[MOD] MMG F1 2007

Its a nice mod but not as nice as CTDP in my view,
The models are fantastic, Sounds well if they fix the downshift problem and the volume on passing cars it would sound great, Physics are also OK.

Trackpack, Well less said about the illegal pack the better :)

These might be fun ran with a little TC.
Nice graphics indeed , handling is not bad with TC set low BUT !!!the sound is real bad.
In MP the other cars are 2 times louder then your own car
The car in front sounds like he is behind me ??
They suppost to release the mod in november 07, what did they fix until now ?? Not the sound :)

EDIT !!!

Right the AI sounds.... I made this change to my PLR file and it seems to help. Player Volume Ratio="1.16000" // Additional volume multiplier for player's vehicle Other Volume Ratio="0.05000" // Additional volume multiplier for other vehicles
save file and your done.
Gareth Hickling said:
There is a hotfix avaliable to fix the sound problem by MatiKIng,

Find it at rFcentral linked in the first post.

I thought the same ,but that fix is just for the weird sound when you shift back.
Still no fix for the loud A1 players :mad:
Here is the readme form the Hotfix.
MMG 07 Public v1.0 - Sound hotfix (29.02.07) by MatiKIng
Please keep this comment.

Fixed annyoing internal sounds while breaking from high speed.
Extract files into your rFactor folder and overwrite an original ones.
All MMG 07 Mod sounds are fully made by MMG Antonio. This hotfix do not introduce any new sounds into the mod.
  • Alex Guehennec

looks like a nice mod here
there is a complete version or must we download add files (like sounds you were speaking) ?
If you have the FBMW mod installed there is a simple solution to fix the sound problem for now.
Just copy and paste the .SFX file form the FBMW folder to the F1MMG folder.
This will overwrite the MMG sounds and the enginesound is almost the same but no more loud other car sounds.
It works perfect for me :)

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