F1 2018 modify the decal of the Ferrari 2018

F1 2018 The Game (Codemasters)
Hi. I'm trying to modify the decal of the Ferrari 2018 and when I put it in the game I see the white car, do you know why it can be ?.
I explain what I do: first I take the car F1 2018 / asset _groups / f1_2018_vehicle_package / teams / Ferrari once I have it on the desktop I open it with the Ego ERP Archiver 6.1.2017.1025 / file / open I look for it in the Ferrari desktop / wep / Ferrari.erp / Textures / Export All I open the folder Ferrari of the desk I open Ferrari_erp_textures / f1_2018_vehicle_package / teams / ferrari / textures and I open with the photosop cs6 the file ferrari_decal_da.tif I modify the decals that I want for example where it puts Ray Ban I put Marlboro I give to keep as I save it in Intel texture Works (DDS DDS) and the file I enter with the Ego in its corresponding place I give save and I go to the game and my surprise is that the car looks white.
Someone knows what I do wrong