Monitor help

I've eventually got round setting up a monitor stand and racing seat new monitor will be coming this week. I'm not sure how it will work as I will have 2 monitors connected
(hopefully) one for when I'm on my pc and one for when I'm in the racing seat how do you swap between monitors?

I personally use "unified remote". It's an app you install on the phone/tablet and on the PC.
Mouse, keyboard and if you buy the pro version or the "monitor remote" you can easily swap between the configurations just like from within windows.
Or you just go through the menu with the "phone mouse" (difficult if you can't see your other monitor).
Or you use win-key+p to switch through the configs :)

Here's how unified remote looks like:
I'm ready to purchase I was looking at a 27inch 1080 asus gaming monitor from scan but now I've read that 1080 isnt great on the 27inch so would I be better getting a 24inch gaming monitor. My system has FX6300 and a 1050ti card

thanks for any advice
but now I've read that 1080 isnt great on the 27inch so would I be better getting a 24inch gaming monitor.
27 inch is as small as you want to use for realistic FOV and, even then, you'll likely be bumping up the FOV to be more than realistic.
The ilyama got freesync. If you have a amd graphics card this will be an awesome addition. It also got 75 hz! If you have a nvidia graphics card you can now try and experiment with gsync on freesync monitors but it might not work.
Either way I'd prefer the ilyama over the Asus.
Regarding TVs: there are Tests and tables nowadays to check the input lag etc. Normally TVs have a significant lag that you really don't want for gaming!
Some brands got gaming modes to reduce it like Samsung and Sony. I have no clue about the latest 120hz TVs etc but I know a 200 pound sharp TV will probably not have a gaming mode and therefore a huge input lag.
Maybe but though - you should research!
Monitors have a tiny input lag. Some have a bit more but nothing to spend thoughts on!

Additionally: TVs mostly have a clearer semi glossy surface coating. Resulting in a clearer image quality but if you got a lamp or the sun or whatever reflecting on it, you'll be a lot more bothered by this compared to the muddier coatings of standard monitors.
I personally searched for a clearer coating monitor specially. All lamps are behind my monitor of in angles I can't see their reflection and the clarity is awesome.
My TV on the other hand... Always have to shut off one of my lamps when entering a darker area in a game or watching some darker content.