Mobile Driving/Flying Cockpit with Motion and Tactile ( Build )

I ran the G2 with OpenXR in iRacing and with (FFR)Fixed Foveated Rendering set to performance I could get a pretty stable near 90fps driving on a track alone. It's "pretty" smooth, but not quite there. The 2080Ti isn't making this work well enough to race with.

BTW iRacing makes this very easy you can select in options at the top right of the main window whether you want to use SteamVR or OpenXR, or the screen and a couple other options.
I tried FFR in quality mode and it immediately dropped my frames to low 70's. Granted I have the AA filter maxed out, sharpening on and a number of other things that I could turn down. I could probably tweak it to work well enough to race with.

Here is what is bothering me. There is a VERY small area in the middle of lens that is clear. If you look just a bit to the side it gets very blurry fast. I get none of that with the Index.

In the RC flight sim I was always looking directly at my heli in the sky so it wasn't an issue. In the car as long as I'm looking straight ahead it looks clear. Just don't try to glance at something without moving your head towards it.

1. I think I could get used to the FOV, but it is noticeably smaller.
2. I didn't have any tracking issues with the G2 on my D-Box at least on a track. It seems locked in. I still need to try Rally and I haven't driven for any great lengths of time yet.
3. I don't like the loss of clarity just off the center of the lens.
4. I can't position the headphones as well because of how they are mounted. They still sound ok, but they would be better if I could get them in just a bit closer. They don't have the pivot ball the Index has.

It is lighter and comfortable, but right now it just feels a bit off like I can't quite dial in the ergonomics just right.

I'm pretty curious now what I can get my Index to look like with the Fixed Foveated Rendering in Quality mode and a higher frame rate.

FYI, I did fix my 8' tall problem. The WMR setup shows a picture setting it up holding the headset in front of you when setting up the chaperone. You really need it on your head for that. Now the height is appropriate.

I'm still not completely sold on the G2. However It's very possible that I'll keep it for DCS and my RC Heli simulator if nothing else. Of course there is no way in hell I'll be able to try it out in DCS without a new GPU.
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I agree that for flight games you maybe less bothered by the small sweetspot and the enormous drop in clarity beyond it.

There 3 things that killed the G2 for me
- standing on the grid and looking at the cars left or right in front of you
- Seeing the cars in front of you going through a corner
- passing other cars on track which results in the other car moving in and out the sweetspot.

Since i don't play any flight games, it was a no go for me.

On the convenience side of things, aren't you missing that very handy button Index that brings you right into the steam vr menu?
Something interesting that I might try are prescription lenses. I've had two people tell me that they got Reloptix inserts for their G2's and the optics dramatically improved the in focus area.

They are under $100 and also have anti glare and blue block to be less fatiguing.

Since I'm in OpenXR, it's CTRL F2 to being up the menu.

But obviously I do agree that the Index is just a very well designed and executed headset. I've been praising my Index for quite a while now.
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This is my well loved and abused Index tether cable after 3.5 years. The pinched section at the top is from the rear clamp on the headset, but it's getting grindy now giving me sparkles on my displays as well as intermittent headset disconnections. The bottom section is cut into the cable.

The Index cable is softer and flows easier than the HP cable.

Something interesting that I might try are prescription lenses. I've had two people tell me that they got Reloptix inserts for their G2's and the optics dramatically improved the in focus area.

They are under $100 and also have anti glare and blue block to be less fatiguing.

Since I'm in OpenXR, it's CTRL F2 to being up the menu.

But obviously I do agree that the Index is just a very well designed and executed headset. I've been praising my Index for quite a while now.
Prescription lenses for the G2 were a game changer for me as I would not be able to drive without and using contacts for my daily gaming sessions was too much of a hassle. I tried slim glasses for a day or two, but quickly abandoned that due to the discomfort.

The only downside for some would be that you probably cannot use custom facemasks that increase the FOV slightly with those lenses.
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This is my well loved and abused Index tether cable after 3.5 years. The pinched section at the top is from the rear clamp on the headset, but it's getting grindy now giving me sparkles on my displays as well as intermittent headset disconnections. The bottom section is cut into the cable.

The Index cable is softer and flows easier than the HP cable.

View attachment 614697
My Index cable did the same with sparkles earlier this year. I contacted Valve and they sent a replacement FOC. They seemed familiar with the issue, I've also had mine since the early days - got it August 2019. BTW - surprised you didn't get prescription lenses for the Index - they were a game changer for me.
I've never had an issue with contacts in VR. I also normally wear contacts and would consider it an inconvenience to have to take my contacts out to use VR.

I can understand how it would be much more convenient and improve the quality of VR compared to wearing glasses inside your headset. The comfort as well as not worrying about crushing your frames would be enough. Optically, I can't imagine how it would even be possible to get perfect alignment of your glasses over the headset lenses. So I can perfectly understand the inserts being a game changer.

For someone who normally wears contacts, I have my doubts as to how much of a difference it could make.

I did come across this put thinner gaskets on.
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I've never had an issue with contacts in VR. I also normally wear contacts and would consider it an inconvenience to have to take my contacts out to use VR.

I can understand how it would be much more convenient and improve the quality of VR compared to wearing glasses inside your headset. The comfort as well as not worrying about crushing your frames would be enough. Optically, I can't imagine how it would even be possible to get perfect alignment of your glasses over the headset lenses. So I can perfectly understand the inserts being a game changer.

For someone who normally wears contacts, I have my doubts as to how much of a difference it could make.

I did come across this put thinner gaskets on.
No issues if you are wearing contacts every day. I am wearing glasses, only using contacts for sport or the like occasionally.
I've never had an issue with contacts in VR. I also normally wear contacts and would consider it an inconvenience to have to take my contacts out to use VR.

I can understand how it would be much more convenient and improve the quality of VR compared to wearing glasses inside your headset. The comfort as well as not worrying about crushing your frames would be enough. Optically, I can't imagine how it would even be possible to get perfect alignment of your glasses over the headset lenses. So I can perfectly understand the inserts being a game changer.

For someone who normally wears contacts, I have my doubts as to how much of a difference it could make.

I did come across this put thinner gaskets on.
Apologies, I interpreted your earlier message as you said you were considering getting prescription lenses for the G2. Surely the same inconvenience exists whether you use inserts in the Index or the G2. Why have I missed?
The inserts are for the improved sweet spot, not for actual eye conditions. The Index has a much more balanced sweet spot across the lens, but, I think that it's exaggerated in the G2 simply because the image is SO sharp in comparison. There's no way I could return to the Index after trying an HP headset. I am still an owner of the earlier G1 model and I will die on the hill that says its lenses are MUCH better than the G2 lenses. There is NO blur outside of dead center on that headset and is the reason why I still own it and have sold 2 G2 units since trying it at launch.
Apologies, I interpreted your earlier message as you said you were considering getting prescription lenses for the G2. Surely the same inconvenience exists whether you use inserts in the Index or the G2. Why have I missed?

I prefer to wear contacts in VR. It would actually be more inconvenient to use prescription headset lenses.

The ONLY reason I was considering this was to help compensate for a shortcoming of the G2 and I had someone suggest that getting inserts would increase the size of the in focus area of the G2.

With the Index the view in headset is edge to edge clear and sharp. With the G2 as HoiHman mentioned there is a very small in focus area in the center of the displays and it get blurry very quickly off center. So if a car moves from the center of your view to the side and you watch it, it become blurred just off center.

Looks like Anton beat me to the punch. Sad to hear that the lenses seem to have gone backwards in quality. I wonder if it was a cost production thing or a moiré thing or something else.

Like I said, I may keep them if only for DCS, however I still may sell them. So far I'm definitely not in love with them. Between the small FOV and the very small area where things are in focus it really takes away from immersion unless you are always looking off into the distance straight ahead.

My new Index tether will be here today, but the USB dongles for the Index controllers were delayed a day. So I'll try to see if the OpenXR Fixed Foveated Rendering on Quality mode will give me something worthwhile. I did like it when I was able to use that Nvidia feature before they removed the ability to "hack" the settings to turn it on for iRacing.
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This is my well loved and abused Index tether cable after 3.5 years. The pinched section at the top is from the rear clamp on the headset, but it's getting grindy now giving me sparkles on my displays as well as intermittent headset disconnections. The bottom section is cut into the cable.

The Index cable is softer and flows easier than the HP cable.

View attachment 614697

My Index tether is still i reasonable shape even though it has been under the feet of the SFX100 rig more than one time by accident.
Got my new tether installed, plugged the Index back in and it came up perfectly without sparkles and it looks very good. Can I see a difference in resolution, sure, but the Index feels airy by comparison without the tunnel vision. I immediately jumped in game with the Index controllers and it felt very good again. No wonkiness.
I am still an owner of the earlier G1 model
There is NO blur outside of dead center on that headset
I resemble these G1 comments, although lacking comparable G2 experience.
Early G1s were famously liable to e.g. cable damage and mura (fixed pattern noise)
that was substantially eliminated in G1's final version,
and despite the same resolution is evidently less abusive of GPUs than is G2,
presumably because G2 employs (requires) more digital image corrections.
I'm waiting for a headset with substantially larger FoV and similar clarity
(perhaps Pimax 12K?), but have no issue with G1 sweet spot.
FWIW, I have substantial professional digital image quality experience,
and one lesson learned early on was that artifacts, once identified, are hard to ignore. Consequently, for my own enjoyment, I avoid looking for artifacts in my equipment.

Also FWIW, key to happy track driving is being relaxed, but alert, to avoid tunnel vision.
Sadly, Reverb-enforced tunnel vision makes staying relaxed a challenge
that I hope will be mitigated by Pimax's increased FoV.
After going back and forth between the G2 and Index a little bit, I can't imagine driving in the G2 long term. I find it's actually unnerving after a while. For reference I reacted very negatively to the progressive lenses I tried because I HATED having to tilt my head and look directly at things for something to be in focus and sharp. I like to look around me with my eyes and not my head all the time. The G2 does NOT want you to do that.

I don't feel as vehemently about the G2 as I did the progressive lenses, and I do think there are applications for it that might make it worth keeping, but just for RC Heli simulation and DCS. Otherwise they would drive me crazy and I'm already almost there now so no point pushing things ;)

I'm going to be working on a project on my house for a while. It will not take up all of my time, but I'll likely be too sore and tired to want to play video games.

If I get my hands on a 4090, I'm sure I'll have a few things to say about that but otherwise I may be a little quiet for a while.
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However I am going to try this to see how much wider the in focus area feels and if it is just enough less tunnel to be livable.

Thats interesting, it's another example how we all do things differently.

On another discord someone was saying that esports drivers like their DD wheels to be very lively showing lots of details where I thought they would want the opposite, I thought they would want enough information to react to what they need but didnt need a lot of false cues. I.e., its immersive to get some levels of detail you dont need but at the same time you have to ignore it for driving, you may feel the car is becoming unstable when in fact it isnt and you shouldnt react to it.

I thought of that because I am the opposite on my thought of the G2 for flying, racing. I find for racing I am naturally moving my head toward the apex's, etc and only glancing for things like a bit of black box information - which I would want clearer for a quick glance at information. So for the act of racing, moving my head is not so much of a problem for me. For flying though, thats where I often glance at instruments and dont want to move my head to directly look at them.

We both have the same problem that cheap lenses give you but it was interesting that i find it more an issue for flight than racing and you are the other way around :)
One thing I do find with the G2, I use an aftermarket gasket like the one you just posted, is that for my face, the best position doesnt feel the best on my face. So it took me quite some time to realise that the best place for visuals was not where I had it.

I found that it made a lot of difference to tilt the headset forward on your face so that you are looking directly perpendicular to the lenses. For at least me, what felt comfortable wearing it was not right. I now feel more pressure on my cheek bones to get it 100% right.
One thing I do find with the G2, I use an aftermarket gasket like the one you just posted, is that for my face, the best position doesnt feel the best on my face. So it took me quite some time to realise that the best place for visuals was not where I had it.

I found that it made a lot of difference to tilt the headset forward on your face so that you are looking directly perpendicular to the lenses. For at least me, what felt comfortable wearing it was not right. I now feel more pressure on my cheek bones to get it 100% right.
The good news is that I can easily pull this STL file into Fusion 360 and adjust it to fit my face if there are any issue.

I just started the 6 hour print for the insert.

I'm not going to say the fat lady has sung until I exhaust my options.
Эти маленькие микродвижения с движением звучат наиболее тревожно. Я привык к надежному отслеживанию гарнитуры. Итак, вы говорите, что с вашей системой SFX-100 у гарнитуры были проблемы с поддержанием надежной блокировки? Я предполагаю, что в ралли это хуже, чем на трассе, и, вероятно, меньше проблем в полете.

Я очень доволен своим Index вот уже 3,5 года, но он показывает признаки износа. Я только что заказал новый трос для него. Мой трос начинает выглядеть грубым от использования. На него наступили, потерлись, искривились, и за последние пару недель в режиме комнатного масштаба моя гарнитура несколько раз резко отключалась и снова подключалась, а дисплеи показывали много искр. Это варьируется от чего-то, что вы замечаете только в темных местах, до очень плохого. Надеюсь, новый трос снова сделает его лучшим.

Что касается следующей гарнитуры Index. Я предполагаю, что это будет что-то вроде Pimax Crystal, который на бумаге должен работать по беспроводной сети или привязываться и работать как наизнанку, так и с использованием отслеживания базовой станции. Время покажет. Но я думаю, что Index со 140 FOV, 35ppd, лучшим цветом, более темным черным и отсутствием суеты, использующей встроенную поддержку SteamVR, была бы хорошей следующей гарнитурой для энтузиастов. Время покажет.

Я заказал жгут проводов 12VHPWR Cable Mod для своего блока питания Corsair 1200 Вт, чтобы, надеюсь, устранить проблему с адаптерами NVidia.

У HP есть склад в моем штате, и мой G2 прибудет завтра. Мой 2080Ti не сможет очень хорошо продвигать G2, но я могу начать настройку OpenXR и узнать, как это работает, а затем дождаться графического процессора, который на самом деле может довольно хорошо его продвигать.
Good afternoon!
Could you please share the link - where did you order this mod? Do you buy just the cable or do you also buy the angle solution? what changes the connection?
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