little heads up about the company called Sim-Rigs in the UK

Hi all,

Just a little heads up about the company called Sim-Rigs in the UK

Wasn't sure whether to do this or not as "mud slinging" is not my scene. But after what i have went through and times being what they are financially wise, i thought it best just to alert the good people on here about this company.

I ordered a rig in May and was told after an email inquiring about delivery times that it would be 7 - 10 days.

Well after countless lies from the company including 3 bogus tracking numbers and trying to shift the blame onto everything and everyone else for not getting my order, i cancelled and requested a refund. Which was met with an email saying your rig is getting shipped tomorrow which was about the 8th time i had heard that. So i emailed back asking for a tracking number to prove that it was ready to be shipped and got one. Only problem was, after a live chat to TNT, the tracking number turned out -again - to be completely made up.

I mean, what company or person would do that??

I am now in the process of legal action to get my money back as the company just keeps fobbing me off with -

you have been refunded do you not have it?

Its not our fault its Stripes (an online payment company like paypal)

I have bank transferred the money you should have it now.

I will look into it and get back to you etc etc.....

Its been an absolute nightmare which, at a time like this, i'm sure anyone can do without.

I am sure there will be happy customers out there that ordered from Sim Rigs but i would imagine there will be a few in the same boat as me and for that reason i have decided to put this post up so as people can make up their own minds whether its worth the risk placing an order.

Hope this does not come across as sour grapes. I wish this post had been up the day before i decided to whack £600 down the drain!!!

Choose wisely folks!!
Report it as action fraud too and any threats or anything to the police, always take the no mercy approach with these kind of people because they will just screw someone else if you don’t act and clearly this guy has no intention of living anything but a criminal lifestyle as a fraudster.
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Thanks to a great community coming through a great outcome for Jamie.

I'd just like to say.. Before seeing Jamie's experience reported here... Following a shout out for Sim-Rigs on a "Dave Cam" YouTube video a few weeks ago, I ordered both a Keyboard mount and a Mouse mount from their site to add to my P1-X rig.

Both items were delivered two weeks after order, obviously different people have different experiences (ymmv), but for me it was a pain-free experience.
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Hi all,

Just a little heads up about the company called Sim-Rigs in the UK

Wasn't sure whether to do this or not as "mud slinging" is not my scene. But after what i have went through and times being what they are financially wise, i thought it best just to alert the good people on here about this company.

I ordered a rig in May and was told after an email inquiring about delivery times that it would be 7 - 10 days.

Well after countless lies from the company including 3 bogus tracking numbers and trying to shift the blame onto everything and everyone else for not getting my order, i cancelled and requested a refund. Which was met with an email saying your rig is getting shipped tomorrow which was about the 8th time i had heard that. So i emailed back asking for a tracking number to prove that it was ready to be shipped and got one. Only problem was, after a live chat to TNT, the tracking number turned out -again - to be completely made up.

I mean, what company or person would do that??

I am now in the process of legal action to get my money back as the company just keeps fobbing me off with -

you have been refunded do you not have it?

Its not our fault its Stripes (an online payment company like paypal)

I have bank transferred the money you should have it now.

I will look into it and get back to you etc etc.....

Its been an absolute nightmare which, at a time like this, i'm sure anyone can do without.

I am sure there will be happy customers out there that ordered from Sim Rigs but i would imagine there will be a few in the same boat as me and for that reason i have decided to put this post up so as people can make up their own minds whether its worth the risk placing an order.

Hope this does not come across as sour grapes. I wish this post had been up the day before i decided to whack £600 down the drain!!!

Choose wisely folks!!
This is exactly the experience I have had and I am reclaiming the money via my bank. I hope we both get back what we are owed.
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This is exactly the experience I have had and I am reclaiming the money via my bank. I hope we both get back what we are owed.
Hi Hoobs,
Is this you he’s talking (telling more lies to) on the following post. Hope you get your money back as the walls are closing in on him.
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It's my first post here but i saw this thread after finding this forum yesterday and had to post.
I have been in a very similar situation with this outfit. Made my order in March for a rig based on a few good reviews on facebook and keen prices.
Phone call after phone call and nothing. In August i'd had enough, i'd had 8 failed deliveries where we were staying in for the delivery etc. I finally told him i was going to contact my credit card company and instruct them to recover my money. Then if by magic, and shaven headed guy turns up with a rig. I was just happy that I had something to show for my money and put it all down to me being an idiot looking for the best price over a quality company.
The kit that arrived is of bad quality. Aluminium frame is aluminium frame but several of the sections sizes are wrong so ive had to go buy more at the correct sizes. The Wheel base and pedal base are scuffed and scratched. Missing bolts etc..
I'll be honest.. I just was glad it was over and moved on. I probably should have made more of an issue but i didnt.
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Well, after reading this thread, and it's end outcome with Jamie being donated a rig it brought a tear to my eye - many tears. I'm an emotional sorta guy with things like this *happy sob* and *sob* and, and, yeah really really nice gesture guys! :inlove:

I don't know if anyone could show another turn of human kindness and send me a link for the recent free Ferrari 488 Evo that was being handed out for the Assetto Corsa esport competition as it's too late to register, and to be honest I'm a broken man because of it.

No? Oh well, worth a shot....
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I wish I had read this before I made my purchase with Sim Rigs UK. I ordered the SRV3 as it looked to be good rig, at a good price. I also ordered all the bells and whistles which came to over £600. Bizarrely soon after the purchase I got a facebook message from a 'James Hayward' saying 'Thanks for the order, had an email from global just verifying your payment asking was it real. Obviously is'. Which I found to be pretty weird but didn't think much of it. I asked when the Sim would be sent out
and was told in four days. On the day of estimated arrival I enquired on where the sim was? He said it was leaving him the next day...Nothing arrived.

I asked for a tracking number countless times and always got the same response. "I'm not at the unit at the moment - i'll go in now", "I'm on the road, I'll send it once I stop", "Working till 3 am last night, I'll send it once I'm up". Not once did I receive a tracking number despite pointing out all he needed to do was log onto his DPD account and copy/paste the tracking number. He gave me some bull saying, "he had a dedicated computer for DPD in the unit and would have to go into work to get it". Pure lies.

I kept applying the pressure and finally got the aluminium extrusion sections delivered a month later but was missing all the sim specific parts - Pedal deck, wheel base deck, Keyboard & mouse tray and was promised they'd be delivered next day. I again asked for proof of postage/tracking number and constantly got the same excuses of why he couldn't provide that.

2 weeks later a box arrived containing supposedly all the missing parts and I finally started to piece everything together. As expected from this b*****d, half the parts were missing or were completely incorrect.

Screenshot 2020-10-02 at 15.12.05.PNG

As well as the above I'm missing the pedal deck and a single monitor mount which he offered free of charge as an apology.

We're now dancing the same dance where James (actual name Barry - is telling me the missing parts are out for delivery and I'm requesting a tracking number which I never receive.

I was told today (7th Oct 2020) that a delivery would be made today and again nothing has arrived which has pushed me over the edge. I decided to finally look into this fraudster to find this forum.

I wanted to support a small business during this horrible time but unfortunately there are people out there like James/Barry Hayward whom see this as an opportunity to scam the good willed. Although I have received some of the products after months of chasing & begging, I felt I also needed to share my story to stop this criminal from getting away with this torrid behaviour.

If the remaining parts do appear I'll let you guys know and review the quality of the rig, but either way these stories need to be shared. I wish I had just ordered a Sim-Lab and just waited for stock to arrive.
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I wish I had read this before I made my purchase with Sim Rigs UK. I ordered the SRV3 as it looked to be good rig, at a good price. I also ordered all the bells and whistles which came to over £600. Bizarrely soon after the purchase I got a facebook message from a 'James Hayward' saying 'Thanks for the order, had an email from global just verifying your payment asking was it real. Obviously is'. Which I found to be pretty weird but didn't think much of it. I asked when the Sim would be sent out
and was told in four days. On the day of estimated arrival I enquired on where the sim was? He said it was leaving him the next day...Nothing arrived.

I asked for a tracking number countless times and always got the same response. "I'm not at the unit at the moment - i'll go in now", "I'm on the road, I'll send it once I stop", "Working till 3 am last night, I'll send it once I'm up". Not once did I receive a tracking number despite pointing out all he needed to do was log onto his DPD account and copy/paste the tracking number. He gave me some bull saying, "he had a dedicated computer for DPD in the unit and would have to go into work to get it". Pure lies.

I kept applying the pressure and finally got the aluminium extrusion sections delivered a month later but was missing all the sim specific parts - Pedal deck, wheel base deck, Keyboard & mouse tray and was promised they'd be delivered next day. I again asked for proof of postage/tracking number and constantly got the same excuses of why he couldn't provide that.

2 weeks later a box arrived containing supposedly all the missing parts and I finally started to piece everything together. As expected from this b*****d, half the parts were missing or were completely incorrect.

View attachment 411103

As well as the above I'm missing the pedal deck and a single monitor mount which he offered free of charge as an apology.

We're now dancing the same dance where James (actual name Barry - is telling me the missing parts are out for delivery and I'm requesting a tracking number which I never receive.

I was told today (7th Oct 2020) that a delivery would be made today and again nothing has arrived which has pushed me over the edge. I decided to finally look into this fraudster to find this forum.

I wanted to support a small business during this horrible time but unfortunately there are people out there like James/Barry Hayward whom see this as an opportunity to scam the good willed. Although I have received some of the products after months of chasing & begging, I felt I also needed to share my story to stop this criminal from getting away with this torrid behaviour.

If the remaining parts do appear I'll let you guys know and review the quality of the rig, but either way these stories need to be shared. I wish I had just ordered a Sim-Lab and just waited for stock to arrive.
Yes its just ridiculous that these kind of people exist in the world just going around doing what they want,
so sorry to hear about your issues also with them, very sad that the parts are wrong or missing ;(
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Haven't posted here for a bit as there was again some hope of a resolution last week and i was asked to keep the conversation private so i respected his wishes.

I have already posted this first bit but its relevant to the kind of person i am now beginning to think he is.

So, i got a message, the big long one that i had to kind of decode. Basically saying that (again) the reason i hadnt been refunded was due to a freeze on his bank due to someone else! It was sorted so all payment should clear by the end of the week. I gave it till the following tuesday or wednesday before emailing him the obvious - no refund!

Fast forward 2 weeks and i get a message out of the blue - "send bank info now unless you want cash bringing personally". How many times does he need my bank info? I thought this was a business hes running?
(Reason the fist bit is relevant is if you notice, 2 weeks prior, he had apparently refunded me but i didnt have it due to an issue with his bank.)

Then i messaged again telling him i still didnt have it and i got threatened with after he refunds me he is taking this legally a lot further for slander. Saying it was my fault that people had accused him of having no stock and he had had threats. Not once have i ever said or written that. I just ignored that email as i didnt think it deserved a resonse.

So, the refund was being done that evening, the 25th

The next morning i get one basically apologising for the "massive cock up on their side", and telling me my refund had been made. Also offering me free stuff for my inconvenience.

THEN............ I check my bank on Friday morning and i have a payment from Sim Rigs!!!!!

Pity it was for only a third of what he owes me. £200 out of £600. And it was issued on the Thursday (the day before) not the Saturday as he told me. I pointed out it was not even half of what i was owed and he said, yes, its part 1 of 2. Part 2 will clear either tomorrow or Monday. Anybody surprised to hear i still dont have it?

I dont know, i have given him the benefit of the doubt for months, even after hearing his previous activity but thats it. Enough's enough. I have contacted my bank to see if they can help and have contacted the police.

Definitely not the road i wanted to go down, at any point in my life. I am certainly no snitch.
But needs must.

And with DD's post above i think i done the right thing.

Sorry for the long post. yap yap
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If there's any truth in that excuse in having problems being locked out of their own bank account preventing a refund then that's a pretty big red flag to avoid them. Why would a bank do that unless the bank considers the business to be doing something of a suspect nature?
And considering it's a business run by multi-convicted and jailed fraudster known for running off with people's money. Well, need I say more!
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I got the uprights to connect my wheel deck to the body of the rig but they appear to be shorter than they should be. I'm now on his case on where the pedal deck, adjustable feet and monitor mount are (which was promised my him that delivery would be made on Tuesday) and I'm getting the classic lies.

"They were sent Monday", "I'm on the road, I'll get tracking info over to you when I pull over". "Back in 45 minutes, I'll call you".

Of course no tracking information was given.

He then suddenly offered a £100 refund as well as the missing items and asked for my paypal - which I gave. Been chasing all day and nothing has appeared in my paypal and no proof of postage given.

I don't understand why this guy promises these things unprovoked and then doesn't deliver on any of it. It's maddening.
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