Hi guys,
I can´t solve a little problem with screen settings in windows for 5 screens.
I do use Gigabyte RTX 2080 super https://www.gigabyte.com/Graphics-Card/GV-N208SAORUS-8GC#kf and this card has a lot ou graphic outputs (3x display port, 3x hdmi and 1x USB-C).
According to Gigabyte it should be possible to simultaneously 5 outputs.
I have this configuration:
3xDP - primary monitor (uccupied with my 27inc 1080p triple monitor surrounded by nvidia to one big triple)
1xHDMI - occupied with my 4th monitor for simhub stuff etc.
1xLCD screen (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32829549939.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.3a8f4c4dW4p8DZ) and this is problem - I cannot set this screen through USB-C and I have no idea why. Do you have any idea how to set this screen in windows 10?
When I unplugged my 4th monitor and plud this screen through HDMI, it works. Is it possible that 4th monitor and this dash screen would work on the same HDMI through any HDMI splitter?
It frustrates me a lot, I would appreciate any help a lot.
Thanks lads.
I can´t solve a little problem with screen settings in windows for 5 screens.
I do use Gigabyte RTX 2080 super https://www.gigabyte.com/Graphics-Card/GV-N208SAORUS-8GC#kf and this card has a lot ou graphic outputs (3x display port, 3x hdmi and 1x USB-C).
According to Gigabyte it should be possible to simultaneously 5 outputs.
I have this configuration:
3xDP - primary monitor (uccupied with my 27inc 1080p triple monitor surrounded by nvidia to one big triple)
1xHDMI - occupied with my 4th monitor for simhub stuff etc.
1xLCD screen (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32829549939.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.3a8f4c4dW4p8DZ) and this is problem - I cannot set this screen through USB-C and I have no idea why. Do you have any idea how to set this screen in windows 10?
When I unplugged my 4th monitor and plud this screen through HDMI, it works. Is it possible that 4th monitor and this dash screen would work on the same HDMI through any HDMI splitter?
It frustrates me a lot, I would appreciate any help a lot.
Thanks lads.