Preparing everything to go online racing. Last days i did some online races but when the race started i had much too much lag. I saw I had a low ping (between 20 and 30). I checked my connection (speedtest) and that was oke. 123 Mbit download en 12,20 Mbit upload.
Processor: Intel(R) Core (TM)i5 CPU 750@ 2.67 GHZ
RAM: 4,00GB
I did some Race 07 in the past with this PC and then everything worked fine.
Someone got an idea?
Many thx in advance and hope to see you online!
Preparing everything to go online racing. Last days i did some online races but when the race started i had much too much lag. I saw I had a low ping (between 20 and 30). I checked my connection (speedtest) and that was oke. 123 Mbit download en 12,20 Mbit upload.
Processor: Intel(R) Core (TM)i5 CPU 750@ 2.67 GHZ
RAM: 4,00GB
I did some Race 07 in the past with this PC and then everything worked fine.
Someone got an idea?
Many thx in advance and hope to see you online!