Memory Issues Post Update

Since the last update I am having massive slow down in practice and race session (single player).
The session turns ultra slow. And when I exit R3E My Windows O/S is locked up.
I have to sign out and login again to use Windows 10 desktop.
Never had this issue prior to most current Race Room update.

I run PCARS. PCARS2, ACC, AC and R-Factor 2. They all run at 64bit and I have no issues.
Do I need to modify any files for memory usage? I have not overclocked my system.

PC Specs: RAM 16GB DDR4/ CPU: Intel Core I7-7740X/ GPU: GeForce GTX 1080.
Im not a special expert in mem issues but my guess is that its a coincident that you suddenly get these problems after the upd.
Im running with only 8Gb ram + Win7 and have had no issues pre/post upd.
My completely unqualified guess is that if it is ONLY Raceroom that gives problems then its something with your Raceroom/Steam install that suddenly cause problems.
Try to ask in the official Raceroom forum because there is more chance the Raceroom devs/staff will answer you there.:thumbsup:
I don't know about the unresponsive Win10 issue, but some people have been reporting very poor performance since the patch which has been linked to the new time progression system. It's a bit of a random problem since there are people like me with mid-range rigs that have no issues, yet others like yourself with better rigs that do. You'd think it should be the other way around. Anyway, try turning off time progression and see if it helps.
I did the un-install in Steam. And I ever deleted the folders. Then re-install R3E.
Same Results, It still degrades after a few laps at ANY track. Not sure what else to do.
I may upgrade my disk drives. And will try all low settings. Will also ask the same questions in R3E Forums. Perhaps some of their Dev's have run across this before.
Thank you all again. I will keep checking back here.