I think with using data and possibly machine learning the penalty system could be made quite a bit better than current ones on different sims, especially when it comes to contact between cars. From telemetry data on average racing lines, braking points and speeds you could for example detect a divebomb and penalize the correct person for the crash: the driver braked way later than would be required to succesfully negotiate the corner and thus the resulting crash can be blamed on them. I'm sure a lot of other things could be detected in the same way using data.
Another level would be to train a machine learning model to determine who was at fault in contact situations. This could also be continually improved to be more accurate based on the data that is produced. As far as I understand, this would be similar in principle to what for example Tesla does with their self-driving AI model. Of course I understand that Kunos does not have the resources to be anywhere near the same level but something way smaller in scale and complexity could be really great for sim racing.
Also using the the techniques outlined above, the penalty system could differentiate situations in terms of seriousness: a small mistake resulting in contact would be punished less severely whereas an egregious divebomb where a driver just does not brake into a corner could be punished with a ban lasting for a month for example.
Another level would be to train a machine learning model to determine who was at fault in contact situations. This could also be continually improved to be more accurate based on the data that is produced. As far as I understand, this would be similar in principle to what for example Tesla does with their self-driving AI model. Of course I understand that Kunos does not have the resources to be anywhere near the same level but something way smaller in scale and complexity could be really great for sim racing.
Also using the the techniques outlined above, the penalty system could differentiate situations in terms of seriousness: a small mistake resulting in contact would be punished less severely whereas an egregious divebomb where a driver just does not brake into a corner could be punished with a ban lasting for a month for example.