Mod query

Can I just check whether a mod I want to upload will cause any problems for RD. Think I might be over-thinking things but I'd rather ask than just assume.

It's a driver model for AC, Kunos include a fbx of the driver in the game folder and driver modding has been talked about without objection on the official forums so I can't see any problem with modding it but as I'm a Blender user and Blender is a bit 'eccentric' with fbx files I had to use a hacky method to get a useable fbx that would work in Blender.

I used Content Manager to extract a fbx from the driver kn5 file, which solved a problem I've been trying to figure out for months but the thought crossed my mind that if I did that with a car and uploaded it it'd be rightly deleted as a rip. Obviously, I'm not doing that with a car, I'm just using the method to get a driver file that's already accessible and freely available to people who use Maya or Max. I've tried to check with Kunos but I guess they're only focused on ACC now because I haven't had an answer to a forum post or a DM.

So, after that long-winded ramble on a minor point of ethics :D, could you let me know if I'm ok to upload the mod or not.