Yes. But you're likely only going to have 60 fps after turning down settings.
Personally, if want triples that badly, save your money until you can get three matching monitors and the video card that will drive them well. Piece-mealing a system will lead to dissatisfaction with triples.
Otherwise, if ya gotta buy a new monitor NOW to satisfy an itch, get a good large one and stay single screen. You can always sell it off later when you can afford the rest of the triple monitor setup.
LOL... I started my adventures with 1080p triples 4 years ago using a 970. Works fine with rF1, but underpowered for anything more modern unless you're turning off shadows and use no AA (possibly a slight exaggeration, but you get the idea and its not far from the truth). You can certainly drive around with one car at 60 fps, but who really wants to limit themselves in that way?
My current card is a GTX 1080. I'd have been happier if I'd sprung for a 1080ti. My 1080p triples are being refreshed at 75 Hz and I've got settings turned down a bit, primarily in AA, to keep from dropping under 75 fps. On some track/car combos, I'll be at 60fps for the first lap or two, while the cars are bunched up.