Skins Making windows skinnable

A question that is bothering me for quiet some time is how you can make windows skinnable? I know you can extract windows files yourself in Content Manager, but sometimes when you do that, you just get a black square, where you can't pun on any text.

I have quiet a number of skins that are ready to be released, apart from the fact that I don't have the possibility to add the driver's names to the windows because of the above mentioned problem. I really hope someone can tell me if I can do something about this and when so, how I can solve this problem and put the icing on my skinning cake.
I think that is connected with the model of the car, so most likely you can't do anything. But what you can do? Open car in "Open in showroom" , left click on window you want to add something, than, you see: txDiffuse: (3 dots) , click on this 3 dots, than there is "Calculate AO" and triangle on the right side, click triangle and choose biggest dimension, save it, (best place is: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\cars\yourcar) open photoshop, open that texture and add what you like (remember to work on alpha chanell too) and save texture with the same name (replace it), Thats it, most likely you will see your new texture on your car, if not satisfied with the look, redoit it and also in the preview window click this 3 dots on the right side of the: Material, click on the Change values, Maybe you will need to have: ksDiffuse: 1... Hope that will help.
However, you gave me idea for the new video How to add stickers on the car in Assetto Corsa, so it will be live soon.
Video is live at:
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