Because older Logitech wheels don't have enough range/power to replicate forces generated by rF2. I don't have any experience with RR but many of the effects used by some sims, are faked by using pre-programed effects. I've heard many good things about RR lately so perhaps they have improved their FFB especially when used by lower cost wheels. I used my Logi profiler for years thru GTR2 and rF1. But by the time I finally moved on from Logitech products, I hadn't used the profiler for much at all. Especially since my wheel was not even supported by the profiler. I had to find online an out of date version of the profiler.
So you can answer your own question. Does the wheel respond as expected without the profiler being active? If you are not feeling the effects you expect, check the wheel settings. The smoothing option should be set as low as tolerable, it was meant to reduce extreme vibrations from wheels being overloaded.
best of luck