Logitech G25 issues

Hey Guys!

I'm new here, so I hope I post this to the good site. Two days ago I bought a Logitech G25. Everything was fine, until I tried to install the Logitech Profiler. ( This is what a tried: https://support.logi.com/hc/en-hk/articles/360024840473--Downloads-G25-Racing-Wheel)

I had an error message, which wrote something like this: logitech profiler was unable to detect any game controllers

In game controllers I see the wheel, and it writes the status is OK.
I tried almost every solutions I saw on the internet, but nothing worked.

Now I hope anyone could help me.
Thank you really much, it worked. Now I only have one problem. Some games just crash when i start them. Like Dirt 5, F1 ... But with ETS2 the wheel works perfectly.
I don't own Dirt 5 but F1 2017 and Dirts 2,3 and 4 plus Dirt Rally 1 and 2 all work fine with mine. Maybe post in their sections for some help.
Also what OS are you on, if it's W10 make sure you disable third party driver updates or it may mess up again. I always keep a copy of the correct drivers just in case.