Leo Bodnar SLI-F1 Display

So after stumbling on someone's post about Leo's new SLI device I put a project on hold and sent an email off into what I thought was the black hole of Internet email but imagine my surprise to see a response from Leo's team! Made me a bit giddy so I thought I'd share:

"Hi Miguel,

Thank you for your enquiry. Because of the large amount of interest with this new display, we are manufacturing quite a large number of these so we don’t run out within the first week We hopefully will have them available by the end of this month. We just need to get the software sorted finalized too.

Best Regards"

It's great to see Leo finally got some help! Communication has never been a strong point but his products were well worth it. I know where my birthday cash is going! XD
Sorry, meant to put pictures up but the OP was from my phone here's a quote to the other thread with pics n info:

Good stuff. I have a WIP F1 wheel that I put on hold as Leo is releasing an true F1 SLI.

Quote from Leo:




Also, I have a .dfx of the SLI-Pro dimensions that I got from Leo. If you want it PM me your email and I will send it to you. For some reason I can't upload it on to here.
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Cool to hear that it is coming so soon :D

Im still working on a project where this thig is a big factorso that is pretty nice. I will probably have to wait a bit because I will be moving soon. Then again, by the time I can get it probably any bugs or problems with the initial version are sorted out :)
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Wow its nice for the Ferrari Addon,but 250,00 Euro :sick: for this?This is heavy stuff...
I think,i dont buy them!The Addon Price is 119,00 Euro and the SLI-F1 cost more at two Wheels!Never ever! :p
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I hope because of popular demand he can lower the price a bit. It also depends if you buy the housing for the display as well obviously.

Since I'll be building my own wheel, future talk..., Im saving money on a crummy add-on in the first place :)
(overall I'll be spending more than that unfortunately :p)
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Initially at least there would appear to be little difference between this and the SLI-Pro, other than the housing and the price. That makes it a very expensive housing. In addition there is now at least one less expensive alternative to the SLI-Pro.
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When the SLI-F1 is released, there is no alternative for F1 fans I think ;)
And yes it is an expensive piece of kit, but I thought I read there were some improvements, I just can't find that post anywhere anymore. You could use more buttons and encoders with the SLI-F1 I believe.

I just wish I had the money available...
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Unfortunately it looks like the B450G board isn´t available anymore. The guy that did them asked to remove the thread about them and his website is also gone (just an empty ecomerce site at the moment). I wonder what´s the reason for this?

Not the case.

Also, some info:

My website is currenty offline due to reconstruction. I can also say im developing new product with few improvements

New product will be pretty much the same with some improvements like adjusting led brightness in software, little changed design and option for connecting extra buttons or rotary switches on board.
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Thing is, will it snug into the TM F1 wheel or would I have to change something on the wheel? People got me thinking, curse you. :p
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