Also, as in the CSP implementation there should be an option for a unique reflection image per eye so we can see the mirror as a mirror and not a flat display.
Only if they make it optional. The first time I experienced this “feature” in iRacing I was looking for a way to turn it off. When in VR I don’t want anything messing with my vision except for me. That includes the panning cameras over the track after a race. Really messes with my head.
Fully agree. It's really the biggest immersion breaking part(besides the terrible deferred rendering of course) of ACC. The "fixed" mirrors. It would be terrible if this is also the case with AC2.
Second mirror request is to see the player model and your own car(interior and exterior), as in AC CSP. This is really a must have feature too for AC2.
I noticed in AMS2 this weekend while experiencing the Cadillac DPi that this feature was actually implemented. But very discretely. Maybe it's also in the other cars, but I never noticed until now. Nicely done and very informative. So, my opinion has changed a bit. If done correctly, I would love this functionality in AC2.
Also, as in the CSP implementation there should be an option for a unique reflection image per eye so we can see the mirror as a mirror and not a flat display.