More buses have arrived



  • lalalalalala

Even More buses have arrived

22 buses now [ame][/ame]

Thru the Monaco Tunnel: [ame][/ame]

More Buses have arrived: [ame][/ame]

Original tester:

+youtube is still processing the video at the moment.
As probably one of the biggest fans of the old Trucks scene we used to have here (HONKER For Life!) i will look forward to these for a blast,but they do look a bit on the slow side?,any chances of giving them a bit more mumbo ? :).
Can we also create add-ons? To use the bus-backpack-upgrade lol:

  • lalalalalala

These buses were purely for fun as their models are extremely basic and poor. However I am pretty proud that all 6 tires turn properly. That was the hardest part. (It never worked in F1C... for me at least)

If you guys would kindly point me to some helpful guide on making windows, reflections, and steering wheel (right now they do not have any... my computer sux, so I am running off DX7 mode), I could try to improve the models first. Their cockpit at the moment are simply a box with a cutout as the window.

As for them being slow, I am trying to make them realistic. If you ever drive them in the game, you will see them understeer tremendously with a lot of weight. That's because in real life you can't go do a sharp turn with a bus at 60km/h so the same should apply in game.
  • lalalalalala

Now can anyone tell me how to do reflections? It used to be a file called emap in F1C, but now i think it is not that anymore.

Also how to make windows? I tried with alpha channel, but i just couldn't do it properly.

Until I can get these 2 things to work, I won't release this overly simplistic mod.

Thanks in advance.

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