losing my connection after some minutes

when I connect to a server, I get "conection lost" after 1 to 5 minutes connected. I tried THREE DIFFERENT SERVERS from big brazilian leagues (F1BC, NeoBR and Clube do Volante) and I got this problem in all of them.

I tried Google public DNS and tried without fixed DNS.

Problem persists.

The files are all ok, since I'm able to go to the track and start driving. The "connection lost" after I'm racing.

I also tried to run as administrator. Nothing changed.

I also got 0 (ZERO) packet lost after pinging my connection.

I run iRacing just fine, I run rF2 just fine, I run Assetto just fine.

After the connection loss my internet is still ok only the game goes back to menu.
I was reading about someone having this similar problem with rfactor here:

BUG: some modems/routers like to close inactive TCP connections after a very short time (about 3 minutes). rFactor uses a TCP connection for chat and sector times. At the recon lap, usually nobody is chatting or driving sector times, and due to the inactivity that connection is closed. We can still see you until rFactor realizes that the connection is not there anymore, and you drop out.

SOLUTION: keep the TCP connection alive in the recon lap. You can whisper to yourself or somebody can chat to you, then you'll be OK.

That may not be a very realistic solution but the "BUG" section may help you in narrowing down the problem. A quick google search showed me that you are definitely not the first person with this problem in this game engine.
Thank you Dann!
Just bought AMS and no matter on what server I was: "connection lost" after a random time it seemed.
I mapped a quickchat to my downshift paddle and just did a full hour on a Server :)
Ironically, I have been battling this "connection lost" issue myself. I lost connection in my past 2 online races and countless practice sessions in between. I completely uninstalled and reinstalled AMS. I got a new modem. Reinstalled Windows 10. Nothing worked. I searched Google and found this thread after I could, once again, not stay connected in the practice session before my league race today. So I mapped quickchats 8 & 9 to my upshift & downshift and I was able to stay connected through our 1.5 hour online race. I guess this really works and deserved a bump! ;)

Obviously, clear your quickchat text in your plr file like this:

Quick Chat #8=""
Quick Chat #9=""
How would you able to make them the same button as your up and down shifts? I cannot assign them

Ironically, I have been battling this "connection lost" issue myself. I lost connection in my past 2 online races and countless practice sessions in between. I completely uninstalled and reinstalled AMS. I got a new modem. Reinstalled Windows 10. Nothing worked. I searched Google and found this thread after I could, once again, not stay connected in the practice session before my league race today. So I mapped quickchats 8 & 9 to my upshift & downshift and I was able to stay connected through our 1.5 hour online race. I guess this really works and deserved a bump! ;)

Obviously, clear your quickchat text in your plr file like this:

Quick Chat #8=""
Quick Chat #9=""
You can map the the same button for 2 different functions easily in AMS. When you add the 2nd function it says "Press Enter to also assign..."

I have since found that the actual "connection lost" solution is to change your modem to bridge mode and install a separate router. But adding the autochats to your shifters is a quick fix. ;)
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I have since found that the actual "connection lost" solution is to change your modem to bridge mode and install a separate router. But adding the autochats to your shifters is a quick fix. ;)
Yep, found that solution back then too but sadly most apartments in Germany don't need a modem. You just get a router from your provider that barely has features apart from forwarding, firewall and WLAN.
Not gonna pay and configure extra just to not do the workaround hehe.