Mod pack Brasil 2 update 1.1 - PIRELLI TIRES & PITSTOP SIM. 2012

You might want to simply paste the mediafire links in here since the redirect bollocks doesn't work properly in Firefox. Plus there's lots of porn / movie download advertising on the site. Please keep in mind that the general rules state that:

RaceDepartment is a community for all age groups, hence we will not allow offensive pictures, movies, sexually explicit material, or any other content deemed to be outside the bounds reasonable taste.

Just saying. :)
Thank's again vlasovas, and good luck for you and your personal problems.wish you all the best. :thumbsup:

Greetings from Germany to Brasil !!!
Hey there again, vlasovas. Is there any way I could take out the tyres from the mod and just use them? Im using all your mod pack brasil, but my brother wants only the tyres, would it be possible? Im talking about the tyres degradation and all the effects you modified, just to clarify... Thanks :)

PD: Which mod-cam are you using in the video of the first post? Thanks again ;) Obrigado
You might want to simply paste the mediafire links in here since the redirect bollocks doesn't work properly in Firefox. Plus there's lots of porn / movie download advertising on the site. Please keep in mind that the general rules state that:

RaceDepartment is a community for all age groups, hence we will not allow offensive pictures, movies, sexually explicit material, or any other content deemed to be outside the bounds reasonable taste.

Just saying. :)
here in my horrible connection, it worked in firefox, but I prefer to use the chrome, only used to verify this
I not found pornography on four links, just stuff on the internet at work, yes, have women , but very well dressed in the photos, and related to work on the internet.
anyway I asked the creators if there are banners of pornography, or anything else that might offend someone.
in most, if not anything like that, I prefer to leave it as is, so it helps me to possibly buy the original F1 2012 , since I can not buy games with the salary I get, the clicks will help me a bit. but if they say something is porn and stuff, I remove the links ;)
Hey there again, vlasovas. Is there any way I could take out the tyres from the mod and just use them? Im using all your mod pack brasil, but my brother wants only the tyres, would it be possible? Im talking about the tyres degradation and all the effects you modified, just to clarify... Thanks :)

PD: Which mod-cam are you using in the video of the first post? Thanks again ;) Obrigado
yes, the previous page, I explained how to do, look at the questions, but if you want only the textures you must use my render materials, and use the PSSG editor to add them

was not me who made ​​the video, ask kadosh54, it has a message on previous page also
yes, the previous page, I explained how to do, look at the questions, but if you want only the textures you must use my render materials, and use the PSSG editor to add them

was not me who made ​​the video, ask kadosh54, it has a message on previous page also
Oh got it, yesterday I readed all the messages but on your post seems that they increase pretty fast ;) Thanks vlasovas ^^
here in my horrible connection, it worked in firefox, but I prefer to use the chrome, only used to verify this
I not found pornography on four links, just stuff on the internet at work, yes, have women , but very well dressed in the photos, and related to work on the internet.
anyway I asked the creators if there are banners of pornography, or anything else that might offend someone.
in most, if not anything like that, I prefer to leave it as is, so it helps me to possibly buy the original F1 2012 , since I can not buy games with the salary I get, the clicks will help me a bit. but if they say something is porn and stuff, I remove the links ;)

Might depend on the location - I won't remove the links, don't get me wrong, just saying that it sometimes pops up. :)
Might depend on the location - I won't remove the links, don't get me wrong, just saying that it sometimes pops up. :)
I understood, I think in my translation from google that was not good, I said that if they report that there is pornography, or I see things like, oh I take the links, I also do not like pornography :D
sorry for that, but i've asked you at your other thread (ver.1.0), if i used your AI should i start a new career ?
sorry I not have seen in another topic, I think not, but much depends on the database that you have been using, the database of V1tek is compatible, in any case do back up your save, and your database before installing, is more guaranteed ;)
you just download the mod, extract and go to "MOD PACK BRASIL 2 UPDATE 1\MISC\PIRELLI" that you find the two options without installing tires are 2012, not 2011 unless you do not care in using the wrong season
Ok, so in the "Pirelli" folder there are two other folders: "Q2" and "Normal" - what's the difference between them?
Ok, so in the "Pirelli" folder there are two other folders: "Q2" and "Normal" - what's the difference between them?
I guess the Q2 is the modded one and the Normal is a backup of the default one?

I used the Q2 once since that's what I though :p

PD: They look really good! Thanks again vlasovas, perfect and amazing work :D
First of all sorry for my bad english!
Just another question about the downloadable database files: there are moderated and aggressive pitstop simulation but what's the difference between them? Or not the pitstop aggressive or moderated but the AI? :D
Ok, so in the "Pirelli" folder there are two other folders: "Q2" and "Normal" - what's the difference between them?
I guess the Q2 is the modded one and the Normal is a backup of the default one?

I used the Q2 once since that's what I though :p

PD: They look really good! Thanks again vlasovas, perfect and amazing work :D
normal version = tires without the markings R & L or any other Q2 or whatever

Q2 version = has markings "Q2" off the side of the tire, like the R & L but I opted for something else, because the game manages in a way that would put strange markings "R" or "L"

First of all sorry for my bad english!
Just another question about the downloadable database files: there are moderated and aggressive pitstop simulation but what's the difference between them? Or not the pitstop aggressive or moderated but the AI? :D
agressive = disputes, accidents, errors and crashes that occurred in version 1.0 only changed the performance to the Ferrari and RBR getting any better.

Moderate = AI more efficient and played with far fewer errors and accidents
nao to conseguindo abrir os arquivos pelo Mult Game Mod Manager ,da erro,como faço?
you put the two files together in the same folder and extracted it from the first file?

you first create a profile in Mult Mod Game Manager with the "F1 2011"

look at these videos of the mod base, and you'll be able to install, this update will not only be part of the serial, the video that teaches how to use the mult game mod manager is in Portuguese, but is the only video I found, look closely that you can

normal version = tires without the markings R & L or any other Q2 or whatever

Q2 version = has markings "Q2" off the side of the tire, like the R & L but I opted for something else, because the game manages in a way that would put strange markings "R" or "L"

agressive = disputes, accidents, errors and crashes that occurred in version 1.0 only changed the performance to the Ferrari and RBR getting any better.

Moderate = AI more efficient and played with far fewer errors and accidents

Ok. Thanks! :thumbsup:

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