Legion's Beck-Porsche 904 replica @ Bridgehampton

Legion's version of Chuck Beck's Porsche 904 replica is much better than an earlier attempt. That is, it goes, stops and turns better (and looks better, too, IMO). I did a quick n' dirty setup for Bridgehampton and it turned laps about as fast as contemporaries of the original 904, like the Ferrari GTB. I thought the gear ratios on offer could use some help, so I swapped out one of the original final-drive gearsets for a 7/27 ring & pinion (3.86 final drive). You can edit rto.ini in the data folder yourself; there is no encrypted .acd. Or, hopefully, Legion will give us a better choice with the next upgrade. Ten-lap race setup.


  • Bridge_02-20-2021.ini
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