GT5 Mini Thursday @ Autumn Ring - 11th October

Stuart Pocock

I'M BACK... Again :)
Event Format
Practice: 19:15 GMT
Qualifying: 19:30 GMT
Race 1: 19:45 GMT
Race 2: 20:00 GMT
Race 3: 20:15 GMT

Track Settings
Circuit - Autumn Ring
Time Progression - 0
Weather Changeability - 0

Event Settings
Game Mode - Normal Race
Laps – 7 Laps
Start Type - Grid Start
Grid Order – Race 1: Fastest First/ Race 2: Reversed Grid/ Race 3: Reversed Grid
Boost - No
Penalty - No
Race Finish Delay - 60sec
Automatic Race Start Cycle - Disabled
Visible Damage - On
Mechanical Damage - Light
Slipstream Strength - Low
Tyre/Fuel Depletion - On
Grip Reduction - Real

Regulation Settings
Performance Points- 397
Tyre Restrictions – Sports Soft
Vehicle Tuning - Prohibited
Skid Recovery Force - Off
Driving Line - Off
Traction Control - Off
Active Steering - Off
ABS - Off - 1
ASM - Off
Transmission - MT/AT

- Do not leave the track once Qualifying has started.
- The Qualifying Session will be 15 Minutes long. Come to the pits once the chequered flag is out.
- Between Practice and Qualifying, I will "reset" the track.
- Drivers are allowed to swap tyres during Qualifying, however this must be done in a pitstop.
- If you make a pitstop, you are allowed to change tyres and add fuel.
- I will be on Teamspeak before, during and after the event. It is easier for me to pass information on Teamspeak rather than the PS3.

Remember to send me a friend request on PSN. My PSN is Stu99man

You need to be a licensed member to take part in the event.

To sign up, post a comment below in the
correct format:

I understand the rules and regulations:

Entry List
1- Stuart Pocock- Stu999man

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