Logitech G29 H shifter issue

Hi there,

Yesterday I was practicing for the race, the H shifter worked very well. Then I made a 10-minute break. There was no miss shift, no grinding, no bad movement nothing prior to the break.
When I entered to start my quali laps, the physical H shifter was in N position, but the game said I was in 2nd ... Then I've entered 1st gear and I was still in 2nd. Then I entered 2nd and stayed second, when I entered the physical 3rd, the game goes to 4th gear ... So I've lost all the odd gears and I have only even gears in all the slots that I put the physical H shifter. Also, I've lost N. When the physical shifter in N, the game thinks it is in the 4th. Then when I move to the left I engage second and when I move to right I engage 6. The R still works.
I have restarted the game and the PC and I had the same effect. I did the race using paddles and clutch - so weird ... Then I went to the calibration in windows. When in N, the buttons for 4th gear is activated, and then, when I go to physical 1st, only the button for 2nd is activated, and so on, as explained above.
Did someone had the same issue with the G29 H shifter?

Thanks for your responses
Kind regards,
It's a very common issue with logiteck shifters, from the beginning of time. They have chosen to keep the same potentiometer design with all it's flaws, while they could have switched to hall sensor technology and save themselves and us from frustration. Usually the pot gets dirty and starts to behave strange. In your case I also suspect one of the thin cables is broken so you don't get half of the gates. It could be an easy fix, or not. Also you could spray some contract cleaning in there and see if the pots behave better.
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It's a very common issue with logiteck shifters, from the beginning of time. They have chosen to keep the same potentiometer design with all it's flaws, while they could have switched to hall sensor technology and save themselves and us from frustration. Usually the pot gets dirty and starts to behave strange. In your case I also suspect one of the thin cables is broken so you don't get half of the gates. It could be an easy fix, or not. Also you could spray some contract cleaning in there and see if the pots behave better.
I see so it's a hardware issue and the easiest way will be to send it to warranty.
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Just need to recalibrate. Yes, the pots are wearing, but recalibrating will let the shifts function for awhile longer. Though a broken wire could also be the culprit, at least check the calibration before sending off for repair.
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Just need to recalibrate. Yes, the pots are wearing, but recalibrating will let the shifts function for awhile longer. Though a broken wire could also be the culprit, at least check the calibration before sending off for repair.
If I go to Control panel - joystick - G29 - Properties, every time I go to the physical first gear, the button 14 flashes red, when I go to second, still the 14th number flashes red. when I go N, 3rd physical or 4th physical, only button 16 flashes red. For the 5th and 6th only button 18. If I go to recalibrate, I am prompted to calibrate only the wheel. there are no calibration for they shifter ...
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If I go to Control panel - joystick - G29 - Properties, every time I go to the physical first gear, the button 14 flashes red, when I go to second, still the 14th number flashes red. when I go N, 3rd physical or 4th physical, only button 16 flashes red. For the 5th and 6th only button 18. If I go to recalibrate, I am prompted to calibrate only the wheel. there are no calibration for they shifter ...
Bleh. Another strike against Logitech. Leo Bodnar has a calibration utility... I don't know if it works without his USB adapter, but it is worth a shot.
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