Mechanical failure

Hi guys, I need your help

Yesterday i was playing My Summer car, it was friday, i had been waiting for the rally and on Friday i just had to go to the store to pick up some oil, just to make sure it was completely full, and pick up some bottles for Kilju, and when i was stopping in front of the house, after running these errands, even before coming to a complete stop the engine imedeatly died. I thought i had accidently stalled the car, so i proceeded to put it in neutral, and try to restart it, however the engine now turns but it doesn't start. I checked to see if i had enough fuel, if the fuel tank had dropped, i tried to remove and re install the spark plugs, and nothing helped, the distributor is installed as well as the battery. The battery seems to be charged, since the needle in the dasboard gauges moves up when i try to start the car, the same happens with the oil and water pressure gauges. Does anyone has any idea on what may be the problem?
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Okay were you driving fast and shift down in to 3rd or any lower gear that you were in you might have blown a head gasket or piston or were you driving normal speed maybe could be oil or there might be a loose bolt and something very important that might have been loose
A while ago I started a new game and finished building the car, a while after using it, like 1 or 2 tanks of fuels and after instaling the racing rdiator, i decided to push it on the road around the map. After that the car started to smoke from the engine everytime it was working, as soon as i started the engine there was some smoke coming from the engine bay and it only stopped when i turned it off, eventually it stopped working. So I went back and decided to take the engine apart and go to Fleetari's to see what parts appeared on the shelves, after taking everything apart (only left the pistons mounted on the engine block), a block, a gearbox, an oilpan, a distributor and a head gasket appeared on the shelves, does that mean i have al those parts broken or was just because i took them off the engine?