Announcing the 2014-2015 New Endurance Challenge!
After a year's break the New Endurance Challenge returns for another season with plenty of improvements being made since it last ran in July last year. It might not be as new as it once was, but there is more endurance and maybe even a bit more challenge! There are only four races instead of five and they're spread over 3 months, but apart from the last round all races have been significantly increased in length, with the longest race being eight hours long!
Based on the feedback and impressions we got, we simplified some things. On the organisational side, pre-qualifying will be a thing of the past, with entries now being managed through entry and waiting lists as well as race-by-race confirmations instead. The drivers' championship has also been scrapped, which means that only the teams' championship remains. Though clearly the most noticable difference is the lack of a secondary car class, all teams will all be using the same car class in each race.
All teams are welcome to apply for a spot in the series, there is no limit on how many driver may race for a team, but each team must list at least two drivers on it's application with a maximum of four drivers competing in each race.
Round 1 - GT2
FZR: 19% air restriction
FXR: 21% air restriction
XRR: 23% air restriction
Round 3 - TBO
FXO: 6% air restriction
XRT: 2% air restriction
RB4: n/a
Round 4 - NGT
UFR: 16kg of ballast
XFR: n/a
The FO8 during Round 2 will remain unrestricted.
Round 1: 28.11.2014 - 29.11.2014
6 hours of Fern Bay Black (FE4)*
Cars used: GT2 (FZR, FXR, XRR)
Round 2: 09.01.2015 - 10.11.2015
1000km of Kyoto Ring GP (KY3)*
Cars used: FO8
Round 3: 06.02.2015 - 07.02.2015
8 hours of South City Long (SO4)
Cars used: TBO (FXO, XRT, RB4)
Round 4: 20.03.2015 - 21.03.2015
4 hours of Aston North (AS7)
Cars used: NGT (UFR, XFR)
*Events will be run with a chicane layout
All race distances do include the formation lap.
Friday 18:30 UTC: Qualifying Group 1
Friday 19:00 UTC: Qualifying Group 2
Saturday 16:00 UTC: Round 1 Race Start
Saturday 17:00 UTC: Round 2 Race Start
Saturday 14:00 UTC: Round 3 Race Start
Saturday 18:00 UTC: Round 4 Race Start
The full rulebook, applications and skin kit can be found here in this forum section too. Feel free to sign up! Everyone is welcome!
See you on track!
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