Linux Multiplayer-mode

installing racer0.5.4 beta1 on Ubuntu 10.04 and debian6 works fine and have lot of fun; but only in single-player-mode.
when we try to join multiplayer game, connecting with host is o.k.; both players see both cars and the player on host / server can use all functionallity like in single-player-mode (free driving). The problem is: the car from client does not move. It starts with 1st gear, but can not change it to 2nd or neutral. We hear the sound from motor and it goes up to max rpm, we see brake-lights, but the car does not move :frown:
Don't found anything about this in forum and if somebody has some idea, please tell me. But, please don't vote windows; we don't have it.
I'm a dedicated Linux user as well but I use Wine to good effect running the latest and greatest versions of racer.
Hello radome,
thanx for your reply.
I don't have any experience with wine; do I need windows-installing for that, like "virtual-os" running in wine, or is everything emulated and native linux? I don't believe my P4/3GHz 2.5GB ram is strong enough for that. But if no other solution appears, I think I will try it.

I'm a dedicated Linux user as well but I use Wine to good effect running the latest and greatest versions of racer.
You install wine with your package installer and then use the winetricks program to get the extra things that you may need to run certain apps. You may not have the "horsepower" to get a satisfactory experience. See posts about tuning down the CG stuff. I use gkrelm to monitor my CPU core temperatures.

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