Max AI Opponents Bug?


I'm wondering if I'm encountering a bug in terms of how many AI opponents I can add? I've heard that the max number is based on each individual track but the game won't allow me to add more than 25 AI despite selecting different tracks where I know the limit is higher. I was running the Formula Truck championship which was set to 25 AI and now when I want to set up a single race with different cars (I've tried both single class and multi-class set-ups), I'm still limited to 25 AI. Is there a bug where the event set up carries from championship mode/the previous race? I've tried closing and restarting the game with no success either.

Thanks vitorhs. That makes sense.

I was trying to set-up a multi-class race too with Metalmoro AJR, Metalmoro MR18, and Boxer Cup cars and no matter whether I was trying to set quantity of total AI or opponents by individual class, it still limited me to a max of 25.
There may be a bug, I'm not sure.

But in addition to the series, the number of AI is also limited by the track itself (it's an arbitrary number set in the GDB file, but is meant to correspond to the number of pit stalls). So maybe try to set up a multiclass race at a track with more pit stalls?
Thanks vitorhs. That makes sense.

I was trying to set-up a multi-class race too with Metalmoro AJR, Metalmoro MR18, and Boxer Cup cars and no matter whether I was trying to set quantity of total AI or opponents by individual class, it still limited me to a max of 25.
Did you try to do this in all cars and tracks? yes, it's limited to 26 if I'm not mistaken.

But it's easy to fix:

Open your game's main folder and enter the Series folder, there open the Reiza99.srs file with Notepad and look for the line "Max Opponents". Just replace the value with, I don't know, 99 or whatever.
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Thanks both for your feedback. Vitorhs, that's exactly it. I did try with all cars and tracks and that was the solution I needed. Thanks!

I also notice that the AI tends to dive for the pit lane a lap or two from the end of the race. I don't know if it's because they don't put enough fuel for the race or something. Is there a fix for this as well?
You can check and adjust the Ai fuel for the race. It is located in the tracks AIW file.
Go to the game root directory, GameData\Locations, and the folder for the track you are using. Look for the (TrackName).AIW file and open it with Notepad.
Now scroll down, looking for the [Waypoint] section.

The value we need is the lap_length=
The "rule of thumb" is (Lap Length)x16= (FuelUse)
A few lines below lap_length, you will see the line for FuelUse check the number is the same as your calculation and adjust as necessary.
Rounding up to the nearest whole number is acceptable. No need for 10 decimal places :D
Hi Speednut,

Thanks for the info. So using my recent race in Formula Trucks at Goiania as an example, it was a 20 min race and the AI pitted 1-2 laps from the end.


3843.177490 X 16 = 61,490.83984 which doesn't equal to FuelUse above. How should I adjust the values to give the AI enough fuel in this case? I went through a few different tracks' AIW files and it seems like the two values don't match. Is this intentional and therefore, I'd have to adjust for every track?

Hi Speednut,

Thanks for the info. So using my recent race in Formula Trucks at Goiania as an example, it was a 20 min race and the AI pitted 1-2 laps from the end.


3843.177490 X 16 = 61,490.83984 which doesn't equal to FuelUse above. How should I adjust the values to give the AI enough fuel in this case? I went through a few different tracks' AIW files and it seems like the two values don't match. Is this intentional and therefore, I'd have to adjust for every track?

Yes, that is correct. Replace the FuelUse value with your new number (61491).
And yea, you are correct. This is a common problem in tracks. I guess the track building or track converting software automatically inputs this value. And because offline gaming against the Ai is low on the priorities, It never gets changed.

If you enjoy offline racing, then you will need to develop a habit of checking these things. It started with a simple fuel-use adjustment for me too. Nowadays, I spend about 90% of my time adjusting and testing numbers in the files and only racing the other 10%. It is very addictive.

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