Loving the New Site!

"We understand: too much advertising is really annoying and that's not what you came here for."

So every time I open a new page I must deal this blasted orange popup asking for money. Once was OK ... BUT ON EVERY BLASTED PAGE!?!?!?

Fix it!
Fellas, i dont mind the advertising despite being a "premium" member. The colour scheme of racedepartment suited the website design very well, a lot more than the overtake colours do at the moment.

Its something new and different to what we are used to thats all.

Stick with and im sure the guys will get it sorted over time. I understand that they had to keep everything "working" so rolled out the new colour scheme and logos to match their brand. (thats exactly what i would do) then update it as we go.

I encourage patience in this matter as im sure it will get better and suit every ones expectations.

Give it time and try not to make hasty decisions too soon :)
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"We understand: too much advertising is really annoying and that's not what you came here for."

So every time I open a new page I must deal this blasted orange popup asking for money. Once was OK ... BUT ON EVERY BLASTED PAGE!?!?!?

Fix it!
Thanks for taking the time to word your questions in a friendly way. As a real human on the other side of the monitor it's always appreciated.

Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing please so I can have a look if that is an ad from us as we certainly don't beg for money with orange boxes?
Thanks for taking the time to word your questions in a friendly way. As a real human on the other side of the monitor it's always appreciated.

Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing please so I can have a look if that is an ad from us as we certainly don't beg for money with orange boxes?

I click the little X and that popup closes ...til I go to another page. This popup greys out the rest of the page so I must click to close it before continuing, and must do this with each page.

As you see, this shot was taken on the main forum page; I had to close the popup, noticed a response to my post so clicked on that, new page opens and there is the popup, close it again and click on the response ...and there is that popup again, close it again to read your response. Having to click to close this on every page is quite the irritant.
Thanks for taking the time to word your questions in a friendly way. As a real human on the other side of the monitor it's always appreciated.

Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing please so I can have a look if that is an ad from us as we certainly don't beg for money with orange boxes?
Every-time viewing the forum after a refresh, we get this as an ad-blocker is being used. It's coming up each time, can understand the frustration this may be causing.

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 23.00.53.png

Regarding the ads.
I use a adblocker.
On any site when I disable it, I just don't understand how average people can support them how it's so much ennoying...

Here, with the adblocker I get the orange "pop up" "you don't like ads ? please consider suscribing".
It comes with a grey overlay, I click on the (x) to get my page.
Clicking on a link, I get the same message on the new page. Ennoying but faire.
After a time it's very enoying, I disabled my adblocker "Let's see how are the ads..."

The orange part on the top is replaced by an ad. I'm ok with it. It's a friendly ad, no problem.

My main issue is with the big overlay in the bottom of the browser window.
It's just unbarable.
You lost almost 3 cm of visibility on the bottom of the page.
Every time, I click on the (x) to get rid of it.

At the end I get ennoyed either way :
On one side I have to close the warning about ads to get to the content of the page.
On the other one ads within the page are ok but I have to close the overlayed ad on the bottom.

I'm ok with ads as they are but Please, remove the overlayed one on the bottom of the browser window !!
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View attachment 740471

I click the little X and that popup closes ...til I go to another page. This popup greys out the rest of the page so I must click to close it before continuing, and must do this with each page.

As you see, this shot was taken on the main forum page; I had to close the popup, noticed a response to my post so clicked on that, new page opens and there is the popup, close it again and click on the response ...and there is that popup again, close it again to read your response. Having to click to close this on every page is quite the irritant.
Tried disabling your adblocker? Or you can support the site with premium for less than a euro a month. That's like half a cup of coffee to put things into perspective.
When you're watching TV do you dutifully watch all the commercials?, or do you start channel surfing?, or go for a snack?

The only difference here is the TV station doesn't know if you're watching their commercials or not.

Now if I had my way, when you visit a site they would know absolutely nothing beyond they got a hit at that time; they would not know your IP (thus your location), nor what OS or browser you're using, nor whether your using a script blocker, ad blocker, or VPN.

Many people come here for the download library ...perhaps people who have contributed to that library should get consideration?

But I'll not disable the ad-blocker any more than I will sit on the sofa and watch commercials.
This is insane!

You want stuff and you want it for free? NO SUCH THING! Yes there are cheeky work arounds like your ad blockers but the ads is what pays for the platform. Web hosting is not free. Domain names are not free.

This platform with the ads allows people like me to give you free stuff.

I think your cheeky, freeloading cheapskates judging by your comments and complaints that your ad blockers dont work. This is what pays for the platform.

Attack me all you want for telling the truth about the matter.
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I understand Overtake completely but If irritating the users is the solution, I afraid this website will be lesser crowded and eventually the payed members will also stop. Just calculate how many extra payed member you get now by this advertising and how many are leaving. BTW I have noticed if not being login you will not have those red blocking advertising, so is the anonymous reader the solution?
People will find a way to get rid of this, if not with Ublock that seems to help, then another privacy browsers like in my case Opera, is the medicine. Guess Brave and TOR privacy web browser will do have same effect on advertising.

My advice one or two red blocking only direct after each other, to click away advertising is enough.
For the extra cost, lots of paywall modders will gladly pay for publishing here the sellystore/Patreon website in their personal profile banner.

Edit: I’m not talking about those Fanatec and discount advertising, but about that blocking red crap, that you have to click away every time you move on to another subject.
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FWIW, I miss the images in the "Latest News" column; makes the page rather spartan, and difficult to discern the individual items.

I'm glad you kept the dark background option (been so long since I'd tinkered with it had to rummage through the menus to find it).
If you dont like ads or refuse to allow the sites ads on your software, go find another platform to abuse and get so called "free" content.

Oh there isnt any is there? And thats why you are persisting here.

Please dont stop the ads!

if you have a profile picture with a massive sim rig in the background you can afford a few dollars to help support the platform.

As for the size, frequency and placement of ads im sure a happy medium will be achieved in time.

Be patient.
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If you dont like ads or refuse to allow the sites ads on your software

I don't like "being held hostage". A banner or sidebar reminding people donations/memberships are appreciated is fine, blocking the page with a request to disable an ad-blocker (even if it's only another click to remove that) is not.

On a retirement income I do occasionally support some sites ...where I feel it is voluntary, not obligatory. And I reiterate, shouldn't contributing to the download library count for something? (I see people here with dozens, a few even hundreds, of uploads; this certainly attracts more people to the site.)

Two hundred years ago newspapers became popular, and quickly became congested with advertising; then along came magazines, which also quickly became mostly advertising; then radio, and more advertising; and we all know the controversy of TV commercials. The internet was fine for about ten years, then MADison Avenue discovered it and now it is rife with advertising. I am astounded we can make a non-emergency phone call without having to listen to a 60 second promo for something. Will we ever be allowed a medium of mass communication that isn't immediately seen as just another venue for marketing?

As for the ads themselves, they have no effect on me other than to clutter the screen and slow the loading time. When I purchase something, whether a hamburger or a new car, my decision is based on my experience, opinions of others I trust, and my own research ....not on a manufacturer telling me his product is the best. Marketing tells us the purpose is to make you remember the product name, which is true ....but that memory is not always positive (many products I will not purchase simply because I do not want to fund more of their monotonous commercials on TV).

Just the opinions of an old geezer, long past his expiration date.

You dont need an essay to prove a simple point or several simple points.

Its just bla bla bla to me to avoid supporting the platform that you obvious benefit from to some degree or you would not be posting.

Bottom line is Ads provide revenue in order to enable providers to grow and invest in new technologies, services and products.

Btw tv commercials pay the staff who run the tv company not the movies or tv shows, they have to buy those.

Further more if said tv companies produce their own movies and shows how do think they make that money back? Ads is the answer.

Without ads and the revenue they generate we would be still looking at and using inferior services and technology because who wants to invest money into something if it does not produce profit or the ability to grow?

Think about it.
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