Latest Update

Has anyone gotten the update that just came out this evening? I saw a post on Facebook which said the new GT3 cars are out, so after the update, I bought the Vette, Bentley, and Merc. I tried them out at Toban Short Reverse on the default ( 95% I think) setting with the GT1 Nissan, and the Studio 397 C6 and the Camaros. It was lots of fun and I really like the new GT3 cars. The game looks really good and plays quite well. I have had a problem getting the McLaren GT3 to show in my inventory ( I bought it when it was first available) but, other than that the game is good. I'm a little disappointed that I only have one example of the Vette, Bentley, and Merc, but otherwise, I'm quite happy.
Yes, very short on skins. Only spotted one graphic glitch so far, where the LOD for the Radical loses the exterior mirror surfaces (as an opponent), when it is more than 3 car lengths ahead. Looks like typical mirror, then the mirror surface disappears as if it went transparent and you can see the scenery through the remaining ring.

Really like how the different cars feel different and the driveability of the default setups. Nothing screamed "change me" as I tried each one.
It sounds like a good idea to create a race club next week and test these cars out. ;)

Also, I heard that the old Camaro was supposed to be BOPed to match the new pack, is that still happening?

Edit: that radical is a bit meh though. I actually like the idea of more rare GT3 car in the pack, but they could have used something that is rare, but still raced in a real world i.e. Lexus or NSX.
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