MALLALA MISCHIEF aka Abarths @ Mallala - Thursday 12th March 2009

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Andy Marsden

  • Andy Marsden


Class: Abarth 1000TC
Track: Mallala Motorsport Park (Download)
Weather: Dry
Practice: 1900 GMT
Qualification: 1940 GMT
Race: 2000 GMT (2x20 laps)
Note 1: Click here to read the password and golden rules!
Note 2: Abarth skinpack will be used, please download HERE.

Important: Please pay special attention to Racedepartment's 2 Golden Rules:

1.If you hit another driver and disadvantage him, we expect you stop and let the other driver regain his position on you. If this costs you many places (eg first few laps) then consider this a penalty for your driving infringement. Doing this shows respect to your fellow drivers and will encourage drivers to be more careful. Please use some care when letting the other driver regain position, do not immediately stop your car on the driving line where it can cause further accidents.

2.Late sign outs or no-shows prevent others from entering club events. Some series have really hot seats and can be filled with ease for two or three times. If this happens too many times we are forced to terminate your club account immediately. Last sign out possibility is 1 hour prior to the start of the event (practice).

Not following these rules will result in your membership of the racing club being terminated at once!

NOTICE TO ALL DRIVERS - Due to the prevailing weather conditions in the Antipodes, this will now be a NIGHT race.

  1. Andy Marsden
  2. Stuart Thomson
  3. David Cuthill
  4. Dave Stephenson (tentative)
  5. Knut Omdal Tveito
  6. Warren Dawes
  7. Amir Margalit
  8. Péter Bártfai
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
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  19. Driver
  20. Driver
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  25. Driver
  26. Driver
  27. Driver
  28. Driver
  • Andy Marsden

Pah what a pants night that was for me, my worst race night for a long time.

Qualified last for both races, couldn't get a decent setup at all - tried to shift the Brake Bias slightly to the rear to see if I could fling the car through the corners faster....didn't work out the way I thought, would have with a wheel though I think.

Race 1
Started 7th and last and finsihed 6th and last, pretty uneventful race with hardly and battles or sight of anyone else.

Race 2
Started last again and was in amongst the pack down to T3 but tapped Stu from behind causing him to spin. Let him continue and came upon Warren and Dave who had spun and passed them for 5th. Spun myself at the last corner as I let the rear Brake Bias take over me and slipped back to 7th. Broke too hard (and early) before the hairpin after the back straight and collected a rather hard brake marker ending my race.

A poor evening for me which I didn't really enjoy, ah well there's the next race to look forward to :)
Nice event!

Race1: Started 5th (with 1:24.6** I think), finished 5th. Couldn't imagine why I was so slow! (sometimes the guy in front of me was even 2-3 seconds faster...)

Race2: Went for a little study on the car, and found the answer to my question. I changed gears at 6500, while power peak is at 8000 in this car...:) So went out for a lap, it wasn't even perfect and I ran an 1:23... OMG I thought! Then I managed to do a 1:23.1**, which was enough for 2nd position on grid. Start was ok, in turn 2 I needed to cut the corner a bit as David came back to the inside line suddenly where I was. At the hairpin there was a little accident ahead me which put me to 2nd pos, which I lost soon as I forgot about cold brakes and left the track. But soon I was 2nd again, chasing Amir! Got close to him, within 2 secs, but then as my tires were getting worn I spun a bit, wasn't much but my tires gone even worse, and I couldn't keep up with Amir anymore. Then spun in turn 2 some lap and lost that fight totally! There was a huge gap behind me so I came in 2nd safe at the end!

Thx for the race guys, it was fun!:) And now I know when to change gears in this great little car!
Good fun!

Was a the back of the field for the whole race, but had tons of fun. Really fun car to slide around corners ( did you understand my smoke signals, Warren?:)). Didn't notice I got a stop and go in race 1 and was disqualified.

What happened to you Warren. You waited for me to pass after each spin (many of them). Did you have some problems?
What happened to you Warren. You waited for me to pass after each spin (many of them). Did you have some problems?

Nah, no problems Knut, I just thought you might like some company in the dark, and I was enjoying watching you slide around so I could get lost in the smoke.

Not exactly my most enjoyable racing, maybe we need to restrict dark races to tracks where the trackside lighting might help people see better.
  • Andy Marsden

Ahem thats my fault Warren, Stuart asked me if we should run in the evening or night and I jumped at night like a kid on E numbers.
In hindsight an evening race would have been better.
well, it was fun. first race in t1 i hit warren and made him go off track. realy sorry warren. waited for warren to come back on track 'started last and then just did my best behind warren. then stuart who was on 2nd place had a moment and warren caught up to him and i watched the battle between them. at some point warren hit stuart ,let him pass and then i passed warren and in the last lap a very close bettle with stuart who finished very close before me in 2nd place. grats david cuthill for the win :good:
2nd race i decided that this time i wil finaly win it. at the 1st corner david and warren had an accident and peter and i passed them. i lead from this lap on while peter was pushing me hard. thx peter:sinister: . i decided do pace my laps and for the 1st time didn't look behind at all. that paid off and finally i came to the finish line and won my 1st rd event:lalala:
thx for the race and if i may suuggest let's forget night racing
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