Hello, I am looking for some developer who can change the hard coded fov(54) of AC,so it can change the world scale under Vr. I did many tests, one of them shows me that indeed the FOV is related to the world scale under Vr. Example - AC default Fov 54,Iracing has default Fov 45, i tested Nordschleife!! I went to drive in RL, then I sit and test in on both games! Guess what? The track in AC was narrow and tight like I'm with reverse binocular vision, on the other hand in Iracing the track was more wide and felt more close to the size of the original one. To be sure I did another test, I picked up Raceroom Exp, where the default Fov is 56(bigger then AC) and the track was even worst than AC! All 3 Sims use laserscanned version of Nordschleife. I am willing to pay for the development of world scale or some other way to change that view under Vr. You can pm me with any suggestions.
Best Regards
Best Regards