Modded car makes grinding noises at a standstill

Hi, hopefully this isn't faq, I tried searching and couldn't find anything.

I made my first modded car by combining the physics from the kunos MkI Escort with the kn5 files from the Alfa GTA.

The car mostly works great... looks and sounds like the alfa but handles like the Escort.

However, I get grinding noises anytime I pull onto a shoulder (in the LA mod track for example). It will grind and rattle sort of unpredictably while I'm sitting there idling with no input. Wheels straight ahead, neutral, although that doesn't seem to matter.

I've just been assuming it's ground clearance, but I don't see why the KS GTA doesn't do it. I also dont understand what triggers it at a full stop.

I used the collider.kn5 from the alfa, and also the colliders.ini to set the ground collider. I used the suspension, tires, aero, setup, etc from the Escort.
Well, starting this thread was the best way. You described what you did and what happens, so that's a good start. The more detail you can provide from your own troubleshooting, the more likely is somebody can help. Maybe you can upload a video to show what happens exactly and how it sounds. If somebody offers their help you can of course always send them the car or a link to it privately, you just can't upload/link Kunos stuff here publicly.

Is there a posting faq I'm missing?
If by that you mean what can and cannot be posted/uploaded, that's in the board rules.
Ok just tried this. Unfortunately I can't get the game to load with this new version of the car in my content folder... it just crashes.

What does the suspension interact with, the collider? I used the Escort suspension file, but the GTA collider (so it would match the body). Do I need to be using the Escort collider instead?
Don't think the suspension affects the collider, it could be the ride height is being set to a negative value or the ground collider is way off, could be a lot of things.

It's generally much easier just to edit a cars existing physics rather than swap one cars for another: if you want more power edit the power.lut or for more or less grip swap the tyres with Content Manager. If you make one change and get a problem then you know it has to be due to that change rather than all kinds of things when you completely change the physics files.