).

Beyond those two issues I've been very happy with the AI behavior after the weekend fixes - by far the most convincing they've been and better than any of our previous games imo."
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Andy You crack me up :whistling:

The devs CLEARLY POST what is sort-off working and ready for BUG TESTING
and what is not implemented,
then I re-post it in here,
and You still don't get it.

This isn't hard, things aren't worked on in a linear way or "this is improved this week and bug tested"............ no no no.

I'm surprised we don't end up with cars only turning left, tracks with trees mid track,
cars where the doors fall of when You hit the brakes, black screen of death on a regular basis.

PIT functionality and pit pathing is not implemented, I'm surprised the car made it to the pit box.

AND just because something works one week doesn't mean it will next week,
sound is linked to the physics coding etc etc etc.

A random example, the physics coder brakes a line of code,
as a result the sound on shifting or tire sound from braking doesn't work,

You clearly can't grasp game development.

Kindest regard from You'r dear friend ONT :D
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Andy, perhaps you missed the discussion regarding AI? There's only one combination being tested at the moment. The rest are hit & miss - mostly miss. Try this:

The official TEST is only for one track/car combo "the test scenario we're using at the moment is the AM Vantage GT3 at Silverstone GP, identical AI".

@ThatAntisocialKid = :ninja:
@ONT = :ninja:
Coming to a build in the near future ;)

"Audio Update: All new AM Vantage GT3 incar and externals (no more tweaked placeholder), plus an AI version, backfires, turbo, gears, backfires, distant roll-offs and trajectory etc..."

So up until now all sounds in this car has been tweaked placeholder sound... see how
that works :roflmao:
I see I got a dislike from the usual suspect. :sleep::sneaky::rolleyes::cry:

Well if you dislike the fact that I have reported what is happening, you must actually like and want the AI to do these stupid things. That's your perogative but most of us would rather have AI that is done to at least the levels found in race sims from at least 15 years ago.
But if you want these badly coded AI moments in the game, then so be it.

These are my opinions only after playing and testing. Nothing more. Enjoyment of the full package is at the heart of it. Things just might change. I am build testing now and comparing now. I'll say it like I see it.

I will completely ignore WMD investors who shout me down here. I am testing latest builds and telling it like it is. If it's bad one week and good the next I will say so. I and others are fed up with investors/fan boys saying "it's in development". Change the record guys. ONT, you are not a friend. You bore me.


Back to build testing. This game is getting good. In fact it is country mile away from what it was last year. I like the replays, I like the car detailed graphics, but I am not too keen on the UI and the physics and I detest all the post processing and fancy stuff. But in my opinion it will be a fun game but not a ground breaking race sim that the community wanted.
I did some practice laps at Catalunya and really enjoyed throwing the Merc prototype around but it only reminded me of Shift 2 to be honest. OK it does not have that hinge in the middle of all the cars that the Shift series had but it does remind me of Shift in it's visual style. Not such a bad thing, but you get the gist. Presentation over content. Perhaps I have been expecting too much? The handling is familiar. The FFB is not too bad but there is just something about the handling that I can't put my finger on it. Only time will tell.

This week I have been testing AC and GSCE and without a doubt, they are better at this time in my opinion, physics wise that is. GSCE in particular is extremely well made considering the old sim engine that it is based on.

I have enjoyed testing Pcars but it is not a great rebuild of GTR2 as I was hoping for, at least not yet. But there are a couple of months left of development, so perhaps they can pull it all out of the bag and prove me wrong. I am hoping they do. I like to think that critiques like mine might spur the devs to change things for the better over time during development. One can wish.
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Andy, perhaps you missed the discussion regarding AI? There's only one combination being tested at the moment. The rest are hit & miss - mostly miss. Try this:

The official TEST is only for one track/car combo "the test scenario we're using at the moment is the AM Vantage GT3 at Silverstone GP, identical AI".

@ThatAntisocialKid = :ninja:
@ONT = :ninja:

Probably have missed it as I very rarely read the WMD forums.

Do you not think at this late stage, the AI should be working by now? Everywhere?

I will test AM at Silverstone and report back. Here.

Edit: Just tested the AI with all the same class of Aston Martins GT3's at Silverstone and they raced extremely well for 40 laps. It was a simulated race with me spectating. They raced fairly and quite harshly sometimes with some great late dive bombing over takes. Excellent racing. So hopefully all the cars and tracks will get this good AI coding now.

The replay cams need work though. If you click on another racer you soon find yourself looking at a wall or a blade of grass or a fence.
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I see I got a dislike from the usual suspect. :sleep::sneaky::rolleyes::cry:

Well if you dislike the fact that I have reported what is happening, you must actually like and want the AI to do these stupid things. That's your perogative but most of us would rather have AI that is done to at least the levels found in race sims from at least 15 years ago.
But if you want these badly coded AI moments in the game, then so be it.

These are my opinions only after playing and testing. Nothing more. Enjoyment of the full package is at the heart of it. Things just might change. I am build testing now and comparing now. I'll say it like I see it.

I will completely ignore WMD investors who shout me down here. I am testing latest builds and telling it like it is. If it's bad one week and good the next I will say so. I and others are fed up with investors/fan boys saying "it's in development". Change the record guys. ONT, you are not a friend. You bore me.


Back to build testing. This game is getting good. In fact it is country mile away from what it was last year. I like the replays, I like the car detailed graphics, but I am not too keen on the UI and the physics and I detest all the post processing and fancy stuff. But in my opinion it will be a fun game but not a ground breaking race sim that the community wanted.
I did some practice laps at Catalunya and really enjoyed throwing the Merc prototype around but it only reminded me of Shift 2 to be honest. OK it does not have that hinge in the middle of all the cars that the Shift series had but it does remind me of Shift in it's visual style. Not such a bad thing, but you get the gist. Presentation over content. Perhaps I have been expecting too much? The handling is familiar. The FFB is not too bad but there is just something about the handling that I can't put my finger on it. Only time will tell.

This week I have been testing AC and GSCE and without a doubt, they are better at this time in my opinion, physics wise that is. GSCE in particular is extremely well made considering the old sim engine that it is based on.

I have enjoyed testing Pcars but it is not a great rebuild of GTR2 as I was hoping for, at least not yet. But there are a couple of months left of development, so perhaps they can pull it all out of the bag and prove me wrong. I am hoping they do. I like to think that critiques like mine might spur the devs to change things for the better over time during development. One can wish.

You should get an xbox and a copy of Forza 5. You would love that! No dirty windshields, no head to apex tilt. No car shake, and nothing the obscure the beautiful panorama that they have created. Then you can go paint your car!

Back when I had the theory that I was indestructible, I was in a few races that were actually licensed. It's nasty, gritty, sometimes dirty and very unpleasant at times. Sure, Sure, we all have better peripheral vision as opposed to a TV screen, but the closer these games get to the violence of racing, the better in my humble opinion.

If it has the feel of shift2 (except for the crappy physics) they are doing something right. Just my .02.
Fair enough Robert. Your opinions are valid.:thumbsup: If not a bit confusing to me.

As for me getting a game console............never in a million years. :whistling::cool::roflmao:
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"Well if you dislike the fact that I have reported what is happening, you must actually like and want the AI to do these stupid things. That's your perogative but most of us would rather have AI that is done to at least the levels found in race sims from at least 15 years ago.
But if you want these badly coded AI moments in the game, then so be it.

These are my opinions only after playing and testing. Nothing more. Enjoyment of the full package is at the heart of it. Things just might change. I am build testing now and comparing now. I'll say it like I see it."

Andy......reading Your comment's really makes me laugh :).

Let me liken it to someone getting access to the manufacturing of a Lamborghini

and the weekly report goes something like this.

OMG WTF tested the Lambo today and it has no transmission, this is so unacceptable.

OMG WTF tested the Lambo again the tranny is better but the windshield has a protective plastic film on it, cant see out of the damn thing, this is totally unacceptable.

OMG WTF more testing of the Lambo I can't believe this, the stereo system is installed but there is no speakers in the holes in the doors, common
what is this, and this is in a car that cost 600 000. 00 $.

Probably have missed it as I very rarely read the WMD forums.

Do you not think at this late stage, the AI should be working by now? Everywhere?

I will test AM at Silverstone and report back. Here.

Edit: Just tested the AI with all the same class of Aston Martins GT3's at Silverstone and they raced extremely well for 40 laps. It was a simulated race with me spectating. They raced fairly and quite harshly sometimes with some great late dive bombing over takes. Excellent racing. So hopefully all the cars and tracks will get this good AI coding now.

The replay cams need work though. If you click on another racer you soon find yourself looking at a wall or a blade of grass or a fence.
The AI code has been recently overhauled and the AM GT3 is serving as the test mule until it is tweaked enough to apply to the rest of the cars & tracks. Some of the other cars are pretty decent too as is, the Formula Rookie comes to mind. That's also a good car to gauge FFB and handling IMO.

There's still tons of work to be done, more testers and constructive feedback will be useful, even if it's not the most technical kind; just backing up others opinions that you agree with has merit.
Can we have less bickering please, and keep on topic?
I want to find out how the game is progressing and finding posts of whether someone likes someone or not isn't quite the image RD usually aspires to.

I know people can vent from time to time, but please, lets just have this as a topic of how the latest build is progressing, etc.

Sorry for being boring!
New 807 build up.

The new sound for Aston GT3 didn't make the deadline, so next build ;)

("Under normal circumstances, 1500 BST the previous working day is the cut off point for the next build.

That sound update happened ~0400 this morning.")
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You thought well, Andy. :)

I meant, whether or not people agree with the opinions you (you, Dean...certainly others as well) have on CARS, you both present facts or a fair assessment on how CARS "drives" at different builds. In my opinion, that's what people want, info and a fair assessment.
I see I got a dislike from the usual suspect. :sleep::sneaky::rolleyes::cry:

The dislike came from me, Andy. I think I've only disliked one of your other posts? In all fairness though you deserved this one.

Well if you dislike the fact that I have reported what is happening, you must actually like and want the AI to do these stupid things. That's your perogative but most of us would rather have AI that is done to at least the levels found in race sims from at least 15 years ago.
But if you want these badly coded AI moments in the game, then so be it.

These are my opinions only after playing and testing. Nothing more. Enjoyment of the full package is at the heart of it. Things just might change. I am build testing now and comparing now. I'll say it like I see it.

I have no issue with you reporting what is happening, I encourage it. But when you say things like "Whoever is coding the AI needs firing or a crash course in AI coding quickly at night school." while simultaneously saying "Probably have missed it as I very rarely read the WMD forums." you should probably expect to be called out on it. Dean and I both told you about the proper way to test AI in a civil manner (ONT not so much but I sense some history between you two so I'll leave that) so how that meant we want bad AI, I don't know.

I will completely ignore WMD investors who shout me down here. I am testing latest builds and telling it like it is. If it's bad one week and good the next I will say so. I and others are fed up with investors/fan boys saying "it's in development". Change the record guys.

As much as you seem to hate hearing it, this game is in development. Even at this late stage there are some things that if you try to just jump in and go it will result in a poor outcome. To properly test the game you have to keep up to date with the dev posts over on WMD.

Do you not think at this late stage, the AI should be working by now? Everywhere?

Idealy that would be the case, yes. But it shouldn't be too much longer now that at least one car is working well (it's not just the cars though, some tracks don't have AI paths yet so they are quite broken from that too).

Edit: Just tested the AI with all the same class of Aston Martins GT3's at Silverstone and they raced extremely well for 40 laps. It was a simulated race with me spectating. They raced fairly and quite harshly sometimes with some great late dive bombing over takes. Excellent racing. So hopefully all the cars and tracks will get this good AI coding now.

I don't mean to be a smartass, but if you kept up to date at WMD this probably would have been your post yesterday rather than the one which caused this minor spat.

On a happier note, I can't wait to hear the AM Vantage GT3 goodness when it hits the builds.
The dislike came from me, Andy. I think I've only disliked one of your other posts? In all fairness though you deserved this one.

That's honest of you at least. Well done. Perhaps one day you could see fit to show your real name.

I have no issue with you reporting what is happening, I encourage it. But when you say things like "Whoever is coding the AI needs firing or a crash course in AI coding quickly at night school." while simultaneously saying "Probably have missed it as I very rarely read the WMD forums." you should probably expect to be called out on it. Dean and I both told you about the proper way to test AI in a civil manner (ONT not so much but I sense some history between you two so I'll leave that) so how that meant we want bad AI, I don't know.

You don't get it. I am not taking advive from investors or those heavily involved with Pcars. I write as I see the latest build in whatever test I decide to do. When I say the coder should be fired, it's like when a football team loses and they shout for the head of the coach. No different. But come on, they have had a while to get things right. Geoff Crammond didn't have the resources these guys have.

As for ONT, he's just another faceless investor who likes to troll and spread insults. There have been many. He's just another one. I take no notice to be honest.

As much as you seem to hate hearing it, this game is in development. Even at this late stage there are some things that if you try to just jump in and go it will result in a poor outcome. To properly test the game you have to keep up to date with the dev posts over on WMD.

I have absolutely no intention of reading dev posts. Like I said, I am merely testing this as an outsider. Looking at and reporting as I see it now and in some ways probably giving the game better coverage than many others are. The whole point of my access is to test and tell it like I find it. Any day, Ian Bell can revoke my access and I wouldn't care one jot. If the game is really as good as it can be on release, I will be buying it. (not this silly LE edition though, that's just another way of getting money from you guys again).

Idealy that would be the case, yes. But it shouldn't be too much longer now that at least one car is working well (it's not just the cars though, some tracks don't have AI paths yet so they are quite broken from that too).

This is what leads me to think it won't be ready in November. Well not without major
patches to come after to fix these problems. Unless they are burning the midnight oil that is. Time will tell.

I don't mean to be a smartass, but if you kept up to date at WMD this probably would have been your post yesterday rather than the one which caused this minor spat.

Like I stated, I have no vested interest in WMD and/or Pcars other than wanting a real good race sim. I have no intention of keeping up with Dev posts or whatever. I will test various parts of the game especially if someone points to it, but I will not limit myself to just the good bits that are working. I tell it like I see it. And as for you sounding like a smartass, you don't you are just shouting up your development. And there is no spat from me. It's others who get upset. :cool:;)

On a happier note, I can't wait to hear the AM Vantage GT3 goodness when it hits the builds.
Me too. Sound quality is one thing Pcars really has going for it in my opinion. And this should make it so much better.

The game has come on leaps and bounds and hopefully it will continue. Not everyone will like it but I think it will be very popular.

Nice to have a friendly conversation Mr Antisocial Kid or whatever your name is in real life.

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