Modding personality traits

So I'm trying to make personality traits into something a little more realistic. Mainly by cutting out a lot of the pointless comedy things and tweaking length and impacts of the ones left behind.

Currently having CTD when creating new game with my modded list and not sure where to go from here. Deleting everything other than the first line in the personality traits.txt and putting that into the resources.assets file works as intended (it simply removes all traits from the game.) But doing the same by cutting all text from lines of traits I'm removing from the file gives the CTD. I tried leaving them blank, leaving just the trait number with commas remaining but same outcome. I compared my modded file to Red's modded file from his mod and there's no differences in the lines when comparing, so I guess it's not possible to just delete selected lines. Also some entries in length have x/x/xxxx rather than xweeks-xweeks, any idea what they suggest?

I'm pretty noob when it comes to this stuff so any help would be appreciated.
I looked up in personality traits file but there where no x/x/xxxx under length variable. Just ,x, or ,x-x,.

"Well nobody told me <i>not</i> to juggle the brake discs."
"24/7, baby! My life is the best!"
"It's just nice to have <i>confirmation</i> that I'm the best." (3 same line for different tier championships)

Found only the upper lines that contains ' / ' sign.
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x/x/xxxx rather than xweeks-xweeks, any idea what they suggest?

This is excel being stupid and covering things like '2-12' as '2nd of December'. It's an autocovert thing. You can get around that by setting excel to format it as text.

But doing the same by cutting all text from lines of traits I'm removing from the file gives to he CTD. I tried leaving them blank, leaving just the trait number with commas remaining but same outcome

Beware that some of the lines require things to be in "text strings", speechmarks and all. .csv to .txt conversion likes to mess this up, so be aware of columns which include any "
Thanks for the help guys.

Ok so the issue now is what there needs to be to prevent a CTD when removing traits. If simply deleting the full line of a trait doesn't work then what needs to be in place, how should the file look if you were to want to stop a trait being active in-game? If I were to leave the traits I didn't want but remove all buff/debuff values it would still be seen in game and probably give drivers these useless traits and taking the space of potential useful ones? Or maybe just make them 0 length or something.
The idea sounds great.
Be careful traits are used by other files. These files call the traits with PSG numbers. If you remove traits, you'll probably get PSG string missing message or even a crash when it calls for a missing traits.
So you must either keep the PSG structure, but then you'll get strange things happening when the game goes for a wanted effect and gets the totally different one you modded, either change the PSG numbers called in the other files and that's a hell of a job.
I think it's a long task anyway so good luck with it. :thumbsup:
The idea sounds great.
Be careful traits are used by other files. These files call the traits with PSG numbers. If you remove traits, you'll probably get PSG string missing message or even a crash when it calls for a missing traits.
So you must either keep the PSG structure, but then you'll get strange things happening when the game goes for a wanted effect and gets the totally different one you modded, either change the PSG numbers called in the other files and that's a hell of a job.
I think it's a long task anyway so good luck with it. :thumbsup:

Are PSG numbers not just "graphic" files that the asset is calling to display a graphic?

In this case at least, there are two PSGXXXX sets of ID's per trait. I assume one is for the "Title" of the trait and the other is for the "description" - as both these elements of the game are actually graphics, and not texts. I was led to believe this because I've tried modifying the description and titles in this trait file (as within the asset both of these are in text form too), however the game fails to recognize any changes I make. I assume that if one wished to change the title/description they'd have to actually change the image/texture/sprite which is called the corresponding PSGXXXXX.

So I don't believe that other files are calling traits by their PSG numbers, but rather they get called (mostly by the Drivers.txt) by the generic column 1 ID.
I'm not certain, but I think that all the PSG_XXXX numbers are from a database that references a specific grid on a specific graphic. However I can't find it anywhere in the assets or assemblies.
For example the "teams" text has a couple of PSG referenced and I'm pretty sure one of them pulls the team logo from a defined area on the "Logos1@1080" graphic. It's different for each team so that would make sense.
There are a couple of newer traits at the bottom and when they appear in-game you get the "String in Database not yet translated" message. I'm guessing they were playing around with these on one of the patches, they added it to the traits but didn't complete the link in the database.
like I said, I can't find the graphic file or the database so it's just speculation, there are a lot of file types in the assets that we can't look at though.
Thanks again for the input guys. I tried the making requirement Age <16 suggestion for unwanted traits and still no luck. Not sure what else I can try that will stop it CTD. Maybe better to wait for the workshop if that ever gets here and hope it makes trait editing possible.
No, the PSG number either call for a specific text data, either is a specific text data that is called. It's always text.
Graphics are sorted and given a number starting from 0 to whatever the last is.
No, the PSG number either call for a specific text data, either is a specific text data that is called. It's always text.
Graphics are sorted and given a number starting from 0 to whatever the last is.

Odd way to store text data. Any idea where it's being stored and if it is editable?

You're right, dilemmas will try and put a Promised trait on a worker., but surely that's again done by ID. Surely it would pull the Text string only within the Mail, (and that would still be there so no issues there ), and then apply it to the driver by the ID (which may or may not be there depending on the state of his mods - which may or may not crash).
Well take nationalities for instance. All the countries are listed with their translations and a PSG is given to each one of them.
Then on the shared file (If I remember well) track are listed and given a nationality by using the correct PSG.
Those PSG can either lead to somewhere, either define a text data to be found elsewhere.
That's why on some line you'll find 2 PSG.
One is the corresponding number called in other files and the other leads to another text description somewhere else.
Quite complicated to explain but it's pretty easy actually.
Well take nationalities for instance. All the countries are listed with their translations and a PSG is given to each one of them.
Then on the shared file (If I remember well) track are listed and given a nationality by using the correct PSG.
Those PSG can either lead to somewhere, either define a text data to be found elsewhere.
That's why on some line you'll find 2 PSG.
One is the corresponding number called in other files and the other leads to another text description somewhere else.
Quite complicated to explain but it's pretty easy actually.
Can we find the files and edit them?
Man, I don't know if traits are broken or I'm just incredibly unlucky. I went back to Red's modded trait file and started a new game and after the 2nd race both my drivers had the house fire happen within 2 days of each other. RIP morale. According to the file that trait has a 5% of happening. The game before that I had 3 dodgy necks happen in 2 years and that's a 2% chance.:thumbsdown:
Man, I don't know if traits are broken or I'm just incredibly unlucky. I went back to Red's modded trait file and started a new game and after the 2nd race both my drivers had the house fire happen within 2 days of each other. RIP morale. According to the file that trait has a 5% of happening. The game before that I had 3 dodgy necks happen in 2 years and that's a 2% chance.:thumbsdown:

You can always use the Vanilla version of personality traits. Their negative effects and duration's are lower.
You can always use the Vanilla version of personality traits. Their negative effects and duration's are lower.
But you'll have to restart a career to see the changes though.
Can we find the files and edit them?
Yes you can edit everything since everything is accessible in the resources.assets file.
I don't know the Assembly-CSharp file so no idea if there are any PSG calling in them.
You can always use the Vanilla version of personality traits. Their negative effects and duration's are lower.
Yeah, I know. I think traits just make it unplayable for me with all the stupid ones, teammate relationships/modelling/joined a cult stuff. I could play with no traits at all but then there's a bunch of important ones you need like race win moral + marketability boosts and such. I just want to play the game and enjoy it. If I wanted all this RNG I'd play Hearthstone. :roflmao:

I think there's some stuff getting messed up in conversion between modding in excel and making the txt file again. Like some descriptions have "" at the start and end, some don't have any at all, some have """. In red's modded file descriptions have """"" at the end. Even if I make my file look exactly the same it CTD. Probably missing something really simple but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Yeah, I know. I think traits just make it unplayable for me with all the stupid ones, teammate relationships/modelling/joined a cult stuff. I could play with no traits at all but then there's a bunch of important ones you need like race win moral + marketability boosts and such. I just want to play the game and enjoy it. If I wanted all this RNG I'd play Hearthstone. :roflmao:

I think there's some stuff getting messed up in conversion between modding in excel and making the txt file again. Like some descriptions have "" at the start and end, some don't have any at all, some have """. In red's modded file descriptions have """"" at the end. Even if I make my file look exactly the same it CTD. Probably missing something really simple but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

For me it's easier to change the .txt files. At least don't have to check later if are all the punctuation's right or not.

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