Monaco 1979 Aiw and Talent files?

It was a pleasant surprise to see that around fifteen people had downloaded my Monaco 1967 AIW file after uploading it. This motivated me to revisit a race I had worked on before and give it a new perspective. Before I begin, I invite anyone with complaints or suggestions regarding the track or AI behavior to leave a comment. I will do my best to implement these suggestions if possible.

The track I will be using is Monaco 1979 included in the GPC79 track pack 2.0 available here on Race Department.

The cars will be the GP1979 by Grand Prix Classic - updated edition 1.0, also available here on Race Department.

I have made some initial observations of the track and have identified areas that require further work and testing.
Monaco 79.jpg

Driving the 1979 cars can be quite challenging, and the AI tends to bump into me or attempt overtaking in risky parts of the track. To address this issue, I plan to adjust the talent files by reducing their aggression and increasing their composure. However, I'll need to test different values to determine the optimal settings. It's crucial to strike a balance between making the AI less aggressive without making them too passive. In addition, there are some settings that can be included in the AIW file. These include lowering the Slowwhenpushed parameter, fine-tuning the aggressiveness of the AI brakes, and adjusting the range of the AI to avoid a situation where a fast AI pulls too far ahead. Furthermore, I will modify the darkness of the racing groove since certain areas of the original track appear somewhat unremarkable.

Please don't hesitate to provide feedback, even if it's criticism or humor.
Great, looks like I'll be working through this tutorial on my own. No worries, I'll keep writing as I go.

To edit the AIW file, we'll need a few software tools. You can do it manually, or use any software that can graph coordinates like Excel or Photoshop. Alternatively, you could even print the file and draw the track on graph paper to make adjustments.
Personally, I find it easier to use a few tools created by past modders rather than going crazy with manual adjustments.
Starting with AIW path editing can be a bit tricky at first. The biggest hurdle is understanding how the waypoint system works. But once you've got that down, you can easily make changes to the file manually. It might seem like magic at first, but with a little practice, you'll be a pro in no time!

The tools we need to get started are

Notepad++ A text editor that has a lot of extra functionality.

GrooveEd 1.10 An application by R Soul which adjusts the racing groove.

AIW Cam Editor 4.05 An application by Guitarman that adjusts the Ai path
A bit of background before we get started

It's worth noting that all ISI games, including F1 Challenge, GT Legends, GTR, GTR2, Rfactor, and Automobilista, utilize the waypoint system for the AI to navigate around the track. Once you've mastered the system in one game, you'll be able to apply it to the others. However, it's important to keep in mind that certain commands listed in the AIW file may not work in all games, and each game may react differently to certain situations. For example, in GT Legends, the AI may swerve erratically while deciding whether to overtake, whereas, in Automobilista, they may drive side by side around the track.

It's crucial to recognize that although we refer to it as AI, it doesn't necessarily possess intelligence. AI is merely programmed to operate within specific parameters that we establish. We have control over the amount of grip and space allotted to the AI, which impacts their decision-making. Unfortunately, the AI in these games underperforms, so we must make the most of it and try to simulate an enjoyable racing experience.
This is absolutely outstanding! What a great initiative. Looking forward to reading the rest! :thumbsup:

I'm out of town away from my gaming PC until tomorrow, and then busy with work for the rest of the week, so I can't try out the car/track combo or provide any feedback on the AIW itself. But I'll be watching this thread intently over time in the hopes of learning more. :)
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Let's begin by understanding the meaning of the numbers in the AIW file and their correlation with the track. To do this, we can open the AIW file with a text editor and scroll down to the [Waypoint] section, where the actual Ai path is defined.

In this section, we will set specific parameters for the Ai, which we will discuss in more detail later. For now, let's focus on learning how the Ai follows "waypoints" to navigate the track. To find the first waypoint, continue scrolling until you see "wp_pos" followed by a set of three numbers, which represent the x, y, and z coordinates of the waypoint.
AIW text.jpg

As you continue reading, you'll come across numerous intricate commands, including a second wp_pos, which represents our second waypoint. Each of these waypoints has several values we can specify, but for now, we'll only focus on three crucial ones:

wp_pos (which refers to the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the waypoint).
wp_path (which denotes the distance between the Ai path and the waypoint).
wp_width (which indicates the distance between the track boundary and the waypoint).

The [Waypoint] section contains a comprehensive list of waypoints (wp_pos) and their corresponding parameters. By taking a selection of these waypoints and overlaying them onto a specific section of the track, a pattern may become apparent.

AIW example.jpg

AIW wpwidth.jpg
I could go on and on about the other values in the Aiw file, and I will try to give you a comprehensive list of their functions. The Vector and Speed aspects are particularly practical. However, let's dive into some editing now before I put you to sleep.
Once you start making adjustments to the Ai line and track boundary, you'll see how it affects the Ai. This will make things clearer for you.

First download the AIW CAM Editor by guitarman 4.05 here

Next, consider where you would like to store the AIW files that you are currently working on. It's important to note that the Guitarman editor doesn't automatically create backups for you, so you may end up with multiple versions of your AIW files as you make adjustments and test them out.
Personally, I recommend keeping the AIW files in a folder alongside the Guitarman editor. This way, you'll easily locate all of your files in one central location.

Now start the application by starting rF_AIW_CAM_405.exe

It should look something like this

Main Window.png

Next, we need to open an AIW file so we can start pushing buttons and see how it all works.

At the top right look for the File button, click it and then click "load AIW (+CAM) File"
Screenshot (75).png

To find your AIW file, simply double-click on the text and navigate to the file location. Although it may appear antiquated, it is a standard Windows directory. Once you have found the file, double-click to open it.
Screenshot (80).png

This will now bring up the loading window, which will list some of the basic information about your AIW File. Click the X to continue.
Screenshot (82).png

Now we should see an outline of our track with the AI path.
Screenshot (84).png

Ok let's start with the Navigation Keys
Use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to move the map.

Use the Plus and Minus keys on your number pad to zoom in and out.
Ok, zoom in on a section of the track, preferably a corner, until you can clearly see the waypoints. I am going for the first corner on the track.
Screenshot (86).png

Click on one of the waypoints with your mouse, and a small cross should appear.
Screenshot (90).png

Use your keyboard's X and C keys to move the cross from one waypoint to the next.
Screenshot (90).png

Now press the S key on your keyboard to enter Spline mode. A second cross will appear with a yellow dotted line on the Green Ai path running between the two crosses.
The second cross may be off the screen. Use the arrow and +,- keys to recenter so you can see the two crosses.
Screenshot (92).png

The spline mode in the Guitarman editor is a powerful tool. It enables us to visually modify the Ai path to our preference, and when we're satisfied, the software automatically adjusts all the necessary numbers in the AIW file to produce a smooth curve for the Ai to follow.

The process of adjusting the curve is quite familiar as it employs some traditional techniques from software such as Photoshop or Autocad. However, let's go over it together.
Screenshot (92) copy.jpg

To modify the curve of our Ai path, we can adjust the Handles which will alter the shape of the yellow line. Afterward, the software will automatically generate a new curve to correspond with the changes made.

It is best to start pushing buttons and see how it works.

Use your keyboard's Page Up and Down keys to change the handle for the first waypoint.

Screenshot (94).png

We now have four points we can move to change our Ai path until it is to our liking.

First waypoint - use the X and C keys to move our selection.

First waypoint Handle - Change the curve by using the Page Up and Down keys.

Second Waypoint - Hold Shift and use X and C keys to change the selected Waypoint.

Second Waypoint Handle - Hold Shift and use Page Up and Page Down keys to change the curve.

When we have finished adjusting our curve through the corner, Press the Create Curve button to Draw our new line.
Screenshot (96).png
Once you understand how to adjust the AIW path, you'll want to make some changes to the track boundary.

It may be challenging for users to locate two buttons within the AIW editor, which can cause confusion.
Screenshot (99).png

The labels on these buttons, wp_width and wp_dwidth, are misleading. In reality, they serve the purpose of helping users navigate through various track boundary lines for editing.
When editing the track boundaries, the highlighted red box around the input field or number indicates the area being edited. The wp_width button acts as the forward button, while the wp_dwidth button is the back button and will cycle through the different lines.

The different lines you can edit in this manner are Track Left, Track Right, Far Left, Far Right, Collision Left, Collision Right, Cut Left, and Cut Right.

Please ensure that you have switched to Spline mode by checking for the yellow dotted line on the AIW path between two selected waypoints. Next, click on the wp_width option to highlight the Track Left input field with a red outline.
Screenshot (101).png

Please note that the yellow dotted line on the track outline has now shifted to the left boundary line of the track.
Screenshot (102).png

To modify the boundary line, follow the same steps as changing the AIW path. Once you're done, click on the "Create Curve" button. To switch to the other side of the track, simply click the "wp_path" button again to select "Track right."
With the fundamental tools in place for editing the AIW path and Track left - Track right lines, we can now proceed to make significant alterations to the Ai behavior. These three lines are sufficient for about 90% of our editing requirements. Our next step is to examine the way in which the Ai navigates around Monaco and refine it to enhance the racing experience. If editing is still challenging for you, don't worry as I will guide you through the process.
Was enjoying this series of posts and learning from them! Hope you can get back to this series some time in the future, when you next have time to write more posts on this topic. :)
attempt overtaking in risky parts of the track

Which means anywhere on this track, lol.

The editor is quite useful, except I have the impression its creator just threw it out with a "here it is, learn to use it" attitude; it really needs a concise manual. What little I have learned has been from reading every thread I could find, and a lot of trial and error (mostly the latter). What I cannot decipher at all is - what controls the speed of the AI at any particular point? I've about decided this is computed "on the fly" from some arcane computation involving each cars' physics and the track design, and thus is not directly controlled by the AI files.
Which means anywhere on this track, lol.

The editor is quite useful, except I have the impression its creator just threw it out with a "here it is, learn to use it" attitude; it really needs a concise manual. What little I have learned has been from reading every thread I could find, and a lot of trial and error (mostly the latter). What I cannot decipher at all is - what controls the speed of the AI at any particular point? I've about decided this is computed "on the fly" from some arcane computation involving each cars' physics and the track design, and thus is not directly controlled by the AI files.
In order for the cars to be realistic, it is necessary for it to be this way. There is an override in the AIW that can force the speed, but it does not produce good results. Through experimentation, I discovered that it is better to narrow down the track boundary in the AIW file. This causes the AI to detect a lack of space and drive slower. This is also related to the aggression of the AI in the Talent file, in a somewhat complicated manner.
In simplest terms, the AI will move at maximum speed as long as it has enough space and grip to stay within the designated boundaries.

It would be much easier if someone could decrypt the game code and provide us with a list of exactly what the AI is using to calculate speed. Unfortunately, that is not an option, so people like us will have to continue trying to brute force the behavior by making changes and observing the AI's actions.

I have noticed that someone has developed a useful AMS2 application that includes sliders in a user-friendly interface to modify XML file parameters. It has occurred to me that we could also create such a tool to enhance our experimentation process.
The tool would need to adjust parameters in various text files, allowing us to easily select the car class we are experimenting with. Imagine adjusting tire grip and AItorquestab using sliders to promptly observe their effects in a whole class at once.

Lately, I've been delving into Python programming. Though it feels like learning an entirely alien language, I'm slowly realizing it's not an insurmountable challenge. In my free time, I'm dedicated to mastering this skill and even have a fantasy of creating an Ai adjustment tool and a random weather file app.
What I cannot decipher at all is - what controls the speed of the AI at any particular point? I've about decided this is computed "on the fly" from some arcane computation involving each cars' physics and the track design, and thus is not directly controlled by the AI files.
This still isn't entirely clear to me either. The "wp_cheat" at each waypoint can act as a multiplier to tweak the speeds through a specific waypoint in the AIW... except it doesn't work in AMS, and I'm unsure if it has an impact in SimBin sims (tweaking and testing required).

I also recently uncovered the "AIAimSpeedsPerWP" parameter in rFactor HDV files. Example values are (30.0, 50.0, 70.0, 90.0, 110.0, 135.0, 170.0, 210.0) and these numbers are the speeds at which to "look ahead" X waypoints (spaced roughly 5 meters apart). Gives some sense of how the AI is interacting with the waypoint system to determine their inputs.

It has occurred to me that we could also create such a tool to enhance our experimentation process.
The tool would need to adjust parameters in various text files, allowing us to easily select the car class we are experimenting with. Imagine adjusting tire grip and AItorquestab using sliders to promptly observe their effects in a whole class at once.
This is a great idea! Although it may be more work than it is worth in terms of results... hard to know beforehand.

If you wanted to dig further into changing parameters in-game, you could also use a tool like Cheat Engine to identify hidden parameters (not in text files) used by the game's EXE (such as values stored in memory not directly accessible in a text file) and then could alter them by coding up an isiMotor plugin... as I understand it, this is not dissimilar to how the GTR 2 Crew Chief plugin works. To be clear – NOT as a mechanism to cheat (yuck!) but as a way to make tweaking easier, to fix bugs, or to add features. I would never have thought of it myself, but Niels Heusinkveld and others were discussing the possibilities of doing this in the AMS Unofficial Discord a little while ago.
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Well, if my supposition is correct and speeds are set by car physics and track parameters, I can work with that. AIW tweaking then becomes merely creating the best racing line for the cars you're running; a GT car would take a different line than an F1 car, a modern series would use a different line than their equivalents fifty years ago.

I don't consider any of this "cheating", you're actually improving the AI. Cheating is tweaking N2k3 so the AI need one more pitstop than you.

An ideal front end program would allow swapping the AI entries in the .plr file, and the AIW files in the tracks, based on the series selected; thus all AI parameters would be automatically optimized. (Though I already feel i spend more time tweaking than driving.)
Hello everyone !

Sorry, this post escaped my sight and I could have even expressed myself in it when I made the suggestion I made about the importance of having an AIW library rather than posting this in isolation in June... well...

Guys, the work is fantastic here with instructions and illustrations that certainly make the work of everyone who is interested in the subject much easier! Congratulations to all, of course, especially to Speednut357 for the initiative, but also to those who are participating, JGF and MJQT, with questions, posts, tips and suggestions, because also through these conversations the tutorial gains even more quality! One thing is very certain: feedback is very important for those who present something or even have some doubt or suggestion and I see a huge precariousness of this feedback in the RD (sometimes just one like is not enough to know if what we are offering is good or not... Not that they don't have their importance, but the word always welcomes!)... I have observed several forums, from the beginning, 2007, to the present day, and many questions thrown in posts have been in a vacuum without answers... Today, I watch you three, Speednut, JGF, MJQT, plus Blackskull101 and still a few others, interested in helping, in participating in something to improve users' games and that's commendable! So much so that when I suggested creating a link so that there would be an exclusive space to talk, launch tutorials and even store everything related to AIW, Speednut and MJQT presented themselves showing support for the idea, but the thing did not go ahead, as there were no more expressions of interest in the idea... Well, I even tried opening a post about it offering an AIW of a specific clue that had been released on the PitLane site and surprisingly there was considerable demand for that AIW with 28 downloads made, which I consider to be quite reasonable; but I didn't get any feedback as to the work... Whether it was useful, if it wasn't, I don't know...

Anyway, I even want to again thank MJQT for posting the guitarman editor 4.22 on RD; in fact, I signed up for RD exclusively to download this program that simply saved(!) dozens of tracks that were impractical due to lousy programming (for F1 only?) on AIW... the list is big: Adelaide, Austin, AutoramaRacePark, Algarve, AMSRenault, Baku, Bilbao, Botniaring, Calafat, Corridorium, Denver, Deunacity, Easten Creek, Emilia, Fullonese, Gotzenburg, Grand Valley, HeroShinoi, Highlands, Johor, LeMans, Mallala, Mar del Plata, MidOhio, Moorolbark, New Jersey, Northern, OranPark, Pinamar, Potrero, Porto, PrixArgentina, Sochi, SlotPark, Tempelhof, TownsVille, TroyTon, ValenciaStreet, Wiesbaden, Yas Marina, Yokohama, Zandvoort, Zwickau and etc. Those are the ones I noted, but there are others... I mean, these tracks have been greatly improved or even saved, as I've edited from serious problems, such as cars decelerating on the straight, to minor problems such as cars cornering too slowly when they could be faster (and in my edits they are!) That is, I recovered many more clues than the game itself offers... It's like I got a new game! And that's the importance that a well-done AIW can offer us! So I can only really thank the initiatives of people like you, Speednut and MJQT, offer us, as well as JGF for participating a lot in several posts because it is always offering some question or solution pertinent to the game, thank you very much! Oh yes, and I edited without the big new information I now see around here... That is, the tendency is to further improve my edits!!

Well, and the importance of feedback cannot be ignored: the subject grows and the quality of material goes along! One of the questions well raised by JGF is how much of an AIW being built to suit an F1 car is different from an AIW built for any other mod... I actually can't condemn any of the AIW that I recovered because I just don't know if the author of that AIW that to me is bad did it for a mod other than an F1, which is the mod I use exclusively... that is, many of the AIW I recovered was so that the AIs did not enter the rmbl too much (in Brazil we call zebras...), because the F1 cars are low and many AI rolled over and it was impractical to play like this... so my proposal as to having an exclusive space to post and download AIW, would be more or less working on this issue: we could have a link to download AIW from Interlagos, for example, to the various versions that the internet offers and also to the various mods that exist and that, I believe, the AIW should be worked exclusively for each mod ... Well... I know this takes a lot of work and it's a very complicated action... I only say that this would be the ideal and, apart from the ideal, let us then turn our attention to the growth of this tutorial and that each one can learn to manipulate the editor to meet their individual needs; I, in turn, am learning more and more from this amazing work and looking forward to the future video!

Greetings to all!
Two good ideas that have come from your comments that would be simple to implement. Adjustments to the PLR file, and swapping out the AIW file to one that suits the intended racing class. I guess a start game button would also be nice and some way to save the changes for future races as well as a reset..
Swapping files around is easy to implement, changing a parameter in many files with a range of values is beyond me for now.
Two good ideas that have come from your comments that would be simple to implement. Adjustments to the PLR file, and swapping out the AIW file to one that suits the intended racing class. I guess a start game button would also be nice and some way to save the changes for future races as well as a reset..
Swapping files around is easy to implement, changing a parameter in many files with a range of values is beyond me for now.
So... This is exactly the importance that the feedbacks end up having, through my feedback, that without the slightest pretense of generating the great ideas that you had, ended up generating these great ideas of yours! And if today you don't see yourself with the ability to accomplish them, through your feedback on top of my comment, it may be that someone with that ability can start working on it because he may have the ability, but he didn't have his idea that is now exposed! And even when you say you don't have that ability today, the idea is in your head... it may be that you yourself will develop this capacity in the near future; That's big, isn't it?!

I really miss more participation in the communities that surround these brilliant games and that still have a lot to be developed: the work of this has no end, its development is constantly changing; After all, we are working with artificial intelligence, so fashionable today, but which is present in the daily lives of those who have been playing these simulation games for years; In fact, we have always come ahead of the time of those who have never researched the game!

Congratulations, for the ideas, I think they are genius and even though I inspired them, the credits are all yours; I hope, soon, to have a plugin that manages this new way to generate the mod with more quality and more capacity!

Note: Oh yes, still about artificial intelligence, some time ago, I talked to the AI of ChatGPT about Rf!! :roflmao: She knows a few things about the game and it was a very nice conversation we had, as much as I know the game more deeply than she does, of course, you can talk about some technical things that she knows well; she's pretty smart, yes!! ;)
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I have noticed that someone has developed a useful AMS2 application that includes sliders in a user-friendly interface to modify XML file parameters. It has occurred to me that we could also create such a tool to enhance our experimentation process.
The tool would need to adjust parameters in various text files
Here are some existing tools that served a similar purpose for rFactor 1 back in the day. I am unsure if analogous software existed for SimBin titles.

rFactor Mod Launcher - by Roger D Lee - v2.0

rFCC - rFactor Control Center - by Orko and Micha - v1.22

rFactor Tweaker - by DestroY - v3.11

Since rFactor Central is broken, you most likely can't download them, but perhaps you'd be interested in reading the text descriptions... if not trying to find an alternate download location.
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Here are some existing tools that served a similar purpose for rFactor 1 back in the day. I am unsure if analogous software existed for SimBin titles.

rFactor Mod Launcher - by Roger D Lee - v2.0

rFCC - rFactor Control Center - by Orko and Micha - v1.22

rFactor Tweaker - by DestroY - v3.11

Since rFactor Central is broken, you most likely can't download them, but perhaps you'd be interested in reading the text descriptions... if not trying to find an alternate download location.
Yeah I was thinking about apps like these. I seem to remember one that would remove all tracks and cars and only copy the ones you selected to avoid confusion with the files. That's not what I want but the process is similar to the logic I am thinking. Because I'm very beginner at this, copying and moving files seems like a better approach.

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