rF2 Live Stream: Studio 397 GTE @ Road America - Fri 06Jul18

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Well my Internet has only just come back.. Turns out I was connecting through the previous tenants account which ended an hour ago. Only just got my account up and running now lol. Well the game is great and I have had no practice so yeah I'm deffo out. Shame but turned out KC Communications made my decision to race or watch the football for me !
Apologies for bailing out on that one- the lag was so terrible i couldn't race any more. Pretty sure it caused me to bump someone out, so i thought it better to quit than cause more incidents. Apologies to whoever that was. (it was definitely a Porsche)
It also might explain why i went from 11th to 19th at turn 1, while having a BMW appear inside my cockpit!
Apologies for bailing out on that one- the lag was so terrible i couldn't race any more. Pretty sure it caused me to bump someone out, so i thought it better to quit than cause more incidents. Apologies to whoever that was. (it was definitely a Porsche)
It also might explain why i went from 11th to 19th at turn 1, while having a BMW appear inside my cockpit!
I was the BMW. You was a couple of cars ahead of me - then you disappeared and re-spawned inside my car. At that point I had no control and got hit by the cars behind which threw me in the air. I got loads of damage but was able to carry on from the back and finish the race.
To anyone interested: Main menu problem is fixed. Had to change the period from eg 10,00 to 10.00 in the windows language settings.
How very strange! :O_o: How did you manage to figure that one out? Anyway, I am glad that you have been able to resolve the issue! :) Hopefully you will be able to join us for next week's event! :thumbsup:
WOW! Just, WOW! :laugh: What an incredible event this was, partly due to the cars which are absolutely fantastic - great fun to drive, and they feel great - but it was mainly down to you guys! Thank you to everyone who joined us for last night's races - once again we had an incredibly impressive grid of drivers and cars! :D I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did ( or at least as much as I enjoyed the first race… :redface: ). Also, a big thanks goes to @Joseph Wright for yet another brilliant live stream - I was actually able to catch some of the broadcast this time, after I crashed out in the second race - I was loving it, and you were definitely loving it as well! :p

In spite of the many positives, I would like to apologise for the some of the technical issues that arose yesterday - the random glitches and lagging, which I can only attribute to the number of cars on the server (though we have previously had more cars on the servers, the downstream and upstream rates for this event's could have been increased to try and alleviate the problem) and the track itself. :unsure: Also, I am sorry about the harsher than usual "cut detection" and the resulting penalties - as I have mentioned previously, this version of the track was actually designed for league use. :whistling: We shall look into rectifying this for future events.

On the point of future events, the thread for next week's race, at Road Atlanta, is now live - you can sign-up here to race in these awesome cars again! ;) We hope to see you all on track again very soon! I can't wait! :x3: For now though, enjoy your weekends! :cool:
Did anyone else have a problem with their rear-view camera not pointing straight back? Mine in the M8 was pointing to the right. Perfect for seeing cars passing on that side - not so good for seeing the train behind me. Is it a VR-related problem?
No, it's not VR-related, happens on my single monitor as well. With a forward POV the mirrors run out of adjustment and you can't re-center your rearview.

Open your player.json file and look for these lines:

"Moving Rearview":0,
"Moving Rearview#":"Whether mirrors respond to head movement in cockpit (0=none, 1=position-only, 2=FOV-only, 3=both) - add 4 if you want to IGNORE head-tracking movement",
No, it's not VR-related, happens on my single monitor as well. With a forward POV the mirrors run out of adjustment and you can't re-center your rearview.

Open your player.json file and look for these lines:

"Moving Rearview":0,
"Moving Rearview#":"Whether mirrors respond to head movement in cockpit (0=none, 1=position-only, 2=FOV-only, 3=both) - add 4 if you want to IGNORE head-tracking movement",
I'm actually talking about the rearview camera mounted on the dash - not the virtual mirrors. Unless this works for that as well?

EDIT - Someone just replied on the S397 forum. Apparently it's a known VR issue and can be corrected with mirror adjustment - as you rightly said :thumbsup:.
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I'm actually talking about the rearview camera mounted on the dash - not the virtual mirrors. Unless this works for that as well?
I dunno though. I have had the same issue on my triple monitors in a number of the Endurance cars. The dash mirror pointing slightly to the side, and it baffles me to what the issue is, cause its only with a select few.
I think we're going to have a lot of fun with the new cars. Great choice of circuit and very entertaining race from Twitch, congratulations Joseph.
Diop, my most sincere apologies for my optimistic attempt to overtake, for my part, lesson learned.

I dunno though. I have had the same issue on my triple monitors in a number of the Endurance cars. The dash mirror pointing slightly to the side, and it baffles me to what the issue is, cause its only with a select few.
You're correct. Apparently it's not only VR-related - and it seems to effect some cars and not others. You'll have to adjust the mirrors/camera on each car that is. I had my virtual mirrors off and didn't realise until the race started that I couldn't see the car directly behind me.

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