Low fps after patch

Today I lauched the game and without any changes to settings or my HW/SW I was surprised of having only 20-32 FPS with spikes to 40-60 .. before last patch (after previous and before that) I was easily reaching 80-120 FPS .. MP4 on Sonoma and Moskow ...other sims are running fine ..
anybody with the same issues ?
I had the same expirience, but then realised, some graphics values are suddenly set higher (shadows, motion blur, track details ...). I simply set everything as it was before the latest patch and FPSs are about the same now.
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Does anyone else have FPS problems at Shanghai? I just bought it a few days ago and get terrible FPS and stuttering at that track. On every other track things are silky smooth, even with a full grid of cars. But at Shanghai it feels like 20fps.
I had the same expirience, but then realised, some graphics values are suddenly set higher (shadows, motion blur, track details ...). I simply set everything as it was before the latest patch and FPSs are about the same now.
Like Matej stated, a few graphics settings were changed after the new patch. Shadows were one of those and shadows can cause havoc on GPUs. Definitely check the shadow settings.

I have everything on high, except shadows, and when the patch was released, shadows were set on high and my FPS dropped 10-20 when I was using in-car view.
Like Matej stated, a few graphics settings were changed after the new patch. Shadows were one of those and shadows can cause havoc on GPUs. Definitely check the shadow settings.

I have everything on high, except shadows, and when the patch was released, shadows were set on high and my FPS dropped 10-20 when I was using in-car view.

What shadow setting do you recommend? I've noticed that I'm having fps drops at multiple tracks now, I never used to have fps problems on any of the tracks in this game even running at near max settings.