Logitech Wheel Setup

This is a quick tutorial by MozzMann. I take no credit (or blame) for the results however; I find that these settings work for me with RRRE – unlike my commonly used Global Settings. In fact, RRRE feels like a whole new game to me compared to how it started out. There are a few minor things that I have changed from this tutorial but, overall – these settings work incredibly well when combined with a few in-game FFB tweaks.

I am using a G25 and have to admit that I was skeptical when I first read this because it is very different from my Global setup that has worked very well for all other Sims that I have played to date. While my Global setup worked okay in RRRE, the FFB felt very basic and numb. The steering felt a little un-responsive and there was little to no FFB on bumps or drop-offs where the steering should feel “Light”. There was no feeling, what-so-ever, of grip-loss during braking or over-steering and I felt like I was always one step behind where I needed to be – in control. Those issues are no longer a problem. Also, these settings corrected the feeling of low brake power – especially in the GT3 cars and also improved steering response.

RRRE / Logitech Wheel Setup by MozzMann
The opinions expressed here are based on my PC, my Wheel and the way it interacts with the Simulation. Now before you even start thinking about comparing things to ISI, or other SimBin titles DON'T, because settings in RRE are very different to anything you might have encountered previously.

IMHO if you run any of the Logitech Wheels then you MUST run the profiler and make not only a Global Profile but, also a Custom Profile for each Race Sim you use.

1) You MUST run the Logitech Profiler Software
2) You MUST tune the Axis settings to give you MAXIMUM steering Max Brake and Minimum Throttle sensitivity
3) You MUST set a Global Profile and then a separate Profile for EVERY race Sim you run so that settings are never mixed.

I have found that the reason that way too many Sim-players have issues with the Logitech Wheels and others too, is they simply do not understand how the Profiler Software works so they cannot benefit fully.

Go to the Global Device Settings - Use these Settings
Overall effects at 124%
Spring Effect at 50 % (Spring effect is not needed due to the way modern Race Sims work BUT you should set this just the same)
Enable Spring in FFB Games (ticked)
Centering Effect at 50%
Degrees of Rotation 900
(IMHO It's a bit pointless having a 900 degree wheel if your not going to use the fine steering control offered by it)

DO NOT!! ALLOW Game to adjust settings!!! The reason for this is below.
Allowing the game to change settings is where people go wrong!!!
Why? Well if a Race Sim you use is allowed to change something in the Profiler and then you go to GTR Evo or rFactor, once the Controller.ini file is opened by GTR Evo for instance, what it remembers doesn't tally with the last settings stored in the Profiler (HIDDEN) settings. You chase your tail and can't understand why the Wheel isn't behaving. So now you know, NEVER use the one Profile for your Sim Racing. You may blame the Game / Simulation where in fact it is your wheel doing what it was told because you allowed it to. The Global settings are just that, Global, and what every subsequent Profile uses as a base to work from.

So now that the GLOBAL settings are made then you create a custom Game Profile for RRRE. The settings made in each custom profile are a Percentage of the Global settings made earlier. In this way, ONLY the Profile for (in this case) RRRE will be changed or altered due to its interaction with the Logitech Software. This allows you to change settings specific to RRRE and NOT affect other Sims you use. Settings are allowed to change based on your in-game settings, not the Global settings.

Create a Custom Profile for RRRE.
Use these settings in the RRRE Profile
Overall Effects Strength @ 120% (this is a percentage of the 115% set in Global)
Spring Effect Strength @ 0 %
Damper Effect Strength @ 150% (adds drag to the wheel and helps prevent over correction and smooth’s out your input)
Enable Centering Spring (ticked) but @ 0% (The reason for this is it allows the actual cars camber and camber settings to influence the way you FEEL the road - if this is un-ticked you will not feel this accurately)
Use Special Steering Wheel Settings (ticked)
Report Combined Pedals (user preference)
Degrees of Rotation @ 900 (Recommended)
Use Special Game Settings (Ticked)
Allow Game to Adjust Settings (Ticked)
(These two are very important as this allows the Sim to alter settings INTERNALLY in the Profiler that we cannot see in the GUI)
Controller – Individual Input SettingsCustom settings for Sensitivity, Range and Dead Zone can be set in the Profiler.
Left Click on the Steering Wheel line in the Lower left hand side of the Profiler and select Axis Properties
Set Sensitivity @ 100%, 0% Dead Zone, and 100% Range
(The reason that 100% is set here is to give you me a logarithmic steering as possible with quick responses around the center, still precise yet greatly accelerated deflection the greater the turn). Why? Because it allows a smaller degree of lock thus finer steering in the center with a greater amount at the extremes of steering input, very closely replicating the variable steering racks used in modern race cars.

Throttle Settings
Sensitivity @ 0%, 2% Dead Zone, and 100% Range
(The reason that 0 % is set here is to give you the smoothest throttle transition from partial throttle response to full, varying the sensitivity WILL NOT change the amount at Full throttle just how fast you get there thus 0% is much smoother).

Brake Settings
100% Sensitivity, 2% Dead Zone, and 100% Range
(The reason that 100 % is set here is to give you the maximum Brake response available and allow you to turn down the In-Game settings only).

You can also set various macros for flashing headlights and other things but I will not cover that here.

I did a lot of research and playing around with settings because I found I was getting so much interaction with various simulations.

Now as for the settings in for RRRE these are very subjective and largely personal preference, but I'd like to offer a few pointer's here too.

In the Options I'd urge careful tuning of the Sensitivities based on your Personal style AND whether you use things like a Load-Cell mod for the Logitech.

I have found that turning the sensitivity way down for the Brake and Throttle helped dramatically in preventing loss of traction entering and exiting corner's while having the clutch at full sensitivity was great for Power shifting etc.

By using the above settings in your Logitech Profiler for DF GT Pro, G25 or G27 I believe you will now be able to be smoother and more precise with your steering, and NOT need to change things like steering lock. (Incidentally the steering Lock is the degrees of steering per rotation of the Wheel). If you turn your steering lock up WITHOUT understanding it's interaction with Steering degrees of rotation AND Steering Percentage in-Game, I can almost guarantee you will get under-steer going into a corner and over-steer coming out. This is a direct result of the Game’s interaction with the wheel and Car physics and as I stated above, NEEDS to be fine-tuned based on your PC, driving style, and the actual Car within the Sim. IMHO, all that you should need to change is the Brake and Steering percentage IN-GAME to achieve the smoothness that we all seek.

Feel free to reduce the Steering percentage if you like but it may then feel strange and possibly even vague.



Again, this all down to opinion in the end but, I feel the FFB has improved in a big way. I haven't followed this guide 100% but, it will get you close to a great setup. Your results may vary but, give it a try and you may find this helpful for fine-tuning FFB in other Sims as well - especially for those having input lag and poor FFB.

In addition to the Profiler setup above, my RRRE in-game FFB settings are:

FFB Effects Level = Medium
FFS = 75%
FFSF = 1.7
FFSGW = 1 (increasing this setting improved grip feel significantly)
SWF = 0.85
FFCE = 0.3
FFCP = -0.6

I have the in-game Wheel Animation on - rotation set to match my G25. Note: Having the drivers arms displayed does limit visual wheel rotation at this time. Use "wheel only" to have the visual match your actual wheel rotation.

Hopefully, this will help those having issues with Logitech wheels in RRRE.

Thanks all, this did the trick for me:
E:\steam\Steam.exe steam://rungameid/211500

At least now I can set a Specific Profile for the game and have it work in-game.
I don't think this is the right path. When I used steam.exe, I was able to start the game from Logitech Profiler but it didn't use the custom game profile ingame.

Now I'm using the RRRE executable (...\steamapps\common\raceroom racing experience\Game\Game.exe) and I'm not able to start the game from Logitech Profiler anymore but the game specific settings actually make a difference ingame now. Just start the game via Steam or desktop shortcut and make sure Logitech Profiler is running in the background.
This is a quick tutorial by MozzMann. I take no credit (or blame) for the results however; I find that these settings work for me with RRRE – unlike my commonly used Global Settings. In fact, RRRE feels like a whole new game to me compared to how it started out. There are a few minor things that I have changed from this tutorial but, overall – these settings work incredibly well when combined with a few in-game FFB tweaks.

I am using a G25 and have to admit that I was skeptical when I first read this because it is very different from my Global setup that has worked very well for all other Sims that I have played to date. While my Global setup worked okay in RRRE, the FFB felt very basic and numb. The steering felt a little un-responsive and there was little to no FFB on bumps or drop-offs where the steering should feel “Light”. There was no feeling, what-so-ever, of grip-loss during braking or over-steering and I felt like I was always one step behind where I needed to be – in control. Those issues are no longer a problem. Also, these settings corrected the feeling of low brake power – especially in the GT3 cars and also improved steering response.

RRRE / Logitech Wheel Setup by MozzMann
The opinions expressed here are based on my PC, my Wheel and the way it interacts with the Simulation. Now before you even start thinking about comparing things to ISI, or other SimBin titles DON'T, because settings in RRE are very different to anything you might have encountered previously.

IMHO if you run any of the Logitech Wheels then you MUST run the profiler and make not only a Global Profile but, also a Custom Profile for each Race Sim you use.

1) You MUST run the Logitech Profiler Software
2) You MUST tune the Axis settings to give you MAXIMUM steering Max Brake and Minimum Throttle sensitivity
3) You MUST set a Global Profile and then a separate Profile for EVERY race Sim you run so that settings are never mixed.

I have found that the reason that way too many Sim-players have issues with the Logitech Wheels and others too, is they simply do not understand how the Profiler Software works so they cannot benefit fully.

Go to the Global Device Settings - Use these Settings
Overall effects at 124%
Spring Effect at 50 % (Spring effect is not needed due to the way modern Race Sims work BUT you should set this just the same)
Enable Spring in FFB Games (ticked)
Centering Effect at 50%
Degrees of Rotation 900
(IMHO It's a bit pointless having a 900 degree wheel if your not going to use the fine steering control offered by it)

DO NOT!! ALLOW Game to adjust settings!!! The reason for this is below.
Allowing the game to change settings is where people go wrong!!!
Why? Well if a Race Sim you use is allowed to change something in the Profiler and then you go to GTR Evo or rFactor, once the Controller.ini file is opened by GTR Evo for instance, what it remembers doesn't tally with the last settings stored in the Profiler (HIDDEN) settings. You chase your tail and can't understand why the Wheel isn't behaving. So now you know, NEVER use the one Profile for your Sim Racing. You may blame the Game / Simulation where in fact it is your wheel doing what it was told because you allowed it to. The Global settings are just that, Global, and what every subsequent Profile uses as a base to work from.

So now that the GLOBAL settings are made then you create a custom Game Profile for RRRE. The settings made in each custom profile are a Percentage of the Global settings made earlier. In this way, ONLY the Profile for (in this case) RRRE will be changed or altered due to its interaction with the Logitech Software. This allows you to change settings specific to RRRE and NOT affect other Sims you use. Settings are allowed to change based on your in-game settings, not the Global settings.

Create a Custom Profile for RRRE.
Use these settings in the RRRE Profile
Overall Effects Strength @ 120% (this is a percentage of the 115% set in Global)
Spring Effect Strength @ 0 %
Damper Effect Strength @ 150% (adds drag to the wheel and helps prevent over correction and smooth’s out your input)
Enable Centering Spring (ticked) but @ 0% (The reason for this is it allows the actual cars camber and camber settings to influence the way you FEEL the road - if this is un-ticked you will not feel this accurately)
Use Special Steering Wheel Settings (ticked)
Report Combined Pedals (user preference)
Degrees of Rotation @ 900 (Recommended)
Use Special Game Settings (Ticked)
Allow Game to Adjust Settings (Ticked)
(These two are very important as this allows the Sim to alter settings INTERNALLY in the Profiler that we cannot see in the GUI)
Controller – Individual Input SettingsCustom settings for Sensitivity, Range and Dead Zone can be set in the Profiler.
Left Click on the Steering Wheel line in the Lower left hand side of the Profiler and select Axis Properties
Set Sensitivity @ 100%, 0% Dead Zone, and 100% Range
(The reason that 100% is set here is to give you me a logarithmic steering as possible with quick responses around the center, still precise yet greatly accelerated deflection the greater the turn). Why? Because it allows a smaller degree of lock thus finer steering in the center with a greater amount at the extremes of steering input, very closely replicating the variable steering racks used in modern race cars.

Throttle Settings
Sensitivity @ 0%, 2% Dead Zone, and 100% Range
(The reason that 0 % is set here is to give you the smoothest throttle transition from partial throttle response to full, varying the sensitivity WILL NOT change the amount at Full throttle just how fast you get there thus 0% is much smoother).

Brake Settings
100% Sensitivity, 2% Dead Zone, and 100% Range
(The reason that 100 % is set here is to give you the maximum Brake response available and allow you to turn down the In-Game settings only).

You can also set various macros for flashing headlights and other things but I will not cover that here.

I did a lot of research and playing around with settings because I found I was getting so much interaction with various simulations.

Now as for the settings in for RRRE these are very subjective and largely personal preference, but I'd like to offer a few pointer's here too.

In the Options I'd urge careful tuning of the Sensitivities based on your Personal style AND whether you use things like a Load-Cell mod for the Logitech.

I have found that turning the sensitivity way down for the Brake and Throttle helped dramatically in preventing loss of traction entering and exiting corner's while having the clutch at full sensitivity was great for Power shifting etc.

By using the above settings in your Logitech Profiler for DF GT Pro, G25 or G27 I believe you will now be able to be smoother and more precise with your steering, and NOT need to change things like steering lock. (Incidentally the steering Lock is the degrees of steering per rotation of the Wheel). If you turn your steering lock up WITHOUT understanding it's interaction with Steering degrees of rotation AND Steering Percentage in-Game, I can almost guarantee you will get under-steer going into a corner and over-steer coming out. This is a direct result of the Game’s interaction with the wheel and Car physics and as I stated above, NEEDS to be fine-tuned based on your PC, driving style, and the actual Car within the Sim. IMHO, all that you should need to change is the Brake and Steering percentage IN-GAME to achieve the smoothness that we all seek.

Feel free to reduce the Steering percentage if you like but it may then feel strange and possibly even vague.



Again, this all down to opinion in the end but, I feel the FFB has improved in a big way. I haven't followed this guide 100% but, it will get you close to a great setup. Your results may vary but, give it a try and you may find this helpful for fine-tuning FFB in other Sims as well - especially for those having input lag and poor FFB.

In addition to the Profiler setup above, my RRRE in-game FFB settings are:

FFB Effects Level = Medium
FFS = 75%
FFSF = 1.7
FFSGW = 1 (increasing this setting improved grip feel significantly)
SWF = 0.85
FFCE = 0.3
FFCP = -0.6

I have the in-game Wheel Animation on - rotation set to match my G25. Note: Having the drivers arms displayed does limit visual wheel rotation at this time. Use "wheel only" to have the visual match your actual wheel rotation.

Hopefully, this will help those having issues with Logitech wheels in RRRE.


Thanks for sharing Racenut
the game changed so much with these settings... :D
Im using this right now and i like it (R3E). Unfortunatly im a Netkar and Assetto tech prev user and as far as its impossibble to lower spring effect less than 0% in the "specific game settings" it uses GLOBAL spring effects that you said to set at 50%. Which is very bad for using with Netkar pro and even more with AC. What should I do ?
there has been a lot of discussion about this set up and basically your best bet is to use another if it doesnt suit you ; some of the settings arent that logical in this (ie induce cliping etc ) ..; this isnt me picking on this setup its just that im pointing out that as with other options it has its own limitations and as with all tweaks it adds some fudge factor to get the effect the original user wants ....

Im using this right now and i like it (R3E). Unfortunatly im a Netkar and Assetto tech prev user and as far as its impossibble to lower spring effect less than 0% in the "specific game settings" it uses GLOBAL spring effects that you said to set at 50%. Which is very bad for using with Netkar pro and even more with AC. What should I do ?
I believe that a custom profile is required for each title and will over-ride the Global settings when used properly. Andi is correct about finding what suits your personal taste best and it does require some experimentation. Using the settings as described in the guide work great for me in RRRE but, the custom profiles used for other titles are drastically different. I don't find the Global settings to be an issue with other titles so long as you set up the custom profiles up properly.

I hope this helps clarify a bit.
I believe that a custom profile is required for each title and will over-ride the Global settings when used properly. Andi is correct about finding what suits your personal taste best and it does require some experimentation. Using the settings as described in the guide work great for me in RRRE but, the custom profiles used for other titles are drastically different. I don't find the Global settings to be an issue with other titles so long as you set up the custom profiles up properly.

I hope this helps clarify a bit.
yes ...got it mate. I was confused right there :) thx !
I have just read this I would like to thank you for posting your settings. I really don't understand some people saying negative things. I am looking for settings to make it feel like the real thing. I have been looking for help to set up my wheel for dirt latemodel in rfactor. my wheel does not seam like it reacts as fast as it should then it seams like I have over corrected because of the slow reaction of the first movement of the wheel. I raced real Latemodels and it takes some getting time learning to drive when you can't feel the car. Thank you very much for all of this help to get me on the right track to making some good laps.
I have just read this I would like to thank you for posting your settings. I really don't understand some people saying negative things. I am looking for settings to make it feel like the real thing. I have been looking for help to set up my wheel for dirt latemodel in rfactor. my wheel does not seam like it reacts as fast as it should then it seams like I have over corrected because of the slow reaction of the first movement of the wheel. I raced real Latemodels and it takes some getting time learning to drive when you can't feel the car. Thank you very much for all of this help to get me on the right track to making some good laps.
This thread is over 3 years old and a lot has changed since then, you might be better off to check out the new guides which have been posted in the Sector3 forum.
G25 Finally some road feel!! guys i have to share my setup with you and what ive learned from using this g25. So with us g25/27 users the deadzone obviously ruins our straight line road feel but with my setup Ive managed to bring the road noise up and keep the wheel strength down (the pulling factor on the wheel) so here is my guide:

Force Feeback intensity - 100%
Smoothing - 0%
spring 0%
damper 0 %

Now to get the Bumps on the straight to punch through I have set the steering force feeback to 200% this amplifies the road bumps but also amplifies everything else so late on you will notice my kerb and shift effects are quite low.
Steering Force Feedback - 200%
Minimum Force Feedback - 20%
Understeer - 0% ( i dont like the effect because it gets too light to quick and the counter steer then is too heavy)
Vertical Load - 90%
Lateral Load - 0%
now ive tested both these in different combinations and they basically do the same thing... the code that determines the vibrations on the wheel from bumps oversteer understeer and cornering forces apply on both of these BUT! the lateral forces adds alot of steering stiffness where as vertical adds only a very tiny amount. now because I have steering feedback at 200% the steering stiffness can get out of hand really quick. so if vertical and lateral both give me bump and tire feels I prefer to have vertical only as i dont lose any information and get less steering stiffnes... because the minimum force feedback also adds some steering stiffness i have reduced the vertical load 10% to lighten the wheel up and bit, i also tried 10% minimum force and 100% vertical but the bumps on the straights dont punch through, so aim for 15-25% minimum feedback and 85%- 95% vertical to suit , btu this is the best setup IF you want to feel the Road as best possible.

Steering Rack is at 0%
i find the oversteer and understeer tension is perfect already and this would only add more stiffness and muddy up the dynamics of the vertical feeling so for us g25/27 we need as much converstion with the floor when near the center of the wheel and this will just take some sensitivtiy out of it.

slip effect 0%
again it just takes away some emphasis on the tire/bumps in cornering but can add in to taste .. you would only need a tiny bit as we are at 200% FFB
engine - 0% as above
Kerb 15% doesnt need much as the vertical has it covered
Shift 10% same as above

now when you go off track it can be a little rough but thats the price you pay to get the road surface to kick through for our weak centered wheels

I mainly race the Porche gt3 - DTM - Sillouette with FFB multiplier 1.000 and these setting translate very well , but for open seated cars you need to increase the multiplier to get the same feeling
Hope you like it!!

Please Add Me if you wanna race

A.Rae (ingame)

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