Logitech H-shifter not working ?

I bought a Logitech G driving force H-shifter and connected it to my pc with an rsr232 to usb cable.
I have installed "Logitech G Hub" and "Logitech Gaming software".
The logitech gaming software says "no devices detected"
I've seen on the internet Leo Bodnar offer USB adapters for the logitech shifter.
Is this something different than a regular RSR232 to USB cable ?
Is there a way to see if a usb input is entering the pc?
Is the Shifter broken (the box had already been opened when I got it)?
Has anyone managed to get the shifter working in a stand alone situation (without a logitech wheel), and has tips how to do it ?
What is going on; wrong installation, broken shifter or wrong cable?
Are you really using an RS232 to USB cable? If so, what made you choose that?

It may have a compatible-looking connector, but the Logitech shifter doesn't send data over a serial interface (like RS232). Instead it has some potentiometers (variable resistors) hooked up to the pins in the cable, with the resistances changing as you move the stick around. The controller to which it's connected (either the Logitech wheel or something like the Bodnar cable) has analog to digital converters to work out the stick position and then send digital info to the PC.
So yeah, in short, the Bodnar cable is utterly different to an RS232 to USB cable.
I don't own a Bodnar cable myself but I believe that lots of people use them successfully for pedals and/or shifters. However, you won't need any Logitech software installed in order to use it, because you effectively won't be using any Logitech products.